2022年高三下学期第七次周练英语试题 含答案

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1、2022年高三下学期第七次周练英语试题 含答案.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Eric:When I was in kindergarten, my teacher told us that we could bee anything when we got older.Jo:My teacher said that, too, and we believed we _1_ bee whatever we wanted to be.Eric:You know I _2_(real)wanted to bee a fish, as fish wer

2、e so beautiful and so free in the water.Jo:Ha! Ha! Thats funny. When I was about five years old, I _3_(think)I could hatch an egg since I kept it warm, and I _4_(sleep)with some eggs in my bed, and guess what?Eric:You broke the _5_?Jo:Yes, all of them. I felt as though I _6_(kill)my little chickens

3、and I cried. Angry as my mother was, she didnt scold me _7_, she explained how a hen hatched eggs and asked me not to do that again.Eric:Did you do whatever your mother told you?Jo:Yes, I always listened to her, _8_ she said. She used to be my hero.Eric:My mother used to tell me that if I ever swall

4、owed _9_ seed, a plant would grow inside me, so I never ate watermelons _10_ they were seedless.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议话题: 文化习俗词数:280难度:建议用时:15分钟In China,a general belief is that “things bee easier when men and women pair up”However,when women and women_1_ up at workplace,things became terrible.I feel extremely

5、_2_ when women act rudely,and use curse words and unclean languages.Over thirty years ago,when I was a young_3_ at a factory,I found some women workers liked speaking_4_to each other at the_5_ and they frequently uttered those dirty words_6_by guys only,while they were angry _7_ just happy.It is not

6、 all their fault,_8_they had less_9_during the period of the Cultural Revolution._10_that I am an office worker,I rarely see the female colleagues around me_11_rudely and severely to each other.They _12_each other politely,at_13_in my eye.Certainly some Chinese women _14_their workmates of the same

7、sex.They in_15_like to petewhose ring is more expensive,whose house bigger,whose husband_16_,and so on,especially those_17_ didnt get a higher education would care more about money.For the office ladies,supervisors and subordinates,or at the same rank,they may fight for the opportunity to_18_.They a

8、re petitors,but they try not to use unbearable languages!Sometimes,you hate women talking,_19_if they were quarreling.In fact,its nothing to do with the petition,but more with the tones of the language and the pitch or timbre(音质)of womens voice.However,you still _20_those women who talk rudely,on th

9、e streets or in some markets,as I prove.Definitely,this is by no means part of Chinese culture,which sponsors harmony and promise.【解题导语】本文叙述了作者在车间的所见所闻,旨在说明导致国人说话、做事行为不端的原因主要是受教育少,而对于“男女搭配干活不累”这一说法似乎在女性间显得非同一般。1A.paired Bturned Ccheered Dshowed2Afortable Bworried Cunfortable Dunworried3A.child Bman

10、Cworker Dcolleague4A.kindly Bfrankly Chonestly Dseverely5A.factory Bworkplace Coffice Dstation6A.used Btold Cmentioned Dread7A.and Bbut Cor Dso8A.though Bas Cwhen Dwhile9A.impression Benjoyment Ccourage Deducation10A.Now BSince CFor DWith11A.spoken Bspeaking Cspeak Dspoke12A.love Btreat Crespect Den

11、vy13A.most Bsometimes Cleast Dfirst14A.dislike Bdisagree Cdisappoint Ddisorder15A.particular Btrouble Cgeneral Dpain16A.worse Bricher Chigher Dpoorer17A.that Bwhich Cwhom Dwho18A.promote Bbe promoted Cemploy Dbe employed19A.as Beven Cwhat Donly20Ae into Be up Ce across De down.阅读理解体裁:夹叙夹议话题:心灵沟通词数:3

12、40难度:建议用时:6分钟During my first seven semesters as a medical student at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia,I spent most of my time studying and in classrooms.I rarely spoke with real patients in a hospital setting.Then last year I started visiting the neurology(神经)ward at Dr.Sardjito Hospital.I was ga

13、thering data for my paper.At the hospital I would review the medical records of newly admitted stroke patients,then interview them to find out if they were taking the pill.One cold,rainy evening last October,I was in the neurology ward desperately“hunting”for the final three patients I needed to ple

14、te my study.The records showed that there was a 43yearold stroke patient,whom I will call Ms A,in the ward.Holding a patient questionnaire,I went into her room.I asked how she was doing.She softly replied that she was getting better but the left side of her body was still weak.After I finished the q

15、uestionnaire,I prepared to leave so I could go through more medical records.Before I could stand up,Ms A started making conversation,asking where I was from and why I was working so late in the evening.I was surprised someone in her condition would want to talk.Ms A started talking about herself.She told me she had three children in primary school,who were staying with a neighbor.Her husband died a year ago and she is t


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