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1、最新外研版英语八年级下册阅读理解试题及答案In many cities, you can call 911 on your phone to get help in an emergency. Its easy to remember that number, but its only for emergencies. In San Francisco, you can call 553-0123 if its not an emergency. Sometimes you need a police officer, but its not an emergency. Dont call 9

2、11. Sometimes something happens, but you dont need a police officer. If you have a car accident, for example, and no one is hurt and the damage to the cars is small, you dont need to tell the police. Dont call 911.This is how the San Francisco 911 operator answers the phone: San Francisco 911. What

3、is the exact location of your emergency? 911 can send police officers or firefighters to help you. They have to know the place of the emergency. They also might ask, What is the nature of your emergency? That means they want to know whats happening or whats wrong. If you call 911 with an emergency,

4、tell them where you are and what happened.1. You should call 911 every time you need a police officer. 2. In San Francisco, you should call 553-4567 if you want a police officer when its not an emergency.3. When you call 911, the first thing they ask is Whats your name?4. If you call 911, you should

5、 tell them where you are and what happened.5. If you are in a car accident, but no one is hurt and the damage to the cars is small, you should call 911.FFFTFTonys dream came true! He travelled to Australia with his grandmother. Uncle Bruce met them at the airport. Then they took a bus to his uncles

6、home and had lunch. “Its 11:30 am. I want to give my mom a call,” said Tony. “I dont think its a good idea. Its midnight in England now, around 1:30 am,” said Uncle Bruce. The next morning, they went to Sydney and climbed Sydney Harbor Bridge. Tony saw a strange building. “It is Sydney Opera House,”

7、 said Uncle Bruce. Tony was excited and imagine himself giving a performance on the stage. On the third day, they went to Alice Spring. There, they visited a school of the air. It was a radio station for those who lived too far away from the school. The students cold have classes through the radio.

8、In the afternoon, they went to see Ayers Rock in a national park. It was very big, and its color changed when it was sunset. The holiday was over. After staying in Australia for a week, Tony and his grandmother had to say goodbye to Uncle Bruce.( )6. If it is 8:00 pm in Australia, what time is it in

9、 England? A. Around 10:00 pm. B. Around 8:00 pm. C. Around 10:00 am. D. Around 8:00 am.( )7. Which place of interest didnt Tony go to? A. Big Ben. B. Sydney Harbor Bridge. C. Ayers Rock. D. Alice Spring.( )8. Whats the underlined word “imagine” mean in English? A. leave B. dream C. mind D. miss( )9.

10、 Why did some students have classes through the radio? A. They couldnt afford the school. B. There were no schools. C. It was more interesting to study at home. D. Their homes were far from school.( )10. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Tonys uncle showed him around in

11、 Australia. B. Tony and his grandmother went to Australia by air. C. Tony stayed in Australia for about seven years. D. Tonys uncle went back to English with him.CABDDEveryone has a mother. Mother Teresa was a mother to everyone. Mother Teresa made it her job to help the worlds people in need. She h

12、elped sick people. She helped poor people. She helped people who were dying. Mother Teresa never wanted anything for her work. Helping people was enough.Mother Teresa was born in Europe in 1910. Her given name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Her family was wealthy and always had what they needed. She cho

13、se to become a nun when she was 18. She changed her name to Teresa. Teresa became a teacher at a girls school in India. There she saw that people lived on the streets. She saw some of them were sick but had no money to see a doctor. She saw many poor people. Teresa knew she had to help them.Many chi

14、ldren didnt have homes. Teresa started helping them. She taught them how to read. She taught them how to take care of themselves. Teresa also became a nurse. She started a place so that people could go to get help. She opened schools for poor children. She made sure these children had a place to liv

15、e in.( )11. What did Mother Teresa work for? A. Getting some money. B. Making her children have good lives. C. Helping people in need. D. Making herself famous.( )12. The underlined word “wealthy” means _ A. poor B. rich C. open D. healthy( )13. When did Mother Teresa become a nun? A. in 1910. B. In 1918. C. In 1928. D. In 1938.( )14. What was her first job? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A nurse. D. A cook.( )15. What was Mother Teresa like according to the passage? A. Beautiful and fashion


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