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1、2023年旅游签邀请函(7篇) 书目 第1篇个人旅游签证邀请函范文 第2篇旅游签证邀请函范本 第3篇旅游签证英文邀请函 第4篇出国旅游签证邀请函 第5篇来华旅游签证邀请函 第6篇加拿大旅游签证邀请函 第7篇旅游签证邀请函 个人旅游签证邀请函范文 个人旅游签证邀请函范文篇一 _(中方邀请单位)邀请_(国名)_(组团旅行社)组织的_(团号)旅行团_(人数)于_(年、月、日)至_(年、月、日)来中国_(旅游地点)旅游。 请即持此函(电)前往中国驻_(国名或地名)大使馆(或总领馆、驻港公署、驻澳公署)申请_次有效签证。 (附:旅游团人员名单) (编号及发函电单位全称) (年、月、日)于(城市名) 联系

2、人: 电话: 传真: 负责人签署: 签署人职务: 个人旅游签证邀请函范文篇二 (salutation) i would hereby invite the members of beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to *(country) for * (exposition), which is to be held at * (place) during * (date). please make the necessary arrangements for yo

3、ur delegation to arrive in * (country). during the exposition, you will stay here for * days. all your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves. we are lookin

4、g forward to greeting you in * (country) very soon. yours sincerely, (signature) 个人旅游签证邀请函范文篇三 dear professor _ we are so pleased that you will be visiting stanford to speak at our _ research workshop on date. to show our appreciation for your willingness to share your research, we would like to off

5、er you a modest $_ honoraria, assuming your visa and tax status allow you to accept this. please be aware that honoraria payments may be subject to up to 37% withholding. in order to process this, we will need you to complete some paperwork; we will be in touch shortly about this. if you would like

6、our assistance securing a visa to enter the united states, or an itin (tax identification number required to receive honoraria payments), please let us knowwe will be glad to help with this. we are also prepared to cover the costs (up to $_) for your travel to and accommodations in the stanford area

7、. we can make and pay directly for travel arrangements for you, or, if you prefer, we can reimburse your for reasonable expenses (i.e. coach-class airfare for flights under eight hours in length, no entertainment or alcohol-related expenditures, tips 15% or less). if you choose the latter option, we

8、 will provide you with the forms and information necessary to be reimbursed by stanford. sponsored by a grant form the mellon foundation, the research workshops at stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in the

9、ir fields of interest. i think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop. we will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere. if there are specific scholars

10、at stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so. we will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logistics of your visit. in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or _, our workshop’s graduate student coordinator (insert contac

11、t info here). the stanford humanities center, the research center on campus that manages the mellon workshop program, may also contact you. best wishes, faculty coordinator name of workshop stanford university 旅游签证邀请函范本 旅游签证邀请函范本篇一 兹邀请由您领导的北京4人代表团来*(国家)参与*(展览)。该展览将于*(日期)在*(地点)实行。请您支配来*(国家)的必要事宜。展会期间

12、您们将在此逗留*日,全部的费用,包括国际机票、当地交通、食宿、医疗保险和其他相关费用由贵公司担当。 我们期盼您的访问。 此致 敬礼 旅游签证邀请函范本篇二 _(中方邀请单位)邀请_(国名)_(组团旅行社)组织的_(团号)旅行团_(人数)于_(年、月、日)至_(年、月、日)来中国_(旅游地点)旅游。 请即持此函(电)前往中国驻_(国名或地名)大使馆(或总领馆、驻港公署、驻澳公署)申请_次有效签证。 (附:旅游团人员名单) (编号及发函电单位全称) (年、月、日)于(城市名) 联系人: 电话: 传真: 负责人签署: 签署人职务: 旅游签证邀请函范本篇三 敬爱的先生/女士: 我xxx ,居住在no.

13、xxxx,xxx road,toronto,in,canada。邮编:xxx xxx。我在加拿高校习(或是工作),想邀请我的父亲 xxx,和我的母亲 xxx,居住在no.xxx.xx号楼,xx区,xx市,中国,来美国探亲三个月,从20xx年7月15日到20xx年10月15日。 这次探亲的目的是增加他们对美国社会的了解以及在加拿大旅游。在他们的探亲期间,他们将和我们一起住在上述地址。我们将负责他们的全部的开支,包括来回机票,在美国饮食,住房,在加拿大旅行,医疗保险和全部其他开支。 我们会确保我的父亲和母亲会在他们的授权逗留期满前离开美国,回到中国。敬请赐予他们临时居留签证。 假如您有任何问题,可以随时通过电话:647-xxx-xxx联系我或通过e–mail:给我来信。 最真诚的问候 旅游签证英文邀请函 被邀请人信息 information of the invited party 姓名 name (as appeared on passport)_ 性别 gender男 male 女 female 诞生日期 date of birth_ 护照号码 passport number_


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