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1、2023年描写雪英语作文(全文完整)描写雪的英语作文1Thisisthefirstsnowofthiswinter,theearthwelcomewinterwearwhiteclothes,wemakeasnowman,snow下面是我为大家整理的2023描写雪英语作文,菁选3篇(全文完整),供大家参考。描写雪的英语作文1This is the first snow of this winter, the earth welcome winter wear white clothes, we make a snowman, snowball fights at home.We make a

2、snowman. Allison rolling a snowball, we treat it as a body, and I use rolling a snowball pledge, then we use charcoal as the snowmans eyes, radish when the snowmans long nose, with what when the mouth? A friend suggested with hawthorn, we agreed to.After we made a snowman, and beside it a broom, suc

3、hre done.This is the first snow of winter, we had a special time, I wish a heavy snow again!这是今年冬天的第一场大雪,大地穿上白色的衣服来迎接冬天,我们在家里堆雪人、打雪仗。我们堆雪人。佳佳滚了一个大雪球,我们把它当作身子,我又滚了一个雪球当头用,然后我们又用炭当雪人的眼睛,用萝卜当雪人的长鼻子,用什么当嘴巴呢?一个小伙伴提议用山楂,我们一致同意。我们做好了雪人之后,又在它的身边插了一把扫把,这样就大功告成了。这是冬天的第一场雪,我们玩得特别开心,我多么希望再下一场大雪啊!描写雪的英语作文2Outsid

4、e the day, just class is over, then there was a voice: look, its snowing! I was attracted by the sound in the hallway, go toward outside a look, really its snowing! This years first snow in the case of my unprepared fluttering leisurely came to the side.Small snowflakes float down slowly. I put my h

5、and out a stretch, oh! Catch a snowflake, it can be one to hand, snow is melting. I would like to sorry, if I stay for a while still much good, even though it may be of a second or two. The greater the snow was falling, I looked up, there are several large snowflakes fly falls down from the sky, don

6、t pick up.Looked at the snow, I couldnt help thinking of snow last winter. It was during the winter break, snow heavily, like a layer of white sheets on the ground, and I have a few good friends together snowball fights, a snowman, play very happy. If I can again the next so big of snow.All of a sud

7、den, jingle bell ring interrupted my train of thought in class, we are coming back to the class, one end of the lesson, I cant wait to look out, the snow had stopped.The snow is really short, if only stay for a while.那天,刚下课,外面便传来一阵声音:“看啊,下雪了!”我被这声音吸引到了走廊上,往外一看,真的下雪了!今年的第一场雪在我毫无准备的情况下飘飘悠悠的来到了身边。很小的雪花

8、缓缓地飘落下来。我把手往外一伸,呵!接住了一片雪花,可一到手上,雪花便融化了。我惋惜的想,要是多停留一会还多好啊,哪怕一两秒也好啊。雪越下越大,我抬头看,有好几片大雪花飞快的从天上落下来,根本接不到。看着这雪,我不由得想起了去年冬天的大雪。那是寒假中,雪下得很大,地上好像铺了一层白被单,我和几个好朋友一起打雪仗、堆雪人,玩得可开心了。要是能再下一场那么大的雪就好了。突然,叮铃铃的上课铃声打断了我的思路,我们依依不舍的回到班级,一节课结束后,我迫不及待的往外看,雪已经停了。这场雪真短暂,要是多停留一会就好了。描写雪的英语作文3My favourite season is winter.Becau

9、se I can see snow in winter.It is white and beautiful.When it snows,I always play with my friends.Sometimes we make a snowman in front of my house.Then we run around the snowman and sing songs about snow.How happy we are!And how nice the snow is!This winter I saw the snow again.All the house became

10、white.All the trees became white,too,How beautiful the world is! I like snow very much.So I hope I can see snow every winter.Which season do you like best?Is it winter?Do you like snow,either?我最喜欢的季节是冬天,因为我可以在冬天看见白雪,它是白色的,很漂亮,当它下雪时,我总是和我的朋友们玩耍。有时我们在我家前面堆雪人,然后绕着雪人,唱关于雪的歌!好漂亮的雪!这个冬天我又看到了雪,所有的房子变白了,所有的树也变成了白色,有多美丽的世界!我非常喜欢下雪,所以我希望每个冬天都能见到雪。你最喜欢哪个季节?是冬天吗?你也喜欢雪吗?



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