2011届高考英语专题模拟演练 单项填空分类汇编(1)(2011届模拟)

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2011届高考英语专题模拟演练 单项填空分类汇编(1)(2011届模拟)_第1页
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1、单项填空分类汇编(1)名词1. (2011福建三明一中高三期中)Whoever suffers from stomach can seek _ from this medicine, which is said to be effective.A. reliefB. defenseC. shelterD. protection2.(2011福建师大附中高三期中)- Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?- No, its out of _.AdistanceBreachCcontrol Drange3.(2011 河北冀州中学高三期中)I

2、 do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another _ .A. occasionB. situationC. conditionD. environment4.(2011河北正定中学高三期中)Hawking is _success, _disabled man though he is. Aa;/ B/;a Cthe;a Da;the5.(2011河南省扶沟高中高三第二次考试)She wants to apply for a_ in the office of the n

3、ew government Alocation Bprofession Ccareer Dposition6.(2011河南省扶沟高中高三第二次考试)The advantages of living high on the top floor is that you can get a good _ of the cityAsight Bscene Cview Dlook 7.(2011河南鹤壁高中高三第三次考试)I cant advise you what to do and what not to do its a _ of conscience.A. matter B. event C.

4、 thing D. problem8.(2011河南濮阳二高高三期中)The open-air _has been put off because of the bad weather. A. occasion B. congratulation C. celebration D. challenge9.(2011河南周口高三期中)If you like, I can do some shopping for you.Thats a very king .AsuggestionBserviceCpointDoffer10.(2011黑龙江五大连池高三期中)We discussed the pr

5、oblem many times, but still could come to no_ .A. end B. conclusion C. result D. judgement11.(2011吉林实验中学高三二模)- If you like, I can do some shopping for you.- Thats a very kind _.Aoffer Bservice Cpoint Dsuggestion冠词12.(2011福建省福州市八县(市)高三期中)Japans refusal to release(释放) Chinese fishing boat captain had

6、already caused_ damage to Sino-Japanese bilateral contacts(双边关系).A. a; 不填B. a; aC. the; 不填D. the; the13.(2011福建南安一中高三期中)_ Flying Luxury Hotel of Tomorrow is _ huge 400-ton aircraft without wings.A. /, a B. The, a C. The, the D. A, a14.(2011 福建三明一中高三期中)How skillfully the little boy plays the violin!

7、Ive never seen _ better player at such a young age. He promises to be _ outstanding musician in the future!A. a; theB. a; anC. the; a D. the; an15.(2011福建厦门同安一中高三上期中)With its rising economy in China, _ car is becoming _ common means of transportation.A. the; / B. /; a C. the; a D. the; the16.(2011河南

8、省扶沟高中高三第二次考试)Football is _sport I love, _ sport that has given me so much Aa; the B/; a Ca; a Dthe; the17.(2011河南焦作修武一中高三上期中)On April 6, 1896, crowd of 60,000 people watched the King of Greece open first modern Olympic Games.Aa; a Bthe ; a Ca ; the Dthe ; the18.(2011 河南濮阳二高高三期中)As we expect, _ 2010

9、World Expo in Shanghai is _ great success.A. /; a B. the; a C. the; / D. a; a19.(2011黑龙江庆安三中高三上期中)I wanted to catch _ early train, but couldnt get _ ride to the station. A. an, the B. /, the C. an, / D. the, a20.(2011黑龙江五大连池市高中高三上期中)Who do you think will take _office next month and become _president

10、 of the country?A. the; a B. a;/ C. the ;the D./;/21.(2011湖南株洲八中高三上11月月考)-Of the two dresses, which one do you like better?- Of course _ darker, because it is _ most fashionable one.Athe; a Ba; a C/; the D the; the22.(2011吉林东北师大附中高三第二次摸底考试)The China Education Expo 2010 provides visiting students wit

11、h _ wealth of information on _ options open to them for overseas studyAa ; /B/ ; the Ca ; theD/ ; /23.(2011吉林实验中学高三二模)-John, there is _ MrWilson on the phone for you.-Im in _bath.Aa ; the Bthe ; aCa ; 不填 Dthe ; 不填代词24.(2011福建省福州市八县(市)高三上期中联考)After watching the movie Inception盗梦空间, I bought some DVD

12、copies of the film, but now is left.A. noneB. nothing C. no one D. neither25.(2011福建三明一中高三上期中)How do you usually keep in touch with your friend, by QQ, email or letter?_. I use my mobile phone only. Its the most convenient of all. A. No oneB. NeitherC. NothingD. None26.(2011福建师大附中高三上期中)一So you like

13、the book your father gave you?一Very muchIts exactly I wantedAthe one Bthat Cwhich D27.(2011福建厦门同安一中高三上期中)Congratulate you on your success in the competition, John! You are_ if not ambitious.A. nothing B. anything C. everythingD. someone28.(2011河南省扶沟高中高三第二次考试)I prefer a house in small coast village to_ in such a large city_ Sydney. Athat; as Bone; as Cone; like Dthat; like 29.(2011河南焦作修武一中高三上期中)Im no painter, and to me, one painting is much like .AothersBthe ot


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