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1、四年级冀教版下学期英语填空题实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片和句义,选择合适的单词完成句子。(按照四线格要求填写)forty hot classroom sunny homework1Itstoday in Beijing.2Where is your.3Today itsand sunny in Sydney.4Welcome to our.5There arestudents in my class.2. 用be动词am, is, are填空。1Where_my skirts? 2I_hungry.3How_you? 4It_in the living room.5They_o

2、n the bed. 6Where_my dress?7Your books_in the desk. 8Where_your father?9My brother_a student. 10Tim and I_good friends.3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Look at my toy_(car). They are so cool.2I dont have_(some) apples.3Mike can play table tennis very_(good).4Look at_(I) nice jacket.5Would you like_(some) coffee, Dad

3、?Yes, please.6He can_(play) basketball and football.7Where are my socks?_(it) are on the sofa.8Do you like these_(mango)?Yes, I do.4. 写出下列单词的单复数形式。1this 2those3potato 4sheep5horse 6cows7tomatoes 8carrots9ducks 10animal5. 用How, an, at, in, What填写句子。1Its_ English book.2Whats_ your school bag?3_ many s

4、ubjects do you have?6. 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。1Yang Ling likes_(狗) very much.2Lets_(制作) a fruit salad.3Have a look at_(我们的) fruit salad.4Su Hai likes_(芒果) very much.5Look, we have_(十五个) toy animals.6May I have a_(看) at your toy panda?7Heres a_(玩具) bike for you.7. 根据图片提示,补全单词。1t_m_to 2c_rr_t3p_t_to 4gr_n b_n

5、s5sh_p 6h_se7c_ 8h_8. 将下列单词或词组分类。A. art roomB. PE classC. getD. goE. teachers officeF. music classG. libraryH. eatI. Chinese classJ. computer room1English class_2music room_3read_9. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Lets_(go) to the park.2Do you think it is a good idea? No, I_(not think) so.3Do you have a_(draw)

6、 lesson on Friday?4She_(have) lunch at home.5 Can you_(skate)?No, I cant.6Its nine oclock now. Its time_(go) to bed.7Can you draw these_(flower)?8I dont have_(some) lessons today.10. 选词填空。can Do would at How many How much like summer live1A: What_you like? B: A hamburger, please.2Mike_swim well.3A:_

7、you like horses? B: Yes, I do.4Look_my doll. Its cute.5A: How many crayons would you_? B: Eighteen.6A:_is your dress? B: Its eighty-five yuan.7A:_bananas do you have? B: I have seven.8Six ducks_near the river. They love to swim in_.11. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Whats the weather like_(in/at) New York?2Its_(rain

8、/ rainy).3Its 26 degree. Its_(warm/cold) outside.4It_(feel/feels) so nice.5Its cold._(Put on/ Take off) your hat.12. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1This is_(we) timetable.2We dont have_(some) lessons today.3How many Chinese_(lesson) do we have?4Lets_(play) computer games after school.5Yang Ling_(have) a new cap.6I ha

9、ve a_(swim) lesson this afternoon.7Can you_(skate)?8There are seven_(day) in a week.9Dont_(run) in the classroom.10Where_(be) your math teacher?13. 根据课文内容,看图,补全句子。1Its time for_. Lets drink some milk.2Its time for_. Lets have some chicken.3Its time for_. Lets eat some rice.4Its time for_. Lets jump

10、and run.5Its time for_. Lets read and write.6Its time for_. Lets sing and dance.14. 看汉语意思补充缺少的单词或词组。1_it cold today?今天冷么?2_! Its time for school!快点,该去上学了!3The music room is on the_.音乐教室在一楼。4_to our school!欢迎来到我们学校!5Here is the_.这是天气预报。15. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。nice watch under in Where1The keys are_the door.

11、2Go to the living room and_TV.3_is Amy? Is she in the study?4Zip, your living room is_.5Are the pens_the table?16. 补全句子。1Im from_(中国).2_(哪里)are you from?3_(长城)is very beautiful .4You can visit Disneyland in my_(国家).5I_(喜欢)taking photos.17. 看图,将对应的选项填入括号内。A. Big Ben B. cloudy C. robot D. snow E. ship1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_)页码 / 总页数


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