外研版八年级英语上册 Module 4 精品教案

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1、外研版英语八年级上Module 4 Education全模块教案I. Teaching objectives 教学目标技能目标听Listen for the times and events说Talk about questions about time读Read a passage about Project Hope for main ideas, matching words and meanings写Write a leaflet to raise money for the Hope SchoolsWrite joining sentences using words like an

2、d, or, but语言目标功能句式Talk about periods of time and numbersHow long have you known her?For two years.How long have you lived there?Since 2004.How long have you been a student at your school?Ive been a student at my school since 2004./for three years.How long has Sally studied Chinese?She has studied Ch

3、inese for a year.Since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China.词汇1. 重点词汇study, teach, since, same, poor, project, still, raise, describe, drop, school, important, ill, pay, perhaps, nearly, luckily, point, health, care2. 认读词汇countryside, train, electricity, organization, leaflet3短语 head t

4、eacher, get on (well) with, hear about, take part, look after, drop out of, hear of语法Present perfect with for and since. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析本模块以Education为话题,设计了三个单元的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论自己接受教育的情况;了解关于希望工程的情况;学会表述时间与事件;能用关联词and, or, but连接两个句子;能用所学的知识制作希望工程传单。Unit 1 结合时间谈论某个事件,尤其是与学校教育有关的话题

5、,重点学习since和for在现在完成时中的用法。Unit 2 练习数字的读法;学习关于希望工程的课文,继续学习现在完成时所表达的含义;学习本单元重点词汇;用关联词but, and, or合并句子。Unit 3 在练习中复现本单元重点词汇、句型和语法;读关于Oxfam的文章;制作一张希望工程传单为希望学校募捐。IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2)Period 3 Language in use (Unit

6、 3) Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speakingTarget language 目标语言1. Words & phrases生词和短语study, teach, since, same, poor, project, get on (well) with, hear of2. Key sentences重点句子 How long has Ms. James been a teacher? Since 1998.How long have you studied Chinese? For a year.

7、Shes studied it for a year.It is easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to listen to and talk about time and events.Teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点How to listen to and

8、 talk about time and events, using the Present Perfect Tense with since and for. Teaching aids教具准备A projector or some pictures a tape recorderTeaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-inIn this procedure, present the word since and the sentence how long? Give students a brief introduction to t

9、he sentence pattern and the word since in the present perfect.T: Hello. Boys and girls. Nice to see you again.S: Nice to see you.Draw a picture of a teacher on the blackboard to present the word since and how long?T: Look at the blackboard, this is Mr. Li. He became an English teacher in 1998. He ha

10、s taught English since 1998. Write the word since on the blackboard. Ask students to repeat. Make sure students understand the meaning of the word.T: What does since mean? It means from 1998 to the present time.Then ask the students: How long has he been a teacher? Help them to answer: He has been a

11、 teacher for eight years.Write the sentence on the blackboard.How long has he been an English teacher?He has been an English teacher since 1998. / He has been an English teacher for eight years.Ask the students to read the sentences. Then check some pairs to read the sentences.Step II Pair workIn th

12、is procedure, create certain situations for students to practise since and how long? Show another two pictures with a foreigner named Mr. James with 2001 and a student with 2002 on them. Ask students to practice the word since and How long? by doing pair work. First make a model with an individual.S

13、ample conversation:T: How long has Mr. James lived in China?S: He has lived in China since 2001.Step III Listening and pair workIn this procedure, students will learn to talk about the “years” and activities. Ask them to listen to the conversation and match the years and activities correctly. Pay at

14、tention to the present perfect tense and how long? T: Boys and girls, how long have you studied English?S: We have studied English since 2002.T: Very good. Look at part one of your textbooks. You can see some years above and some activities below. Two people are talking about the years and the activ

15、ities. Look at the first year 1995. What happened? Can you guess? Now Ill play the recording. For the first tine, just listen. Match the years and activities when you listen again. Check the answers with some pairs. Then ask some pairs to repeat the six activities using the word since and how long?Sample conversation:S1: How long has Ms. James been a teacher?S2: She has been a teacher since 1998./Since 1998.Step IV Listening and readingIn this procedure, students will listen and read a dialogue, then they will answer some questions and do some ex


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