高中英语 名词名师导学导练精析精解 北师大版

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1、名 词 高考考点导向 对名词的考查侧重以下几点: 1.名词的可数与不可数。鉴别一个名词是否可数,不要用汉语的习惯思维,要依据英美人的语言习惯进行判断。 2.名词作主语时与谓语动词人称与数的一致。主谓一致及名词的数仍会是一个热点。 3.特殊名词单复数的不同含义。例如:good意思为“好处,利益”,而goods意思为“货物”。 4.抽象名词的具体化。例如:failure作抽象名词时,意思为“失败”,指具体的人或事时,是可数名词。 5.在平时的学习中,多注意一些近义词的区别。 高考考题解析 考题1(典型例题) As a result of destroying the forests, a larg

2、e _of desert _covered the landA. number; has B. quantity; has C. number; have D. quantity; have 解析英语里有几种表示“许多”“大量”的词组,有的其后只能跟不可数名词,如。 great deal of;有的后跟可数名词的复数,如scores of;有的后跟可数名词的单数,如many a;还有的既可跟可数名词的复数又可跟不可数名词,如a lot of,plenty of。因此在使用时要有所选择。 本题中“a large number of”所表示的“许多”其后应该跟可数名词的复数形式,而 desert是

3、一个不可数名词,因此要排除A、C两个选项。而“a large quantity of”则是一个既可跟可数名词复数又可跟不可数名词的词组,因此答案应在B、D两项中选。由于a large quantity of desert是不可数名词作主语,又因为quantity为单数,因此谓语动词要用单数。 答案B 考题2(典型例题春招,28)The manager has got a good business _so the company is doing well. A. idea B. sense C. thought D. thinking 解析sense:意识;idea:观点;thought:想

4、法;thinking:思考。此句中business sense表示“很有生意头脑”。 答案B 考题3(典型例题春招,29)Im sorry I stepped outside for a smoke, I was very tired.There is no _ for this while you are on duty. A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation 解析excuse:借口;reason: (逻辑上的)理由;cause(直接的)起因;explanation:解释。本题表达“对不起,我刚才出去抽了一支烟,我太累了。“值班时外出是没有借

5、口的。”表示不可原谅。 答案B 考题4(典型例题,50) 解析本句题意为“全球不断变暖的后果之一是自然灾害的增加。”根据题意,选择increase“增长”。 答案D 考题5(典型例题,46) I dont think its my _that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all, said the boy. A. error B. mistake C. fault D. duty解析fault:过失、过错,含有对此负责,应受谴责之意;mistake:由于粗心等的无意过错;error:违反某标准而致错;duty:义务。Its(not)on

6、es fault是常用句型。答案C考题6(典型例题,52)Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their , some people drink alcohol. A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressures 解析lose ones pressure表示减轻压力;pressure压力;temper脾气;mood心情; consciousness意识。 答案D考题7(典型例题春季) I have read the material several times but it doesnt make

7、 any to me. A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. significance解析make sense有意义,固定短语。 答案C高考仿真训练 1. What !Where did you get them? A. big fish B. a big fish C. a piece of big fish D. big a fish 2. You should do more Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your . A. exercise; exercises B. exercises; exerci

8、se C. exercises; exercises D. exercise; exercise 3. It wont make much whether you agree or not. A. trouble B. difference C. troubles D. differences 4. Though I spoke to him many times, he never took any of what I said. A. notice B. remark C. observation D. attention 5. When they arrived at the cross

9、roads, they went the wrong . A. path B. way C. street D. direction 6. Why is Jack always playing? He has no of time. A. sense B. idea C. effect D. feeling 7. In order to learn the of the family business, Bill took a job as a messenger boy in one of the offices. A. ins and outs B. dos and donts C. he

10、ads and tails D. Ts and Fs 8. Do you know we are talking about? Come and Ill tell you. A. which Mark Twins B. which novel of Mark Twin C. which novel of Mark Twins D. Mark Twins which novel 9. The toy is made of . A. glass B. glasses C. a glass D. the glass 10. Its a teachers to make children learn. A. matter B. affair C. business D. event


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