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1、随堂小练(Module 2, Book 3)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. As we all know, whether a man is successful or not cannot bein terms of money.A. exchanged B. measured C. described D. improved2. Tom, youd better finish your work before ten. Sorry, Mom. What did you say? A. I didnt get that. B. You are right. C

2、. Its amazing. D. You are funny.3. Whats your finalas a player? To win the World Championship.A. index B. figure C. development D. goal4. The average income of the people in thiscity has been increased20%compared with last year.A. to B. with C. by D. of5. Although I need the book for myself,Im willi

3、ng to give it to you.A. but B. yet C. while D. however6. In order to speak English fluently, I make everyto practice speaking English.A. effort B. progress C. achievement D. measure7.is right that every one of us should try our best to help the homeless.A. What B. It C. That D. Which8. From ouron th

4、e top of Mount Tai, we can have a better view of the city of Taian.A. freeway B. section C. position D. region9. At the bottom of the valley, where dozens of households live. A. a village lies B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. a village does lie10. Why did you call him up in advance?sure th

5、at he was at home.A. To make B. Make C. Making D. Having made11. Are you considering buying a larger house? No. My room is small., its comfortable.A. And B. Though C. As D. However12. Dont you think you have made a little progress? You have mademistakes in this test.A. less B. as much C. fewer D. as

6、 many13.He went to the railway station to pickup his friendit was raining hard.A. but B. however C. as D. although14. Can you give examples of diseaseswith smoking? Lung cancer is one of them.A. connected B. to be connected C. having connected D. connecting 15. How about going out for a walk after c

7、lass? I couldnt agree with you.A. so much B. more C. as much D. most参考答案及解析:1. B。 exchange意为“交换”;measure意为“衡量”;describe意为“描述”;improve意为“提高”。句意为:众所周知,成功是不能用金钱来衡量的。2. A。 I didnt get that意为“我没听见你刚才说的”;You are right意为“你说得对”;Its amazing意为“太不可思议了”; You arefunny意为“你太有趣了”。句意为:汤姆,你最好在10点之前做完你的作业。对不起,妈妈。你刚才说什

8、么?我没听见。3. D。index意为“指数”;figure意为“数字”;development意为“发展”;goal意为“目标”。句意为:作为一个运动员你的终极目标是什么?得世界冠军。4. C。表示增加或减少的程度用介词by。句意为:与去年相比,该城市的居民收入增加了20%。5. B。although不能与but,however连用,但是可以和yet, still连用。句意为:虽然我自己也需要这本书,但我愿意把它给你。6. A。make every effort to do sth. 尽一切努力/不遗余力做某事。progress意为“进步”;achievement意为“成就”;measure

9、意为“措施”。句意为:为了流利地说好英语,我努力练习说英语。7. B。 it is right thatit作形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的从句。句意为:我们每个人都应尽力帮助无家可归的人。8. C。freeway意为“高速公路”;section意为“部分”;position意为“位置”;region意为“地区,区域”。句意为:从泰山顶上我们站的位置,可以一览泰安城。9. B。当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子用全部倒装语序。句意为:村庄坐落在山脚下,住着大约几十户人家。10. A。不定式作目的状语。句意为:你为什么事先打电话给他?为了确定他在家。11. D。but和however都

10、表转折关系,但是however后用逗号。句意为:你在考虑买大房子吗?没有。我的房子虽小但很舒服。12. C。根据a little progress可知用比较级。mistakes为可数名词复数,故用fewer。句意为:你不认为你已取得一些进步了吗?这次考试你出错少了。13. D。although引导让步状语从句可位于句首也可位于句中。句意为:尽管雨下得很大,但他还是去火车站接朋友了。14. A。connected with smoking作定语修饰diseases, 相当于which are connected with smoking。15. B。I couldnt agree with you more意为“我完全同意”。句意为:下课后出去散步好吗?我完全同意。



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