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1、六年级英语上册知识点归纳UNIT 1 How Do You Go There【掌握单词】by (经,乘)foot(脚)bike(自行车)bus(公共汽车)train(火车)how(怎样) traffic(交通)stop(停;停车站)wait(等;等待) always(总是,一直) then(然后)【掌握词组】go to school(上学)traffic light(交通灯)traffic rule(交通规则) get to(到达) by plane(乘飞机) by ship(乘轮船) by subway(乘地铁)【了解单词】fifth (第五) remember(记住) find(寻找;找到

2、) difference(不同;区别) same(相同的) every(每个;所有的) country(国家) mean(意思是) drive(驾驶) right(右边的) side (边) England(英国) Australia(澳大利亚) however(但是) left(左边的) if (如果) must (必须)【了解词组】wait for(等待) in Englang(在英格兰) in Australia(在澳大利亚) on the right side(在右边)【句式或句型】1、询问并回答乘坐某种交通工具去某地。How do you go to work?你怎样去上班?T go

3、 to work by car.我开车去上班2、问路及回答How can I get to the cinema?我怎样能到电影院?You can go on foot, Its not far步行就可以。离这儿不远3、How can I get to Beihai Park?我怎样才能到北海公园You can go by the No.8 bus你可以乘坐8路公共汽车4、Stop at a red light. 红灯停Go at a green light. 绿灯行Wait at a yellow light黄灯亮了等一等。UNIT 2 Where Is the Science Museum

4、?【掌握单词】library(图书馆)post office(邮局)hospital(医院) cinema(电影院)bookstore(书店)turn(转弯) then(然后) where(在哪里,到哪里)please(请) right (右边) left左边 straight(笔直地) want(想要) minute(分钟) tell(告诉) take(乘坐) north(北) south(南) east(东) west(西)【掌握词组】post office(邮局) Science museum(科学博物馆) excuse me(对不起,打扰了) next to(与-相邻) a pair

5、of(一双)【了解单词】supermarket超市 bank银行 buy 买 party聚会;晚会 start 开始far 远【了解词组】look for 寻找get off 下车shoe store 鞋店after school 放学以后【句式或句型】1、 问路常用语Excuse me,Where is the post office?,please?打扰了,请问邮局在哪儿?Its next to the hospital.在医院旁边。2、How can I get to the miseun?我怎样能到博物馆?You can go by the No.5 bus.Get off at th

6、e cinema.Then walk straight for five minutes.Its very nice。你可以先坐5路公路车,在电影院下车,再直走五分钟就到了。3、 Where is the school? 学校在哪儿?Its near the hospital.它在医院的旁边。4、 Turn left at the cinema,then go straight, Its on the left.在电影院,然后直走,它在你的左边。UNIT 3 What Are You Going to Do?【掌握单词】tonight(今晚) tomorrow(明天) buy(买) dicti

7、onary(词典) newspaper(报纸) magazine(杂志) 【掌握词组】next week(下周)this morning(今天上午)this afternoon(今天下午)this evening (今天晚上)comic book(漫画书)post card(明信片)take a trip(去旅行)【了解单词】busy 忙碌的 together 一起地 need 需要 plant 植物 else其他;另外shop商店【了解词组】theme park 主题公园 the Great Wall 长城 fruit stand 水果摊pet shop 宠物商店【句式或句型】探讨出行计划的

8、问答。1、 询问地点的回答Where are you going this weekend? 这周末你准备去哪儿?I am going to the Great Wall。我要去长城2、询问计划的问答What are you going to do this afterboon?今天下午你准备干什么?2、 I am going to buy a book.我想去买本书。UNIT 4 I Have a Pen Pal【掌握单词】hobby(爱好) dive (跳水) teachteaches(教)go (去)watch (看) read (读,看)【掌握词组】ride a bike (骑自行车)

9、 play the violin (拉小提琴) make kites (制作风筝)collect stamps (集邮)livelives(居住) does(助动词,无义) doesnt=does not【了解单词】show 展览 dear亲爱的 twin双胞胎之一 something某事物different不同的 week星期;周 say说 soon不久 excited兴奋的;激动的【了解词组】TV reporter电视台记者 pen pal 笔友 take care of 照顾 stay with陪伴【句式或句型】询问他人的兴趣和爱好。1、 Whats your hobby?你的爱好是什么

10、?Singing,What about you?唱歌。你呢?I like climbing the mountain。我喜欢爬山。2、 喜欢干某事 like doing.He likes playing football。他喜欢踢足球。I like collecting stamps。我喜欢集邮。3、 Whats his hobby?他的爱好是什么?He likes riding a bike。他喜欢骑自行车。4、 Does she teach Chinese?她教语文吗?Yes,she does.是的,她教语文。UNIT 5 What does She Do?【掌握单词】singer (歌唱

11、家,歌手) writer (作家) actor (男演员) actress (女演员) artist(画家) engineer (工程师) accountant (会计) policeman (男警察) salesperson (销售员) cleaner (清洁工) where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作)【掌握词组】TV reporter rip:t (电视台记者) help sb do sth(帮助某人做某事)like doing sth(喜欢做某事)【了解单词】design设计 tip有用的小建议 help帮助 money钱police警察 tourist 旅行者 way路;道【了

12、解词组】Hong Kong 香港 motor cycle摩托车【句式或句型】1、 询问他人的职业及回答What does she do?她是从事什么职业的?She is a teacher.她是一名教师.2、询问他人使用的交通方式的问答。How does he go to work?他怎样去上班?He goes to work by car.他开小汽车去上班。UNIT 6 The Story of Rain【掌握单词】rain (雨) cloud (云) sun (太阳) stream (河,溪) seed (种子) soil (土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant (植物,种植) s

13、hould (应该) then(然后)【掌握词组】come from(来自) every day(每天)【了解单词】shine照耀 become变成 little小的 drop一滴 feel感觉到think想;思考 meet遇见 high高的 other他的 fall落下 down向下 into进入 garden花园 easy简单的 put放 several一些 day 天 see 看见pot锅碗瓢盆 lovely可爱的 month月份 still仍然 hardly几乎不【了解词组】come out 露出make sure核实wake up 醒来 come on 努力【句式或句型】1、询问从哪里来的问答Where does rain come from?雨从哪里来?It comes from the clouds她来自云2、叙述植物的种植步骤First,dig the soil.首先,挖坑。Then,put the plant in the soil.然后,把植物放到土壤里。Water it给它浇水。Wait for it to grow.等待它生长。


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