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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流外研版六年级下第二单元测试题(无听力).精品文档.时间:60min(20170324) 一、 选出不同类的单词:(1*5=5)( ) 1. A. pond B. duck C. cow ( ) 2. A. sing B. trying C. drinking ( ) 3. A. stairs B. interesting C. lovely ( ) 4. A. fly B. jump C. balloon ( ) 5. A. everyone B. miss C. everything ( ) 6. A. can B. help C. car

2、ry 二、根据首字母或汉语提示用单词的正确形式完成句子(写对5个即可; 2*5=10分):1. Two ducks are s (游泳) on the pond.2. Simon cant carry e (所有的东西).3. The eggs are b (碎了).4. Amy is too young to c (搬动) that box.5. It will be windy on S (周六) in Lhasa.6. The c (奶牛) are drinking water.三、根据提示,写出短语的正确形式,补全句子(写对5个即可):(3*5=15分)1. We often miss

3、 (在中国的每一个人).2. Im (在接电话) , so I cant help you.3. Simon and Tom are (尽力) help their Mum.4. I can help you (捡起) the apples.5. !(多么的凌乱) you should clean your room.6. Look! the birds are (飞走了).四、单项选择(选对8个即可) (2*8=16分): ( ) 1. Tom is an ice-cream now. A. eats B. eating C. ate( ) 2. We are going to London

4、 Sunday. A. in B. on C. at( ) 3. There is one monkey the tree. A. at B. on C. in( ) 4. Im sending an email my friend in Beijing.A. for B. to C. from( ) 5. - is Mike doing? -He is doing morning exercises. A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 6. Im buying a book Amy. A. to B. for C. from( ) 7. The box is so hea

5、vy that I cant it. A. carrying B. carry C. carried( ) 8. - can help me? -Sorry, I cant. A. Who B. What C. Where ( ) 9. Dad, come and help ! A. us B. we C. our( ) 10. The balloons , “Happy birthday, Daming!”A. write B. have C. say五、选出问句的合适答语,将序号写在题前的括号内:(2*4=8分)A. I can help you. B. Yes, you are. C.

6、He is at the supermarket. D. Im doing my homework. E. Im going to watch TV.( ) 1. Am I going to have a birthday party? ( ) 2. Wheres Simon? ( ) 3. Who can help me? ( ) 4. What are you doing? 六、连词成句(写对2个即可):(4*2=8分)1. falling, oranges, stairs, the, are, the, down, (.)2. eating, ducks, sandwiches, the

7、, our, are, (.)3. me, help , who, can, (?)七、翻译句子:(写对2个即可)(4*2=8分)1. Please write to your pen friend soon.2. 周六我们渡过了有意义的一天。 (一般过去式)3. 在这张照片中,阳光明媚。 (现在进行时)八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 或选择正确的答案:(2*10=20分)( A )In this photo, we are in the zoo. There are lots of clouds in the sky. The monkey is climbing the hill. T

8、he pandas are eating bamboo. The elephants are drinking water. The birds are singing in the tree. The bears are sleeping under a tree. What lovely animals!( )1. It is cloudy in this photo.( )2. The pandas are eating food.( )3. The elephant are thirsty.( )4. The birds are flying in the sky.( )5. The

9、animals are very cute. ( B ) Today is Sunday. The sun is shining. I go to the park with my mother. The park is near our house, so we walk there. When we get to the park, we see many people. Some old people are dancing. They are all more than 60 years old, but they are very happy. There are some boys

10、 under a tree. They are having a picnic. Look! What is that girl doing? She is drawing. What is she drawing? She is drawing some birds. She draws well, and the birds are beautiful.( ) 6. It is today.A. windy B. sunny C. cloudy( ) 7. I go to the park .A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot( ) 8 is/are dancing in the park.A. The boys B. The old people C. The girl( ) 9. There are some boys having a picnic.A. by the lake B. by the house C. under a tree( ) 10. The girl is today.A. drawing B. dancing C. singing九、写作:(10分)今天是周六,写一写你的父母,你的弟弟妹妹以及你晚饭后正在做什么。句子至少5个,单词不少于40个。


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