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1、中考期末复习指导 一.教学目标期末重点复习及模拟试题并检测1至6单元的学习情况二.重点词汇:sportsman 运动员 disability残疾 blind 盲的 headmistress 女校长improvement 提高discouraged 沮丧的serious认真的 region 自治区westernmost 最西端的share 分享 treasure 财宝 fortune财产modern 现代的 influence影响 scream尖叫 research研究mysterious神秘的 ancient 古老的 introduce 介绍 chemical化学的observe观察statu

2、e雕塑 illness疾病 destroy破坏三. 重点短语:四. 重点句型:I hear / think she / he will be back 我听说 / 想她 / 他会回来。What places of interest in China would you like to visit? 你愿意参观中国哪些名胜?How well do you swim? 你游得怎么样?Do you believe in dragons? 你相信有龙存在吗?I wonder why youve done so well in every chemical experiment. 我想知道你为什么每一个

3、化学实验都做得这么好。What do you think of your chemistry / physics / English / Chinese lesson?你认为你的化学 / 物理 / 英语 / 语文课如何?What are the best ways to improve your English? 提高英语的最好方法是什么?Why would you choose ? 你为什么选择?Do you know that theres an island named after a holiday? 你知不知道有一个跟随节日而命名的岛?What if aliens put up th

4、e Moai to send us a message? 如果外星人树起毛埃来向我们发送信息怎么办?He said he would return before the end of the month. 他说他会在月底前回来。【模拟试题】一. 单项选择1. United States of America is one of North American countries with number of people.A. The, /, the B. /, the, a C. The, the, the D. The, the, a2. A story by Granny yesterda

5、y.A. is told us B. told us C. was told to us D. was told us3. The television has . Ill have it tomorrow.A. broke out, repair B. broke down, to repairC. broken down, repaired D. breaking, repairing4. These foreigners come from , they are , they speak .A. Egypt, Egyptian, ArabB. Canada, Canadians, Eng

6、lish and FrenchC. Russian, Russians, Russian D. Germany, Germen, German5. Do you mind if I open the door? .A. No, of course not.B. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, you can D. No, you cant open it.6. My parents about 1000 yuan for my school education each year.A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay7. I cant remember if I

7、 have my bag at the cinema.A. forgot B. left C. put D. forgotten8. The biggest room in this building used as a meeting room.A. used to B. is used to C. used to be D. is used to be9. The sick mans allowed to take a walk in the garden every day, ?A. is he B. isnt he C. has he D. hasnt he10. Better go

8、and ask him when he . We must see him off when he .A. is leaving, leaves B. leaves, is leavingC. leaves, left D. left, was leaving11. All the land he green and lovely, and he was very pleased.A. to pass lookB. passed, lookedC. passed to look D. to pass looked12. It is Easter Island because it was on

9、 Easter Day.A. name, found B. named, foundedC. named after, found D. called, found13. was founded on August 1st, 1927.A. The PRC B. The CCP C. The WTO D. The PLA14. The immigrants and the Indians together happily before the war .A. have lived, breaks outB. had lived, broke out C. lived, had broken o

10、ut D. have lived, broke out15. Its said that the road is cars.A. filled with B. covered with C. jammed with D. fulled with16. What do you think the man with thick glasses angry a moment ago?A. made B. make C. to make D. makes17. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, great it

11、 is.A. what B. how C. however D. whatever18. My parents were deeply at my mark in the exam.A. disappointing, disappointed B. disappointed, disappointedC. disappointed, disappointing D. disappointing, disappointing19. two years since they the bridge. But this is the first time I it.A. It was, have bu

12、ilt, have crossedB. Its, have built, crossedC. Its, built, have crossed D. It was, built, had crossed20. Neither he nor his children able to play table tennis.A. can be B. could C. are D. is21. When he knew what , he was a little sad.A. was happened B. has happened C. happened D. had happened22. He

13、wont go to the cinema tonight, .A. neither do I B. so wont I C. nor will I D. so will I23. The big tree was by the storm last night stays on the road.A. blown, lying B. turned over, standingC. fell down, lain D. blown down, lying24. The policeman the man to see if he had a gun.A. searched B. looked out C. found D. searched for25. To go in for sports you stay fit.A. help B. helps C. helped D. helping二. 阅读理解AJack worked


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