福建省清流二中20182019学年高一英语必修二unit2校本教材 练习

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1、清流二中2019-2019学年高一英语必修二unit2校本教材练习教材:必修二 章节:unit2 The Olympic Games 编写:高一英语备课组 【熟记知识/回归课本】词汇1 vi. 比赛,竞争compete n.比赛,竞争competition n.竞争者 competitor adj.竞争的competitive8. adj. 魔术的;有魔力的 magicaln.魔法magic n.魔术师magician2. vt.做东;主办;招待 host n.主人;主持人9. vi.讨价还价;讲条件 bargain n. 廉价货3.vt. 取代;替换;代替 replace n.替换,更换re

2、placement 10. adj.没有希望的hopeless 反义词adj. hopeful 有希望的4.vt. & vi. 做广告;登广告advertise n. 广告 advertisement11. n.责任,职责responsibilityadj. 有责任心的responsible5. vi.& vt. 应受(报答或惩罚) ; 值得deserve adj. 应得的 ,理所当然的deservedadv. 理所当然地deservedly12. adj.物理的 ,身体的physical , n. 物理学physics6. vt.& vi. 容许;成认;接纳admit (admitted,

3、admitting) n.成认,进入许可admission13. n.疼痛 ,痛苦pain adj.疼痛的 ,痛苦的painful 反义词adj. painless 无痛的 ,不痛的 adv. 痛苦地painfully7. vt. & vi. 收费;控诉charge n. 费用;主管14. adj. 规那么的 ,定期的regularadv. 定期地 ,有规律地 regularly词组1.参加 take part in4.主管 ,看管in charge 7.参加 (比赛) compete in 2.代表 stand for 5.一个接一个地one after another8.被作为所接受be

4、admitted as3.也 ,又 as well6. 讨价还价make a bargain with9.查明,找出 find out重点句型1.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有到达他们各自工程统一标准的运发动才会被接受参加奥运会。2. Make sure that you all get equal turns in talking to the class.要确保每个人都有同样的时机面对全班讲话。3.For each O

5、lympics, a special village is built for them to live in, a main reception building, several stadiums for competition, and a gymnasium as well.每届奥运会都有一个特殊的村庄供参赛的人住 ,一个主要的接待大楼 ,好几个供比赛用的体育场 ,还有一个室内体育场。4. Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain with him.他的父亲说他必须结婚 ,于是阿塔兰忒就和她的父亲达成一

6、个协议。5. Do you think Hippomenes deserved to win the race?你认为希波墨涅斯应该算赢吗?6. In this way you will become more confident in speaking English.这样你就会在讲英语时更有信心了。7. He went to ask the Goddess of Love for help.他去向希腊爱情女神求助。【答题模板/解题技巧】1.They all think that he is the most wonderful _(magic) in the world.2. He com

7、es to town for groceries_(regular)3. Only adults are _ (admit) into the cinema.4.All pilots are _ (responsibility) for their Passengers safety.5. Its _ (hope) trying to convince her. She wouldnt listen.【方法指导】1.根据句意 ,考察magic 的名词词性 ,用于形容词性后需要跟名词 ,所以此题填magician2.根据句意 ,考察regular的副词词性 ,用于动词后需要用副词修饰 ,所以此题

8、填regularly3.根据句意 ,考察admit 的被动语态 ,be admitted into. ,所以此题填admitted4.根据句意 ,考察be responsible for结构 ,故此处填responsible .5.根据句意 ,让她信服是无希望的 ,考察hope 的形容词的反义词 ,所以此题填hopeless.【典题探究】1. I _ (praise) if I finish the work within one day. 2. You _ (not allow) to take so much luggage with you on the plane. 3. Your j

9、ob _ (keep) open for your return. (北京2019)【方法指导】通过观察我们可以发现:上面的句子都有将来的含义 ,且该组题考一般将来时的被动语态。肯定式:shall/will+be+done 否认式:shall not (shant)/ will not(wont)+be+ done ,shall常用于第一人称I, we1.I和praise之间是被动关系 ,主语为第一人称 ,故可填shall/will be praised2.You和allow之间是被动关系 ,表否认意义 ,故填wont be allowed3.your job和keep之间是被动关系, kee

10、p the job open使工作处于空缺状态。由句意“随时欢送你回来工作可知应用一般将来时的被动语态。【习题操练】1.These dictionaries _ (not take) out of the library again . 2. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, the sports meet _ (hold) on the playground of our school. 3. We _ (punish) if we break the rule.4.His book _(publish) in a month.【总结反思】那就是他们为什么拒绝签订协议的

11、原因。1. _ they refused to sign the agreement.比尔因为运动会推迟的事情不快乐 ,我也快乐不起来。2.Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the sports meeting, and _. 他过去常常抽烟 ,但是现在他再也不抽了。3.He _ a lot, but now he doesnt smoke any more. 他活该输了比赛, 因为他作弊了。4.He_in the competition because he cheated.【方法指导】1.此题考察That is why.的用法 ,“那就是为什么. 强调

12、结果 ,故填That was why.2.此题考察neither/nor倒装句的用法 ,“也不 ,表否认 ,故填neither/nor was I 3.此题考察used to do sth. 的用法, 过去经常做某事 ,故填used to smoke4.此题考察deserve to do sth.的用法, 故填deserved to lose【习题精选】一 单词变形1. 比赛,竞争vi. _, n._ ,竞争者n. _ ,adj._2. 取代 ,替换;vt. _ n._3. 应受, 值得vi.& vt._, adj._ adv._ 4. 容许;成认;vi.& vt. _ , n._5. 魔术的

13、;有魔力的adj. _, n._ 魔术师n._6. 疼痛 ,痛苦n._ , adj. _ (反义词) 无痛的adj._ adv._7. 根底 ,根据n._, vt._ adj._ , adv._8. 物理的 ,身体的adj._, 物理学n._ 9. 责任,职责n._, adj._ 10. 没有希望的adj._ (反义词) 有希望的adj._ 11. 规那么的 ,定期的adj._ adv._12. 做广告;登广告vt. & vi. _ n._ 二 短语填空make a bargain with ,compete in, stand for, one after another ,as well, take charge of, take part in1.Having tried on lots of coats _, she finally found a satisfying one.2.Then she _ the shopkeeper and bought it at a low price.3.A few years ago Mr Brown _the company.4. what does that totem _



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