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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上天合联盟情景模拟训练培训教材情景背景人物介绍:Philip 跨国集团中国公司的CEO,意大利人 Ann Philip的太太,家庭主妇 Thomas Philip 的儿子,14岁 Sally Philip 的女儿,8岁第一章 订票风波情景:七月二十日,在北京工作的Philip先生接到公司总部通知,要求他在七月二十五日前赶到巴西圣保罗参加重要会议,他必须在二十三日启程。由于Philip先生是意航的金卡会员,他把航程定为北京香港罗马圣保罗,除北京香港段乘坐南航航班,其余都是意航航班。订票时得知北京香港的航班全满,经过营业员解释,旅客明白了南航、荷航、意航都是天合联盟成员,常

2、旅客可以在成员航班上累计里程,他接受了营业员建议,把航程改为北京阿姆斯特丹圣保罗。申请订座后,北京阿姆航班公务舱座位虽然是优先候补,但一直得不到确认,由于时间紧迫,只好改为申请Y舱座位。最后,Philip先生拿到了北京阿姆斯特丹圣保罗机票,按时到达目的地。问题:1.Philip持意航的金卡,为何乐意改乘南航和荷航航班?2.为什么Philip 支付Y舱票价就能定到座位?情景模拟(电话中):营业员: 您好,南方航空!请问有什么可以帮您? Welcome and thank you for calling China Southern Airlines. Is there anything I ca

3、n do for you?Philip: 你好!我是Philip。我想定一张7月23日南航北京飞香港,当天接意大利航空由香港经罗马转机到圣保罗的公务舱机票。Good morning. This is Philip.I want to book a CZ ticket from Beijing to Hong Kong and then connect with AZ flight to St. Paul, Brazil via Rome, on 23 July.营业员: 您需要订7月23日北京香港罗马圣保罗公务舱机票,其中北京香港乘坐南航航班、香港罗马圣保罗乘坐意航航班,对吗?You want

4、 to book a CZ ticket from Beijing to Hong Kong and then connect to an AZ flight to St. Paul, Brazil via Rome on 23 July. Is that correct?Philip: 是的。 Yes.营业员: 请稍等,我查一下航班订座情况。对不起,7月23日北京香港所有航班都订满了,可否改其它日期? Just a moment please. I will check the flights. I am sorry Mr. Philip, but all flights from Beij

5、ing to Hong Kong on 23 July are fully booked. How about another day?Philip: 不行啊,我一定要赶在25日上午6点前到达圣保罗。 Sorry, that wont work for me. I must arrive in St. Paul before 6:00am on 25 July.营业员: 噢,那您是否愿意更改为北京阿姆斯特丹圣保罗航程?这样您23日出发,24日就可以按时到达。Well, would you mind changing your itinerary to Beijing-Amsterdam-St.

6、 Paul? That way you can certainly arrive there on 24 July .Philip: 我是意航的金卡会员,希望能累计里程。 I am a Gold Card member of Alitalia and would like to earn miles.营业员: 噢,我明白了,由于南航、荷航、意航都是天合联盟成员,所以全航程都可以累计里程。 I see. Since China Southern Airlines, Alitalia and KLM are all SkyTeam Members, you can earn the miles w

7、hen you fly with any of the SkyTeam Members.Philip: 好极了!就按这航程订一张公务舱客票吧。Thats perfect. Would you book a seat in Business Class for me following the itinerary that you just recommened? Thank you.营业员: 请提供您护照上的姓名、您的联系电话和会员卡号。 Sure. Please tell me your full name and spell it as it appears on your passpor

8、t, your telephone number and your Mille Miglia card number.Philip: 旅客姓名Philip,卡号、电话号码135。My name is Philip. The card number is my phone number is 135营业员: 对不起,让您久等了,阿姆斯特丹飞圣保罗的座位已定妥,但北京至阿姆的航班所有舱位已订满了,如果您一定要赶在25号前到达,建议您先确认经济舱座位,同时候补公务舱座位。Thank you for your time. Mr. Philip. Your seat from Amsterdam to

9、St. Paul has been confirmed, but the flight from Beijing to Amsterdam is fully booked. I will confirm the seat in economy class and at the same time place your name on the waiting list for business class. Is that OK?Philip: 好的。 Okay. That sounds wonderful.(一天后,电话中)营业员: 您好!这是中国南方航空公司,请找Philip先生。 Good

10、 morning! This is China Southern Airlines. May I speak to Mr. Philip, please?Philip: 您好!我是。 Yes, this is Philip.营业员: 您的机票全程座位都订妥了,北京阿姆段是经济舱,但公务舱座位仍然在优先候补,购票后一旦公务舱有座位,可以补差价升舱,阿姆至圣保罗段是公务舱。 Your seats have been confirmed. The section from Beijing to Amsterdam is in Economy class and Amsterdam to St. Pa

11、ul is in Business class. If your priority request for the seat clears the waiting list, you will be confirmed, but you need to pay the difference between economy and business classes.Philip: 好的,非常感谢! Good, thank you so much! 第二章 获得喜好座位情景:每次长途飞行,Philip喜欢选择前排窗口座位,以便利用飞行时间休息,不受干扰,所以Philip先生在21日接到机票后,习惯

12、性的打电话预订机上座位号,很快,Philip先生获得满意答复,得到北京阿姆航班7K和阿姆圣保罗航班1A座位。问题:1、旅客需提前多长时间提出申请,才可预订机上座位?2、旅客可以预定非南航承运航班机上座位吗?情景模拟(电话中):营业员: 您好!南方航空,请问有什么可以帮您? Welcome to calling China Southern Airlines! Is there anything I can do for you?Philip: 你好!我订了7月23日CZ345北京飞阿姆斯特丹转荷航KL897航班前往圣保罗的机票,请问可以预订机上座位吗? Good morning! I have

13、 confirmed the seat on flight CZ345 and KL897 from Beijing to St. Paul via Amsterdam. May I book a seat number now?营业员: 可以的,请告诉我您的订座编码或您的姓名。 No problem! Please tell me the computer reference number or your name on the reservation.Philip: 订座编码是PHN53。 The booking code is PHN53营业员: 查到了,请问您喜欢哪个座位? Thank

14、 you! I have located the reservation. Which seat do you prefer?Philip: 第一排的窗口位,可以吗? I prefer the window seat in the first row, is it possible?营业员: 按您的要求,我为您安排了CZ345航班的7K和KL897航班的1A座位。 How about 7K which is the window seat of the first row on economy class on CZ345 and 1A on KL897? Philip: 可以。 Perfec

15、t.营业员: Philip先生,您的座位已经预订好了,当您换取登机牌时,您将得到选定的座位号。 Okay! You are confirmed in seats 7k on CZ345 and 1A on KL897. You will get your preferred seats when you check-in on 23July.Philip: 谢谢! Thats great. Thank you!营业员: 还有其它事需要帮忙吗? Anything else I can help you with?Philip: 没有了,谢谢您!再见。 No. Thank you! Bye-bye!营业员: 谢谢您的来电,祝您旅途愉快!再见! Thank you for calling. Hav



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