高中英语 模块二 短语汇总课件 牛津版必修2

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1、模块二 短语汇总Unit 11. 偶然遇到 run into; come across2. 先进的科技 advanced science and technology3. 某人发生了谋事 sth. happened to sb.4. 加快 step up5. 搜寻 search for/ look for/ in search of6. 失踪 go missing / get lost7. 引起极大的关注 receive great interest8. 因为 due to / thanks to / because of9. 出现 show up / turn up10. 实际上 in fa

2、ct / as a matter of fact11. 放音乐 put on music12. 根据 according to 13. 研究 do research on14. 害怕 get frightened / be afraid15. 拉开窗帘 pull back the curtains 16. 可能 there is a possibility that It is possible / likely that17. 调查 look into18. 编造,化装 make up19. 负责 take charge of20. 取得很大进步 make great / much prog

3、ress 21. 对 失望 be disappointed with22. 演讲 make / give a speech /talk23. 人造卫星 artificial /man-made satellite24. 踏上,进入 set foot in/ on25. 为 照相 take photos of26. 实现梦想 live / realize ones dream Ones dream comes true.27. 厌倦 be tired / sick of28. 因 而疲倦 be tired from / with29. 得出结论 draw a conclusion30. 建议 m

4、ake suggestions31. 以为基础 baseon32. 实施,执行 carry out 33. 据说 It is said that / be said to do34. 热衷于,对 极感兴趣 be enthusiastic about35. 一次,每次 at a time36. 相信,信任 believe in37. 走向 make ones way to / head for38. 属于 belong to 39. 有机会做某事 have an chance to do sth40. 亲眼看见 see with ones own eyesUnit 21. 长途跋涉 go tre

5、kking2. 忙于做谋事 be busy with /in doing sth. 3. 上大学 go to university / college4. 准备做谋事 be ready to do sth5. 在晴朗的夜晚 on clear nights6. 在黑暗中 in the dark7. 激浪漂流 go white-water rafting8. 以防万一 in case9. 在这种/那种情况下 in this / that case10. 要是, in case of 11. 翻了底朝天 turn upside down12. 包括在内 including sb. /sth.; sb

6、/ sth included13. 担心 worry about14. 吓走 scare away15. 近距离 up close16. 期盼着做谋事 look forward to doing sth17. 正打算做谋事这时 be about to do when18. 黎明时分 at dawn19. 安静地 in silence / silently20. 出差 be on business21. 多达 up to 22. 总共 in total23. 汇合 join together24. 被覆盖 be covered with25. 永葆青春 stay young forever26.

7、 高于 tower over27. 被环绕 be surrounded by28. 以为食 feed on 29. 发源地,产地,栖息地 be home to 30. 与和谐相处 live in harmony with31. 提供provide /supply sb. with sth ; provide sth for sbsupply sth to sb Unit 31. 对 好奇 be curious about2. 航海去 set sail for3. 因而出名 be known for4. 做为 而出名 be known as5. 清空 empty (some place). of

8、 sth.6. 立刻 right away / at once / immediately7. 不久 shortly after / not long after8. 生病 fall ill9. 一 就 upon / on doing sth.As soon as / immediately / the moment/ the minute / the secondHardly whenNo sooner than10. 带某人去 lead sb. to11. 在场 be present12. 第二天 the following / next day13. 死于 die of / from14

9、. 与有/很有/ 没有 关系Have something / much / nothing to do with15. 导致,产生 lead to / result in16. 提前 in advance17. 成功,得到回报 pay off18. 与 比较 compare with19. 把比作 compareto 20. 言语不能表达/描述Words cant express / describe21. 宁愿 而不愿Would rather do than doWould do rather than do Prefer doing to doing Prefer to dorather than do22. 贡献 contribute to / make a contribution to 23. 稍后 later on 24. 在 主演 star in25. 踏上 set foot on 26. 许多 a great / good deal of A good /great many A number ofA large amount of27. 记下 make a note of 28. 了解 get / have an idea of29. 申请



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