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1、一年级关于我的家乡英语作文导语:这里风光独好,这里山美、水美、人更美。这里是我们的家乡。你的 家乡在哪呢?以下是yjbs作文网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。我的家乡英语作文(1)My hometownJianHu, here is a long history, the humanities ceremony, the sce nery beautiful picturesque land of fish and rice.I love my hometown, because here is dedicated to patriotic Liu Xiufu gen erati

2、 on of photograph, the famous diplomat qiao gua nhua, the first chin ese-america n Wang Ganjun in space.I love my hometow n, because there are many sce nic spots, there are picturesque double lake park, the n ature of the nine drag on, gree n xita ng river sight. One of the most famous is the nine d

3、ragon, trees and flowers there are vibra nt, there is a touchi ng lege nd, I on g, l ong ago, there a evil pyth on here make waves in the world, make people. The n stirred the jade emperor, the jade emperor was very worried, sent a python nine dragon and evil struggle, formed the trace of the fight,

4、 therefore, becomes a nine river.I love my hometow n, because there is a picturesque lake park, there is the bottom of the lake, the blue sky white cloud, thick reed, flocks of ducks and geese, make a picture of beauty. Sat on the boat and rowed into the lotus pond lotus, remove withered lotusout of

5、 ten der and whitelotus seed, let a pers on want to bite. Aga in to water, to water chest nut, the opposite of ope n water chest nut can see out, like a gree n wing water chest nu t, if you are lucky eno ugh, you can also see each round egg!JianHu not only picturesque, we have lit up the world of en

6、ergy saving lamps and lanterns, gone through the aspects of leather shoes, and glitteri ng and tran sluce nt get rid of lotus root starch round! Visitors to our Jia nHu, will be a great choice!我的家乡建湖,这里是历史悠久、人文荟萃、风景美如画的鱼米之乡。我爱我的家乡,因为这里有尽忠报国的一代名相陆秀夫,着名的外交家乔冠华,有第一位登上太空的美籍华人王赣俊。我爱我的家乡, 因为这里有许多的风景名胜, 有风

7、景如画的双湖公园, 自然 天成的九龙口, 绿意盎然的西塘河风光带。 最有名的就是九龙口了, 那里花草树 木都生机勃勃, 还有一个动人的传说呢, 很久很久以前, 人间有一条恶蟒在这儿 兴风作浪,使老百姓不得安宁。后来惊动了玉皇大帝,玉皇大帝十分着急,就派 出了九条神龙与恶蟒搏斗,形成了打斗的痕迹,由此,就变成了九条河流。我爱我的家乡, 因为这里有一个风景如画的双湖公园, 那里有清澈见底的湖 水,蓝天白云,茂密的芦苇,成群的鸭鹅,构成了一幅水乡美景图。坐上小船, 划到荷花池里去采莲蓬, 剥开枯萎的莲蓬露出了嫩白的莲子, 让人真想咬上一口。 再划到菱角丛中,去采菱角,翻开菱角的反面可以看到一颗颗像绿

8、元宝似的菱角, 如果你运气好的话,还可以看到一个个圆溜溜的鸟蛋呢 !我们建湖不仅风景如画, 有照亮世界的节能灯具, 走遍天下的森达皮鞋, 还 有晶莹剔透的藕粉圆呢 ! 到我们建湖来的游客,一定会大饱口福的 !我的家乡英语作文 (2)"Grandma's penghu bay penghu bay, penghu bay, I have many childhood fantasy, sunshine, beach, waves, cactus, and an old captain" When my ear ring this song, I have though

9、t of home,I love the beautiful hometown of xiamen.It is often said that the spring is the most beautiful. But in my hometown, is beautiful all the year round. Spring, the sea is linked together, presented a charming picture; Summer, in the sun, the sand and glittering, emit shine; Autumn, sea always

10、 foggy, give a person a kind of hazy feeling, makea person as if place oneself in fairyland in general; In winter, the sunlight is still bright and beautiful, is warm, red flower and green. Here beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, surrounded by sea, beach, sunny, fresh air, is an attractive &quo

11、t;sea garden".Moreover the local scenic spots and characteristics snacks. Don't say the renowned Chinese and foreign gulangyu island, one thousand years history-south putuo temple; Singing is not enough that the mahoganypanelled splendour of JiMeiXue Village and xiamen university;Express th

12、e romantic and beautiful island road, bearing the weight of the sacred mission of xiamen international marathon. Just want to the non delicious crispy Fried, burned meat reed, barbeque, and the fragrant peanut soup, ripening, bamboo shoots frozen soil, then feel itch, greediness chan, wish immediate

13、ly wings to fly back to the big eat a meal!Ah! Xiamen! I love the hometown! Let me miss! I look at an early date in home schooling, learn to return, return to your warm embrace.“ 澎湖湾,澎湖湾,外婆的澎湖湾。 有我许多童年幻想, 阳光,沙滩, 海浪,仙人掌,还有一位老船长 ……” 每当我耳边响起这首 歌时,就想起了家乡,我爱 i 美丽富饶的故乡厦门。人们常说,春天是

14、最美丽的。可在我的家乡,一年四季都是美丽的。春天, 海天相连,呈现出一幅迷人的画面 ; 夏天,在阳光的照射下,沙滩上金灿灿的, 放射出耀眼的光芒 ; 秋天,海上总是雾蒙蒙的,给人一种朦胧的感觉,使人仿佛 置身于仙境一般 ; 冬天,阳光依然明媚,依然是花红草绿、温暖如春。这里风景 秀丽、气候宜人、海水环绕、沙滩广阔,阳光和煦,空气清新,是一座风姿绰约 的 “ 海上花园 ” 。更值得一提的是当地的风景名胜和特色小吃。 不说那驰名中外的鼓浪屿, 千 年古刹南普陀寺 ;唱不够那人才辈出的集美学村和厦门大学 ; 道不尽那浪漫优美 的环岛路, 承载着厦门国际马拉松的神圣使命。 只想

15、那鲜美香脆的海蛎煎、 烧肉 粽,沙茶面,还有那香喷喷的花生汤,春饼,土笋冻,便觉得心痒痒、嘴馋馋, 恨不得立刻插上翅膀飞回去大吃一顿 !啊!厦门!我热爱的故乡 !让我魂牵梦绕的地方 !我远在他乡求学,望早日学成 归来,重回您温暖的怀抱 !我的家乡英语作文 (3)I love my hometown. Warm spring to all things on earth brings great blessings, make the earth full of vitality. Home with a mountain lion in the mountain, the mountain f

16、lower although there is no the smell of the rose aroma; Nor as very beautiful peony. But ordinary like that. It looks so good. So generous.I love my hometown. A hot summerday in baked the earth. Weenjoy cool air under the tall trees, proud of cicadas in the "make" project for us. Little girls picked up the flower on the head of the ground, held than the competition.I love my hometown. Cool autumn brings people a warm smile,


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