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1、.wd分类号:TP311单位代码:10422密 级: 学 号:Z0843048415硕士学位论文论文题目: 会员卡管理信息系统的设计与实现Design and Implementationof the Member Card Management Information System作者姓名杨 涛专业软件工程指导教师姚 青副教授2021年10月1日原创性声明和关于论文使用授权的说明原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进展研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研究作出重要奉献的个人和集体,均

2、已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人承当。论文作者签名: 日期:关于学位论文使用授权的声明本人完全了解山东大学有关保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保存或向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;本人授权山东大学可以将本学位论文的全部或局部内容编入有关数据库进展检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文和汇编本学位论文。保密论文在解密后应遵守此规定论文作者签名:导师签名:日期:目 录摘要iABSTRACTii第1章绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 国内外研究现状31.3 本文的主要工作51.4 论文的组织构造6第2章会员卡管理信息系统需求分析82.1系统概

3、述82.1.1工程背景82.1.2系统功能性需求92.1.3 会员卡管理的职能部门102.2基于用例的软件需求获取方法112.2.1 用例的根本概念112.2.2 用例模型的建立132.2.3 用例模型的准那么142.3会员卡管理信息系统用例分析142.3.1获取参与者152.3.2设计用例162.3.3用例描述192.4系统非功能性需求27第3章会员卡管理信息系统概要设计293.1系统总体设计原那么293.2会员卡管理信息系统网络架构303.3系统的逻辑架构313.3.1三层体系架构设计313.3.2会员卡管理信息系统的体系构造313.3.3静态构造333.3.4动态构造343.4领域模型3

4、43.5系统功能模块设计353.6系统界面风格设计38第4章会员卡管理信息系统的详细设计414.1系统概述414.1.1系统开发平台414.1.2 系统功能模块414.2静态模型设计434.3动态模型设计444.3.1会员卡申办时序图444.3.2发卡时序图454.4数据库设计46第5章系统实现与测试495.1系统实现495.1.1 系统主界面495.1.2会员卡申办模块495.1.3 报表管理模块525.1.4 统计分析模块535.2系统测试665.2.1系统测试内容665.2.2系统测试方案685.2.3测试用例设计695.2.4测试结果分析70第6章总结和展望726.1总结726.2下一

5、步工作72参考文献73致谢75CONTENTSChinese abstractiEnglish abstractiichapter 1 introduction11.1 development background11.2 the latest state31.3 the main work of this paper51.4 the structure of this paper6chapter 2 the requirement analysis of the member card management system82.1introduction to the system82.1.1

6、project background82.1.2functional requiremen of the system92.1.3 the functional department of member card management102.2the method of eliciting requirement of software based on use case112.2.1 the concept of use case112.2.2 rebuilding of use case model132.2.3 the rule of use case model142.3the use

7、 case analysis of member card management information system142.3.1acquirement actor152.3.2design of use case162.3.3the description of use case192.4non-functional requirement of the system27chapter 3 preliminary design of member card managementinformation system293.1the principle for general design o

8、f system293.2 network architecture of member card information management system303.3logic architecture of system313.3.1design of three-tiered architecture313.3.2arcihtecture of member card management information system313.3.3static structure333.3.4dynamic structure343.4domain model343.5function modu

9、le design of system353.6design of system interface style38chapter 4 design and implement of member card management information system414.1brief introduction of system414.1.1development platform of system414.1.2 functional model of system414.2design of static model434.3design of dynamic model444.3.1s

10、equence diagram of application for member card444.3.2sequence diagram of distribution of member card454.4design of database46chapter 5 implement and test of system495.1 implement of system495.1.1 main interface of system495.1.2module of application for memeber card495.1.3 module of report table mana

11、gement525.1.4 statistical and analysis mdoule535.2 system test665.2.1the main of system test665.2.2 the scheme of system test685.2.3design use case of test695.2.4analysis of the test result70chapter 6 conclusion and expectation726.1conclusion726.2 future work72referrence73thanks75摘 要随着市场经济逐步开展和完善,中国



14、运用基于决策树的数据挖掘技术对会员数据进展分析,建立客户价值预测模型,开掘潜在的高价值客户。最后,本文对会员卡管理信息系统的设计和实现进展了总结,并对系统的应用情况作了简单介绍,提出了会员卡管理信息系统的下一步工作和对系统的改良意见。关键字:会员制;用例;数据挖掘;决策树;会员卡管理信息系统ABSTRACTWith developing and improvement of market economy,retail enterprisesin Chinaare faced withmore challenge of outstanding corporation, andcompetitio

15、n in the mainland retail market has grown more severe.How to build customer loyalty is that many retail enterprises attach great importance to the issue. If enterprises want to retain customers, they must learn more about the customers needs,targeted to promote their service and products to attract customers recycle consumption.Membership is a more common mode of operation that retail enterprises implement in recent years. It plays a very significant role to attract and n


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