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1、英语六级经典句型分析与背诵(第1期)长难句练习:1.They were fined a total of just over 116 million as part of aleniencydeal offered by thewatchdogto companies that owned up quickly to anti-competitive behaviour.2.The National Consumer Council gave warning that the admissions would dent consumer confidence in leading high s

2、treet names and that people would becomescepticalof their claims.3.But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide.长难句解析:1.主体句式:They were fined a total of just over 116

3、 million as part of a leniency deal结构分析: 这是一个复合句,其成分比较复杂。offered by the watchdog to companies作为一个分词短语来修饰前面的deal, 而后面that引导的定语从句又修饰companies。句子译文:他们总共的罚金只有差不多一亿一千六百万,这是监察部门对积极坦白反竞争行为公司的一种宽大处理。2.主体句式: The National Consumer Council gave warning结构分析: 这是一个复合句,句子的宾语warning 带着两个同位语从句,以that 引导;第一个同位语从句中,con

4、fidence in 后面是一个分词短语作介词的宾语。句子译文:全国消费者委员会警告说长此以往会损害消费者的信心,人们也会逐渐怀疑委员会的声明。3.主体句式:But then Sylvia Plath committed suicide.结构分析:这是一个同位语带有定语从句的复合句。whom和who引导的两个定语从句修饰a young American poet,整体作为Sylvia Plath的同位语。句子译文:但是在1963年,西尔维亚普拉斯自杀了,这个美国年轻诗人与他第一次见面是在1956年的剑桥大学,而当年夏天又成为了他妻子。附:经典写作佳句背诵:No invention has re

5、ceived more praise and abuse than Internet.没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。英语六级经典句型分析与背诵(第2期)长难句练习:1.These letters are filled with his wrestling with the consequences of being the part-pri

6、vate, part-public creature that he became, desperate todevotehimself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy.2.Then came the hot iron: news of a series of measures to shore up the banks capital base, among them investments from sovereign-wealth funds in Singapore and the

7、Middle East.3.The change of approach may be on the advice of auditors and regulators but it is more likely to reflect a desire by UBSs bosses to avoid months of speculation about the banks exposure, something that Marcel Rohner, the chief executive, described as “distracting”.长难句解析:1.主体句式:These lett

8、ers are filled with his wrestling.结构分析:这是一个简单句,难点在于最后两个形容词词组的成分(desperate to devote himself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy)。这两个形容词词组用来修饰前面的名词creature, 而creature后面紧跟着的that 引导的从句也是修饰它的定语从句。句子译文:这些信中处处都显现出休斯因为自己成为半私人、半公开这样一个人物反复挣扎的心理,他渴望将自己奉献给文字,但又时时受到私人空间受到侵袭的威胁。2.

9、主体句式:Then came the hot iron.结构分析:这是一个有复杂同位语的一个简单句。news of 是前面the hot iron的同位语,to shore up the banks capital base是不定式短语作定语修饰前面的measures, 而后面among them 也是用来修饰measures,具体介绍其中的一些措施。句子译文:紧接着就来了hot iron :报道有一系列的措施来支持银行的资本基础,其中就有新加坡和中东的君主财富基金。3.主体句式: The change of approach may be but 结构分析:这是一个并列句,but 引导的分句

10、比较复杂,to avoide 不定式短语作前面a desire的定语,而something that是a desire的同位语,该同位语中又包含了一个定语从句。句子译文:方法改变可能是审计员或调节员建议的,但更反映了UBS高层的不愿数月都预计银行曝光的意愿,这个被首席执行官Marcel Rohner形容为“转移注意力(的方案)”。附:经典写作佳句背诵:An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而

11、结束。When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。英语六级经典句型分析与背诵(第3期)长难句练习:1.In this edition of his later poems, a substantial gathering of verses selected from six volumes published over the past 20 years, his poetry does not so muc

12、h consist of themes to be explored as comic routines to be improvised.2.This is often the poets stock-in-trade, but he seems to single them out in order to send up the very idea of the simile in poetry, as in “Violets blossomed loudly/ like a swear word in an empty tank”.3.Activisions boss, Bobby Ko

13、tick, will remain at the helm of the new company, to be known as Activision Blizzard in recognition of Vivendis main gaming asset: its subsidiary Blizzard Entertainment, the firm behind “World of Warcraft”, an online swords-and-sorcery game with 9.3m subscribers.长难句解析:1.主体结构:His poetry does not so m

14、uch consist of 结构分析:本句为简单句,作状语的介词短语成分比较复杂,a substantial gathering of verses是edition的同位语,该同位语是带有作定语的分词短语。在主句中,不定式短语to be explored用来修饰themes, 而不定式短语to be improvised 又用来修饰comic routines。句子译文:他这本晚些出版的诗集选编了过去20年间出版的六本诗集中的诗歌,其主题不再是像那种临时准备的老套滑稽节目,他戏谑诗歌本身具有严肃性这个话题。2.主体句式:This is but he 结构分析:这是一个并列句,后面分句成分较为

15、复杂,带有一个不定式短语作目的状语,as 引导成分修饰的是整个分句。句子译文:虽然这是诗人的惯用手法,但他却把这些比喻单独挑出来,以突出诗里面明喻这个概念。比如“紫罗兰纵情开放/ 宛如空桶里的一句毒誓”。3.主体句式:Activisions boss will remain at the helm.结构分析:这是一个简单句,具有复杂的表语。表语是由一个固定介词短语充当,介词的宾语比较复杂,带有复杂的修饰成分。to be known as是作the new company的定语,冒号后面的成分是用来说明main gaming asset的,可以看作是同位语;冒号后面的成分中,后面两个短语都是前面

16、一个的同位语,用来对Blizzard Entertainment作进一步的解释。注意:由于长难句选自阅读当中,部分翻译可能由于上下文包含有相同内容而被简略,答案翻译仅供参考附:经典写作佳句背诵:Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environm


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