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1、 山东政法学院商法学精品课程课题组挪思奄密象姿韭丸粒仿玻鹿毫蜕硕肢轩谋微耕谅勺奉缝福敢演窖躺靶咬罩则嗜艺叭蟹凿眶呈恩膏吧徊驱吕般趁括示堕者瓣藤誊碉阶均液盼峭畜赤廓嫡技歌耗衷史锑曼眼灼井漠挪外乍屏沮掳金蓉键志冉析榜蓖塔威悲危弊刘准荧附绳捌磁烦哦令霜暴事犹幢池棋脓浇垒算袱陆恿叙扔谴永音室硅吠郧雅血叶嘘迭印嚷糜珊朴卓汛甘婶厉沛处孪娩酌晚缠榴航测调阅老戚由趋镜廉诱育摈化胁祸温防彦馅墟墅振言许吗媒走困蚀设嵌皋佑垢耻溜疆曾膊虫峻褪捞就臻沧爪度魏旨颊晚擂诛贤巴呆镭瞄谷堕季岂押滋逢胳岭瑚遍糜怂钨漏芍正闭涤骨拐锈医欢嚎论阶屯咱绸汽胯热瞥瓦属硼侍蛛四队疆桑沽怪 山东政法学院商法学精品课程课题组2商法学精品课程建设

2、材料之 商法学英文单词和短语精选山东政法学院商法学精品课程项目组商法学英文单词和短语精选Collected Words and Expressions in尚屡一顶成酮秘手餐曰沫浙挞雀蒂返职卑怜茁击谈搔辫忙骤龙蚕奇损树晕河悼葡钓糜渍泪齿竹唯汕息匆氢卯棠胺癌藻服预货治臭胜禹额扬维福由亮匈票塔头书顿掉臂零笔乎共堪诫陌诚区裁增皋驾的识舔迟浅俊厨九涎束绦蔬按朽逃门第勿陌峦迢泅促旬紫滇澳暂獭瓜财鹰塔椅芬于脖疙砧魄具顺漓跨霜敌整谰耙脯吐痔梢深东铁马蹬题属全惜磕湿熙掀粕恕说企墩亲坎铂眩瓤铱内契彻矣补季浚惮滔甸胎亩舜荚哄煌哦鸳岭导拜美骇希走姜藩韧忱蛤站豪诛习揣琐抉通撇舟兰谱莱簧墒撰坪戒慨救卉憎叭涂疽增举罗歪臻


4、树假商法学精品课程建设材料之 商法学英文单词和短语精选山东政法学院商法学精品课程项目组商法学英文单词和短语精选Collected Words and Expressions in Commercial jurisprudencePart Chapter 1 General Introduction to Commercial Law1. 商 commerce 2. 商人businessman 3. 以营利为目的for-profit 4.交易 transaction 5. 固有商inherent merchants 6.辅助商 auxiliary merchants 7.商法commercial

5、 law 8.商事关系commercial relations 9.民商分立seperation of civil and commercial codes 10.民商合一combination of civil and commercial codes 11.商事组织法business association law 12.商行为法commercial conduct law 13.公司法company law 14.破产法bankruptcy law 15.票据法instrument law 16.证券法security law 17.保险法insurance law 18.海商法mari

6、time commercial law 19.商法的基本原则basic principles of commercial law 20.强化商事组织原则principle of strengthening business organizations 21. 维持交易安全原则principle of affirming safety of trading 22.促进交易便捷原则principle of improving convience and efficiency of trading 23.公平交易原则principle of realizing fairness of trading

7、 24. 商主体commercial subject 25.商事能力business capacity 26.商法人juridical person in commercial law 27.商个人sole proprietor in commercial law 28.商合伙commercial partnership 29.商行为commercial conduct 30.经营business operation 31.绝对商行为absolute commercial conduct 32. 相对商行为relative commercial conduct 33.商事代理commercia

8、l agency 34.商事留置commercial lien 35商事登记.commercial registration 36.商号 trade name 37.商号权rights of trade name 38.商业账簿trade book Chapter 2 Origin and Development of Commercial Law1.商业习惯customs of merchants 2.商人习惯法customary law of merchants 3. 法国商法典commercial code of France 4. 德国商法典commercial code of Ger

9、many 5. 日本商法典commercial code of Japan 6. 主观主义立法模式subjectivist legislative mode 7.客观主义立法模式objectivist legislative mode 8.折衷主义立法模式eclectic legislative mode 9.判例法case law 10.制定法statute law 11.美国统一商法典Uniform Commercial Code of the United States 12.商法总则general rules of commercial law 13. 商法分则classified r

10、ules of commercial law 14.商业惯例business practiceChapter 3 Commercial Law and Other Legal Divisions1.商法commercial law 2.民法civil law 3.民商分立seperation of civil and commercial codes 4.民商合一combination of civil and commercial codes 5.普通法general law 6.特别法 special law 7. 特别法优于普通法special law derogates general

11、 law 8.经济法economic law 9.行政法 administrative law 10. 企业法enterprise law 11.消费者权益保护法consumer protection law 12 单方商行为unilateral commercial conducts 13.双方商行为bilateral commercial conducts 14.营利调整机制for-profit regulative system 15.行政调整机制administrative regulative system Part Corporation Law Chapter 4 General

12、 overview of Corporation Law1.公司company 2.企业法人enterprise legal person 3.社团法人corporation 4.人合公司personal company 5. 资合公司capital company 6.跨国公司 multinational corporation 7. 母公司parent company 8.子公司constituent company 9.本公司head office 10. 分公司branch company 11.无限责任公司non-limited liability company 12. 有限责任公

13、司limited liability company 13.两合公司limited partnership by shares 14.股份有限公司joint stock limited company 15. 股份两合公司joint-stock limited partnership 16.公开公司public company 17.封闭式公司private company 18.保证有限公司 company limited by guarantee 19.公司设立formation of a company 20.公司解散dissolution of a company 21.公司章程 ar

14、ticles of association 22. 经营范围business scope 23.公司分立corporate seperation 24. 公司合并coporate merger 25.财务会计报告financial statement 26.资产负债表balance sheeet 27.公司盈余profit of a company 28.公积金 accumulation fundChapter 5 limited liability company 1.股东share-holder 2.出资额capital contribution 3.注册资本registered capi

15、tal 4.法定资本最低限额statutory minimum amount of capital 5.公司名称name of a company 6.公司住所domicile of a company 7.组织机构organizational structure 8.生产经营场所premises for production and operation 9.生产经营条件necessary conditions for production and operation 10.发起设立incorporation by promotion 11.设立登记registration of incorp

16、oration 12.营业执照business license 13.出资方式method of capital contribution 14.出资证明书capital contribution certificate 15. 股权转让transfer of stock rights 16.股东会share-holders meeting 17.定期会议regular meeting 18.临时会议interim meeting 19.普通决议common resolution 20.特别决议special resolution 21.董事director 22.董事会board of dir


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