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1、2022年牛津六年级英语春季学期填空题专项综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1Let Mike help you_(picks / pick) the pen up for you.2I watched an_football match last night. I was_. (excited / excitedly / exciting)3_did you cut the meat?With a sharp knife. (What / How)4Who_you up every morning? (wakes / woke)5Willy and Liu Tao

2、 are_on the Internet. (chat / chatted / chatting)2. 语法填空。1Dont cry, boy! the lady spoken_to Sam. (gentle)2Our school garden looks different when there is a_change. (season)3Which is more_, monkeys or dolphins? (intelligence)4This is my_time to visit this city. (two)3. 选用适当的单词填空。loudly snowy quietly

3、quick windy carefully dirty happily1Be_, or youll be late for school.2In the library, you should speak_.3Dont shout_, The boy is sleeping.4The girl is doing her homework_.5The children are singing_at the party.6It is warm and_today. Lets fly kites in the park.7In winter, it is cold and_here.8Black s

4、moke from factories makes the air_here.4. 把句子补充完整,填入合适的单词或词组。1Thats good_(锻炼).2We are all_(不同) now.3I_(骑自行车) with my friends yesterday.4Mike is wearing a_(粉色的T恤).5There was no_(饭厅) in our school.5. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Fiveyearsago,he_(write)letterstohisfriend.Nowhe_(send)emailsontheInternet.2Tenyearsago,t

5、hey_(live)inasmallhouse.Nowthey_(live)inabighouse.3There_(is)anoldbuildingbefore.Nowthere_(is)anewpark.6. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。thin(比较级) tomato(复数形式)skate(现在分词) can(过去式)well(比较级) dont(过去式)think(过去式) before(对应词)new(反义词) cycle(现在分词)7. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1The girl_(伤心地哭)just now. What happened to her?2_(我和我的妈妈

6、) went shopping yesterday.3Su Yang and I_(成为好朋友) last year.4I said to my mother q_.5I do my homework w_my hands.6David plays table tennis h_.7H_can you help me?8The ball in the tree is too high. I cant r_it.9Dont be sad, I ll come back s_.10Look, the boy is h_the balloon too hard. Im afraid it will

7、be broken(坏的).8. 根据句意,选择适当的内容填空。1The_(bell / phone) is ringing.2These bags are heavy. I cant_(take / carry)them.3We are having a_(birthday / sports)party.4The_ (apples / balloons)are flying away.5My book is_(falling / flying ).9. 将下列单词重新分类。alwaysstopsometimesneverread withoftenatridecleanofshow from

8、love1. always:2. stop:3. with:10. 选词填空。1_(What/Where) is your dream then?2She_(wants/want) to be a scientist.3Its difficult_(to/on) come true.4Sounds great._(And/But) its difficult to come true.11. 写出下列规则动词三单形式现在分词和过去式。1play 2work 3study 4stop 5clean 12. 用动词的适当形式填空。1I_to school from Monday to Friday

9、. My brother often_to school with me. Yesterday we_to school together. We like_to school very much. (go)2They usually_lunch at home. But last week, they_lunch at school. (have)3My sister likes_very much. She_beautifully. She often_at our school festival. Last term, she_a lot songs in the school hall

10、. (sing)13. 根据图片、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词。1Where is the pen?Its u_the desk.2He_(经常) climbs hills.3Chen Jie_on the weekend.4This is an_(有趣的) play.5Its a c_autumn. Lets go c_on Sunday.6Do you_your grandparents? Yes. I do.7Do you_(经常) go running?8Look! Theyre h_.9This one h_got a picture of the Great Wall o

11、n it.14. 用词的适当形式完成句子。fast, quickly, careful, put on, wake, carefullyhappy, go, happily, sad, sadly, do1Yang Ling is_today. She is singing_.2The fish is dead. Sam is very_. He is crying_.3My mum is a_woman. She does everything_.4Wang Bing ran_. He brought some water_.5Mikes mother_him up this morning

12、. Then they_to the supermarket.6Let her_some housework.7_your sister watch TV in the evenings?No. I often watch TV in the evenings.8What_you do on Sunday?I pulled up carrots.9This pair of shoes is too dirty,_them_.15. 填空题。1Its Steven_(call).2Skating iseasyfor you, but it is_for me.3You can jump_. I can jump


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