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1、浅析李尔王的人性主题An Analysis on the Humanity of King LearAbstract: In King Lear, Shakespeare adopts the form of play to elaborate the complicated concept human nature. Shakespeare creates many characters and the fascinating plots to reveal different implications of human nature. According to the characteri

2、stics of human nature, this thesis intends to divide all the characters into three groups. Accordingly, the body of this thesis consists of three parts. The first part is devoted to a study of the human nature of Lear and Gloucester by analyzing the characters and the plots. Their human nature is re

3、latively complex because they have the intrinsic kind nature as well as the defects of human nature, which lead to the tragic result. Lears perversity and credulity make Lear himself, Cordelia and Kent suffer misfortune. Gloucesters credulity makes Gloucester himself and Edgar suffer from disaster.

4、By suffering, both of them learn their lessons slowly and the suffering seems to have humanized him showing a new human nature, more beautiful than before. The second part discusses the human nature of Goneril, Regan and Edmund, who are a group of characters with cruelty, selfishness and lust. They

5、generate the conflicts with the others in the play and directly cause the tragedy. The third part makes a study of human nature of Cordelia, Kent and Edgar, who are a group characters with unselfishness, sincerity and fidelity, which are advocated by this play and the whole world forever. Key words:

6、 Human nature; King Lear; Tragedy摘 要:在李尔王中, 莎士比亚用戏剧形式阐述了“人性”这个既简单又复杂的话题。具体地说,莎士比亚在这部悲剧里用各种人物形象和情节展现了“人性”这一概念的不同侧面的多重含义。通过对人物和剧情的分析,本文把剧中人物分为三类, 因此正文分为三部分。第一部分通过对人物性格特点和剧情的分析,解读李尔王和辅线中主要人物格罗斯特的人性。这种“人性”是复杂的。本性的“善”与“人性”的弱点之间的矛盾,往往由于“人性”的弱点诸如李尔的刚愎自用、昏庸愚蠢;格罗斯特的盲目轻率、草率鲁莽,导致悲剧发生。经过人生痛苦不幸甚至灾难的历练达到人性的升华。李尔和

7、格劳斯特的命运正说明了这一点。第二部分阐述了考狄利娅、肯特、爱德伽等人他们身上所体现出的“至真” 、“至善” 、“至爱”的人性光辉。这是这部悲剧也是人类社会大力弘扬的人本应具有的美好人性。第三部分分析了高纳里尔、里根和爱德蒙这一类人自私、虚伪和残忍的本性。他们是悲剧的直接制造者,最后难以逃脱灭亡的命运。关键词:人性;李尔王;悲剧ContentsI. Introduction.1A. Introduction of the author.1B. Introduction of the drama.1II. An Analysis on the Humanity.2A. Embodiment of

8、 double nature.31. King Lears nature.32. Gloucesters nature.6B. Embodiment of kind nature.71. Human nature in Cordelia.72. Human nature in Kent73. Human nature in Edgar.8C. Representatives of evil nature.91. Human nature in Goneril and Regan.9a. Women of selfishness.9b. Women of lust.9c. Women of cr

9、uelty92. Human nature in Edmund.10a. A man of craft.10b. A man of cruelty10III. Conclusion.10Works Cited.12I. IntroductionA. Introduction of the authorWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616) was the greatest writer of the English Renaissance. His playshistory, comedy, tragedyreach the highest point of world

10、 literature. He was born in Straford-upon-Avon and spent his childhood and youth there. In 1586, he left his hometown and went to London. For a time, he did some odd jobs in a theater and later acted some minor roles in plays. While leading a busy life of an actor, Shakespeare began to revise old pl

11、ays and writes new ones at the rate of about two plays a year. Altogether he wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems. He died on April 23, the anniversary of his birthday in 1616. With his 37 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems, he has established his giant position in world literature. He has

12、also been given the highest praises by various scholars and critics the world over. In the past four hundred years, books and essays on Shakespeare and his works have kept coming out in large quantities. He is not only a master of English language but also a genius of character portrayal and plot co

13、nstruction. Ben Jonson once wrote a poem eulogizing Shakespeare as being “not of an age, but for all time.” Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance and the greatest of all dramatists the world over. He has included the world of nature and of men. To

14、study nature in his works is like going into a great city. Shakespeares plays are usually divided into four classes: comedies, histories, tragedies and romances. Shakespeares plays communicate a profound knowledge of the wellsprings of human behavior, revealed through portrayals of a wide variety of characters. Shakespeare has been keen known all over the world and has been translated into many different languages. B. Introduction of the book King Lear is thematically more universal than Hamlet. Lear, the aging king of Britain, d



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