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1、2022年-2023年建筑工程管理行业文档 齐鲁斌创作Autonomous Dispersed Control to Energy Storage Facilities for the Enhancement of System Stability1Autonomous Dispersed Control toEnergy Storage Facilities forthe Enhancement of System Stability利用複數儲能設備以強健電力系統穩定度之自律分散型控制Chung-Neng Huang黃崇能國立台北科技大學車輛工程系AbstractIn recent year

2、s, owing too highly meshed network and the increasing interest in wholesale wheeling alternatives open to third-party generations, the problem of system instability grows into a serious matter. This paper proposes an autonomous dispersed control conception of multiple energy storage facilities (ESFs

3、) to alleviate the short-term disturbance for stability enhancement. In the proposal, each individual ESF is only subjected to a simple rule to determine the charge/discharge actions. Here, the area control error (ACE) is taken into account the control in a multi-machine system. Additionally, the au

4、tomatic generation control (AGC) as speed governor is also considered. Consequently, the control results are consistent with reality. Since the scenario is particular interesting to the case in the loop networks, the WSCC three-machine nine-bus system is taken as a study example to confirm the appro

5、priateness of the proposal. Keywords:System Stability, Autonomous Dispersed Control, and Energy Storage Facility.2臺北科技大學學報第三十七之一期摘要由於電力產業的開放競爭及輸電網路之高度密集化的結果,造成近年來系統穩定性問題日驅嚴重。為有效解除此一問題,故本文提出一儲能設備群之自律分散控制法來消除系統因不平衡所產生之干擾以增強系統穩定。在此控制規則下,各個分佈在系統中的儲能設備僅須依其區域性資訊亦即檢測連接線路潮流的大小來決定充放電的動作即可。此外,自動發電控制如調速機等控制功能亦

6、納入在多機系統的控制過程中以維持控制結果的客觀性。因為在開放性的輸電環境中將更能彰顯出此控制概念的效果,故本文將透過WSCC之3機9匯流排的輸電系統來驗證其有效性。關鍵詞:電力系統穩定度、自律分散型控制、儲能設備投稿受理時間: 92 年 10 月 15 日 審查通過時間: 93 年 1 月 2 日239I. IntroductionFor the reasons of system restructuring and open transmission access, the regional power transfers vary over a wide range. Consequent

7、ly, there are more and more power transactions are dealt via the transmission system. However, the capacity of system security is constrained by physical limits and reliability requirements 1-2. Nonetheless, many concerning utilities of electric power devote multitude of effort and capital to enhanc

8、e power system in a sufficient robust for surviving a cascading disturbance in a heavy demand, the interconnected network still suffer from widespread and lengthy blackouts 3-5.As well known as above lesson, the impacts of a power disturbance occurring in anywhere of the system, not only causes inte

9、rnal frequency of the system in perturbation but also possibly influence neighboring systems to be instable via tie lines 6. In order to alleviate such a propagating disturbance from one system to another, this paper presents a possible solution to this problem by introducing an autonomous dispersed

10、 control conception on multiple ESFs to alleviate the short-term disturbance for the enhancement of system stability 7-8. However, a large number of system data and heavy computations are always needed for carrying out the above proposals. Moreover, such the patterns of central control are lack of f

11、lexibility for the extension from the local areas to interconnected system.Autonomous Dispersed Control to Energy Storage Facilities for the Enhancement of System Stability3System iSiSjXijPDSystem jSystem kXikXjkSkPijPjkPkiSi, Sj ,Sk : Energy Storage FacilityPD : Injection Power DisturbanceFig. 1. I

12、magination of ESF Control SystemIn this paper, the imagination of proposed conception is shown in Fig.1. Each tie line which connects with two systems is installed an ESF in its both terminals. The function of each ESF can be considered as a power buffer to absorb the flow deviation of the tie line

13、as ACE resulting from a disturbance in a system. By the proposed control, ACE of each system can be subsided to be minimum and stabilize system oscillation. Furthermore, since the proposed control is only based on the local information of an area, it is possible to extend the control scale to an int

14、erconnected system. In order to perform the particular interesting of proposed conception to the case in the loop networks, the WSCC three-machine nine-bus system is taken as a study example to confirm the appropriateness and effectiveness of the control.II. Proposed Control SchemeThose roles such a

15、s ACE, tie-line bias control (TBC), and speed governors as well as AGC which play in the proposed control are described as following:2.1 AGC Control 9For supplementary control of interconnected system, at the fist observing the performance of speed control only. Since the internal generation of a po

16、wer system is responsible to match its internal load requirements, the control function is considered to be independent from adjacent systems. An interesting observation on power and speed correlation of a speed governor so far as known as the feature of droop R which makes the system self regulate to some extent. The


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