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1、日常交际用语简表 2010-06-16近几年各省市的中考考题中常要出现几道情景对话即交际英语题。它不是通过对话形式来考查语法规则的应用而是考查在特定的社场合,人们习惯使用的一些表达方式。要答好这一类试题,首先要弄清题目所提供的是什么样的情景交际,再根据这个情景选择出相应的表达方式。必须达到以下几项要求: 一. 了解西方主要英语国家的社会、历史背景、风土人情、语言、约定俗成的习惯,切忌按照中国人的模式去套用。 二、熟记初中英语教材中出现过的日常生活中英语情景的表达方式,如问候、介绍、打电话、看病、问路、购物、就餐、祝愿、祝贺、谈论天气等。它们虽各有固定的句式和习惯表达方式,但也不能简单地用一个“

2、公式”去套用,而要“各个击破”。 三、在一段较长的连续的对话中,不能孤立地看其中一句或几句就草率填写所需词汇,要上下文连贯起来周密思考,一气呵成。 四、不管哪种形式,做英语情景对话题时都不可节省或漏掉最后一个环节: 通篇检查,核对答案。 项目常 用 句 型应 答使 用 说 明问候Good morning/afternoon/evening.Good morning/afternoon/evening.见面时在中午以前午后到晚六点傍晚时用语。Hello/Hi.Hello/Hi.较熟悉的朋友见面打招呼用语。不受时间限制。美国人或年轻人爱用此语问侯。How are you?Fine/ Very we

3、ll, thank you. And you?Fine, thanks.此句有问身体健康状况的意思,回答时切不可重复原问话,要用fine或well、thanks等来回答。Please remember me to . Best wishes to 请代我向某人致意向.致以最美好的祝愿介绍This is Mr/Miss/Mrs.How do you do?介绍人用语。初次见面时用How do you do?表示“你好”,答语应重复使用。May I introduce you to ? Id like you to meet Let me introduce to you.Allow me to

4、introduce to you.Yes, please. /OK. That would be fine.我(想)把你某人介绍给某人你。My name is. Im a student/.Nice/Glad to see/meet you.自我介绍用语。告别Goodbye! Goodbye!分别时一般常用语。Bye-bye! Bye!See you (later/tomorrow.)Bye-bye! Bye!See you (later/tomorrow.)分别时非正式用语,较随便不拘礼节的表达法。Good night.Good night.晚上分别或就寝前用,有晚安”之意。I think

5、its time for us to leave now. Im afraid I must be off/going now.Do you need to/Do you have to?在朋友家做客久了告别时用语。打电话开始通话:Hello! Is Tom in?Hello! May/Could I speak to.?Hello! This is here/speaking.Is that speaking?May I have a word with?Hold on, please.The line is busy.接电话:This is (speaking). Hello! This

6、is here, Who is speaking?Hello! Who is it/that (speaking)?He/She isnt here right now.Can I take a message for you?Sorry, youve got the wrong number.打电话要找某人用Is. in?答语。表达“我是.”用“This is .”不用“I am.”。询问对方是哪位,用Who is it?或Is that.?而不用Who are you?/Are you.? 询问是否需要留言传信时用Can I take a message.? 对方打错电话,说Youve g

7、ot the wrong number. 电话结束说声Goodbye., there is a telephone call for you. Youre wanted on the phone.通知某人接电话用语。Im calling to tell/ask you 告诉对方打电话的目的感谢Thank you (very much).Thanks a lot.Many thanks.Thanks for.Its very kind of you (to do).Not at all.不用谢。Thats/Its all right.表示“不必谢”“没关系”。Youre welcome. Tha

8、ts OK.美国人表示“不必客气”用语。Its a/my pleasure.不用谢。我很乐意。Dont mention it.客套话“不用谢,哪里哪里”Thank you all the same.向对方求助而对方无能为力时用语。祝愿祝贺Good luck!Best wishes to you.Thank you.Thanks.非正式用语。祝对方好运。Thanks”多用于口语.“Thank you”多用于口语或书面Have a nice /good time!Congratulations!祝对方旅游度假等过得愉快。Happy birthday to you.向别人庆贺成功时用语。Good/P

9、leasant journey!Have a good journey/trip!祝贺生日用语。给对方送行时祝福对方。Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!1.Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 2.The same to you. 3. You, too.祝贺对方过元旦、圣诞节快乐用语。意愿Im going to. I will.Id like to. I want/hope to.will 可用来表示“愿意,情愿”道歉Im sorry. (Sorry.)Im sorry for/about.Thats all right.It does

10、nt matter.Thats nothing.表示自己有过错,为某事向对方道歉请求对方谅解时用语。Excuse me (for).问路、问事、插话或暂时离开情况用语。与陌生人说话也应先说句。遗憾同情What a pity!Its a pity that ().对某事深表遗憾时表示“真可惜呀”Im sorry to hear (.).听到对方不愉快或不幸的消息时用语。Im sorry to say/tell you that需要告知对方不愉快或不幸的消息时的用语。邀请Will/Could you come to.?Would you like to.?Id like to invite you

11、 toI wonder if youd like toYes, Id love to. /Yes, Ill be glad to.Yes, its very kind/nice of you.接受邀请Id love to, but/ I wish I could, butSorry, Im afraid I cant.委婉拒绝对方邀请11提供Can 1 help you? What can I do for you? (Is there) anything I can do for you? Do you want me to?接受时:That would be nice/fine.Thats

12、 very kind of you.Thank you for your help. Thanks.Yes, please.拒绝时:No, thanks/thank you. (I can do it myself.)Thats very kind of you, but.主动问对方是否需要帮忙时用语。如售货员、图书管理员常使用以上两句型。Let me. for you.Let me help you.用祈使句也可表示提供某种帮助Would you like some.?Would you like to.?问对方想要什么或要做什么。12请求允许May/Can/Could I.?Shall I

13、.?Will you let me?Would you mind (my) doing?Would you mind if?肯定回答:Yes/Certainly/Sure.Of course (you may).Thats OK/ all right. 【Not at all/of course not, go ahead please. (回答Would you mind时用) 】否定回答:Im sorry, but.Youd better not. Id like to, but请求对方允许做某事时用语。Will/Would you please? Could/Can you (for m

14、e)?请求对方为自己做某事用语。同意不同意Certainly/Sure/Of course. Yes, please. Yes, I think so.Thats true. All right /OK. Thats a good idea. I agree (with you). 表示同意对方所言/观点等常用语。有时可用“No problem”表示“没问题”意思。No, I dont think so. Im afraid not. I really cant agree with you.表示不同意对方所言/观点时肯定不肯定Im sure (of). Im sure (that.). is sure toIt must be I think so. Yes, certainly. No problem.表示肯定语气的惯用句式。Im not sure. Im not sure whether/if.


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