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1、人教版高一英语(下)教案Unit 17 Great Women(Reading )河北广平第一中学 周允东Understanding of the teaching material(语篇分析)Pre- reading:该部分是reading的前奏曲。针对去南极探险展开提问.问题涉及探险用具,极圈附近地理环境,生态及动物等。Reading:该部分描述了一位60岁Helen Thayer女士独立探险南极的记述,刻画了一位勇于冒险,探索自然,不怕困难,冷静处事,意志坚强的女性形象。该文从Helen的日记中改编截取而来,共8段三个部分。第一段写开始探险,第二段到第七段说探险过程,第八段结束-由于身体

2、缘故,Helen冷静分析后放弃的心理描写。 Post-reading: 该部分分为两部分。第一部分对于课文的理解。第二部分要求描述Helen的品质及由此展开对女性品质的称赞。Tips:掌握正确方式描写人物Checkpoints:对主谓一致掌握及总结集体性名词本单元课时安排:The 1st period: Warming up and listeningThe 2nd period: SpeakingThe 3rd period: ReadingThe 4th period: ReadingThe 5th period: Language studyThe 6th period: Integra

3、ting skills Teaching objectives:一Learning objectives: Ability Objects: 1.Foster the Ss ability of comprehending passages ,especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles. Help the Ss learn how to scan the text and get detailed information2.Offer the Ss chances of self-cu

4、lture by working in groups and seeking information about Helen Thayers of traveling alone to the Antarctica . 3Enable the students to conclude Helen Thayers qualities by reading the context and find the suitable words to describe her .4.Learn to describe people5. Learn to write an essay about people

5、Knowledge Objects: 1.Help the Ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly. And enable the Ss to master the grammar of Subject-verb agreement . / 2.Learn the usages of the following words and phrases: inspire, admire ,increase , value ,optimistic adj. 乐观的,generous adj. 慷

6、概的;大方的be about to do. 即将,正要做某事,around the corner. 很近struggle through. 艰难地渡过finddoing. 发现-处于(状态)increase to.增加到come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快的处境)rise to fame 出名leadto 通向,导致etc. 3.And help the Ss talk about the reason why they admire Helen Thayer .Let them have strong wills and determination .二 Emotional

7、 goals:1.学习克服困难的毅力2.表达自己的价值观文化意识1.了解妇女的伟大2.加强女性价值观3.初步了解女性,黑人女性历史Teaching Approaches:1. Task-based teaching method to finish the teaching assignment. 2. Activity-based teaching class work individual work group work 3 .Fast reading to find out some general information .4.Careful reading to find the d

8、etails in the passage. 5.Questions and answers for inducing.6.Inductive method to make the Ss understand the text better.Teaching difficult points:1. . Help the Ss talk about the reason why they admire Helen Thayer .Let them have strong wills and determination 2Know Helen Thayers qualify and describ

9、e her in the Ss own words . 3To learn agreement Teaching aids(略)。Teaching procedures: Period 3 & 4ReadingStep 1 : Warming up a) Daily report b) Brief introduction of Poles. Show the picture of the worldThis part is just used as a curtain that appears ahead of the scene . (Or teacher hangs a map of t

10、he world on the Bb .) It helps the Ss learn sth. About Antarctica . T :Today ,we are going to learn Unit 17 (Reading ) Alone In Antarctica. First of all , please have a look at the pictures above and who can tell us where Antarctica is located . How much do you know about Antarctica?T :Im glad that

11、youve had thought actively and had such a heat discussion .Well, please have a look at my answer .Show the answer on the screen : Antarctica is the most southerly continent located about the Geographic South Pole, the southern point of the earths rotational axis. Antarctica is a large land mass buri

12、ed under a vase ice cap and surrounded by land. T :In most peoples eyes Antarctica is a beautiful snow-white world ,but when one really goes there ,he /she will realize what an extreme place it is ! He /She will meet some unexpected difficulties . Do you agree with me ? In this class ,we are going l

13、earn the text Alone In Antarctica and well learn sth. about this mysterious land as well as a great womans expedition to the land Next t ,lets come to Pre-reading .Step2. Pre-readingT : Look at the picture .What are the animals ?Good .Penguins .T: where are they ?On the North Pole or on the South Po

14、le ? Quite right , on the South Pole .T :Listen! Here is a brainstorm :why polar bears never eat Penguins ? Correct .There are no polar bears in Antarctica. As we all know, polar bears live on the North Pole .T: Please discuss in pairs the rest Qs in Pre-reading . Then Ill ask some of you to report

15、your answers .T: Are you ready ? Who d like to answer the first Q ? Volunteer !Step 3. Presentation T: It is freezing cold in the South Pole .Few people ,in the world have ever been there .However ,there was a brave woman who had traveled alone to the North Pole and the South Pole .Do you know who she was ? Right , Helen Thayer .she was the first woman who traveled alone there .Today we are going to read about the g


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