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1、江苏省太仓市七年级英语下册Unit1DreamHomesVocabulary&Grammar教案(新版)牛津版Unit1 Dream homesVocabulary GrammarTeaching aims and demands:New words: cupboard, bookshelf, shower, lamp, wardrobe, sink, bath, basin, in front of , opposite, chalk, air conditioner, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, nineteen, seventy,

2、 ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, soundTeaching difficulties: prepositions of place cardinal numbers & ordinal numbersTeaching methods: task-based approachTeaching task: 1.To use prepositions of place to

3、 identify specific locations of things.2.To revise and use cardinal numbers in everyday situations , including phone numbers and amounts of money.3.To understand the purpose of ordinal numbers in terms of ordering things and events.4.To use ordinal and cardinal numbers to talk about schedules, dates

4、, scores and results. Teaching aids: tape recorderTeaching procedures: . Warm-up Ask the student on duty to give a free talk. Vocabulary Ask the students how many words they already know about furniture. Then teach furniture. Use pictures to teach other words. e.g. chair, cupboard, lamp, sofa, table

5、, wardrobeAsk the students to write the names under the pictures(Page 75).Grammar1.Prepostitions of placeWe use prepositions of place to say where things are. Prepositions of place: above, at, behind, below, beside, between, in, in front of , inside, next to, on , opposite, over, under.e.g. Millie s

6、its in front of me. Amy sits between Millie and Simon. Kitty sits next to Sandy. Sandy sits between Kitty and me. Simon sits in front of Kitty. The window is opposite the door. The chalk is on the teachers desk.Language points:above, over, on above (反) below表示位置高于某物在其上方,并不表示正上方。over (反)under表示正方,指垂直

7、上方上。on指两个事物表面接触,一个在另一个上面。e.g. Theres a bridge over the river. The plane flew above us. Theres a book on the teachers desk.between, among between一般指两者之间,among指三个或三个以上之间。e.g. I am sitting between my parents. I saw him among the students.in front of , in the front of in front of (反)behind 表示“在前面”in the

8、 front of (反) at the back of表示“在前部”,指某一结构本体的前部。e.g. There is a garden in front of the house.The desk for the teacher is in the front of the classroom.beside = next toe.g. David sits next to/beside me.Finish off the exercise on page 9.2.Cardinal numbersWe use cardinal numbers almost every day. We use

9、 them for lots of different things.1.基数词的读法:“几十几”十位和个位之间用“”。e.g. 32 thirty-two101999 百位和十位间加“and”.e.g. 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight1000以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第一个数读thousand,倒数第二个数读million,依次类推。e.g. 8,542,601 eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred and one2 .基数词的运用:hundred, th

10、ousand, million, billion等一般用单数,但以下情况用复数:表示不定数目:e.g. hundreds of millions of表示“几十”的数词,其复数形式可以表示年龄或年代。e.g. in his twenties in the thirties0zero10ten20twenty1001one11eleven30thirtyone hundred2two12twelve40forty1,0003three13thirteen50fiftyone thousand4four14fourteen60sixty10,0005five15fifteen70seventyte

11、n thousand6six16sixteen80eighty100,0007seven17seventeen90ninetyone hundred thousand8eight18eighteen1,000,0009nine19nineteenone million3. Ordinal numbersWe can use ordinal numbers to to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, results, etc.e.g. Uncle Jim will arrive on the se

12、venth of June. The restaurant is on the sixth floor. Millie came first in the English exam.Cardinal numbersCardinal numbersOrdinal numbersOrdinal numbers1=one10=ten1st=first10th=tenth2=two11=eleven2nd=second11th=eleventh3=three12=twelve3rd=third12th=twelfth4=four13=thirteen4th=fourth13th=thirteen5=f

13、ive20=twenty5th=fifth20th=twentieth6=six21=twenty-first6th=sixth21st=twenty-first7=seven22=twenty-second7th=seventh22nd=twenty-second8=eight23=twenty-three8th=eighth23rd=twenty-third9=nine30=thirty9th=ninth30th=thirtiethLanguage points:1. 序数词的运用:表示日期:e.g. 6月1日 on the first of June/ on June (the) fir

14、st表示编号:e.g. lesson 5 the fifth lesson起副词作用,前无“the” e.g. Simon came first in the English exam.序数词前有限定词修饰时,不加“the”. e.g. This is my first lesson. 2 .Ill arrive in Beijing on Sunday.arrive (vi.) arrive in(大地点)/at (小地点)= get to = reache.g. The train arrived an hour ago. He arrives at school on time ever

15、y day.=He gets to school on time every day.= He reaches school on time every day.arrive there/ here/home =get there/ here/ home= reach there/ here/ home3.I cant wait to see you. 我迫不及待要见你。cant wait to do sth e.g. The boy cant wait to turn on T V when he gets home.4.That sounds great. sound (taste/ smell/ look/ feel/


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