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1、 TheUnitedKingdomStep1 The Country & People1、Geographical locationThe UK is an island country.The UK is located in the northwestern Europe.The UK is a country of island surrounded by North sea (to its east),Atlantic ocean (to its north), Irish sea (to its west and between Great Britain and Ireland),

2、 English Channel(英吉利海峡)and Strait of Dover(多佛尔海峡)(to its south).2、mon-sense knowledgeNational Anthem:上帝保佑女王god save the queen(男性君主为god save the king)National Flower:RoseThe Capital: London3、Area and populationArea: 244, 820 sqkmPopulation: 60.9 million(2008) The most densely populated area: England

3、(84%) The least densely populated area: Scotland The least populated area: Northern Ireland (less than 3%)4、British monwealth (1931) P9 (expressing in English)British monwealthAlso known as the monwealth of Nations, it is an association prising the United Kingdom and fifty or so former British colon

4、ies that are now sovereign states with a mon allegiance to the British Crown, including Canada, Australia, India, and many countries in the West Indies and Africa. It was formally established by the Statute of Westminster in 1931. Among the members of the monwealth, sixteen sovereign states separate

5、ly recognize Queen Elizabeth as their monarch and are named the monwealth Realms. It includes the UK itself, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, among others. 英联邦(monwealth of Nations),是以英国为主导的国家联合体,由英国及其自治领和其他已独立的前殖民地、附属国组成,由54个主权国家(含属地)所组成,成员大多为前大英帝国的殖民地或附属国。各自治领地地位平等,彼此的政和外交完全独立;共同效忠于英王,皆为自由结合的英联

6、邦的成员。该组织元首为英国女王伊丽莎白二世,同时身兼英联邦王国的16国的国家元首。 英联邦成员国及其附属国占据了全球五分之一的土地及四分之一的人口。成员国在许多领域进行商讨和合作,包括贸易、金融、国防、教育、技术、科研、法律、医药和农业。英联邦不是一个国家,而是一个松散的组织。 英联邦是英国对联邦其他成员国在政治、军事、财政经济和文化上施加影响的组织。5、Capital cityLondonLondon is in the Southeast of the nation and is situated on the Thames River near its mouth.London is t

7、he largest city and largest port in the UK.The political center: Buckingham palace(白金汉宫,英国皇宫), Palace of Westminster/ House of parliament(国会大厦), Downing street(唐宁街)The financial center: One of the three major international financial centers in the world. (Paris and New York)The heart of arts and cul

8、ture: The University of London (the largest university in the UK), British museum(大英博物馆)City of Fog(雾都)London is divided into the City of London (金融城) and the County of London ( includes all the suburbs and part of the countryside around London, is divided into 32 boroughs 区,自治市镇,城区).6、Tourist Attra

9、ctions in LondonThames River(泰晤士河)Tower Bridge(伦敦塔桥)Palace of Westminster/House of parliament(威斯敏斯特宫/国会大厦)威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster),又称国会大厦(Houses of Parliament)是英国国会(包括上议院和下议院)的所在地。威斯敏斯特宫是哥德复兴式建筑的代表作之一。Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)Political significance:Royal wedding ceremony & Royal tombmemoratory

10、 significance:Tombs of many famous people “Poets corner”(诗人之角)Who was the first literary figure buried here? -Chaucer (father of English history)Who was the last royal family member buried here? -Diana (Rose of England)In the right picture, whose tomb is it? -NewtonWho built it? -Edward the confesso

11、r(忏悔者)Swiss Re Tower(瑞士再保险塔)London Eye(伦敦眼)Millennium Bridge(千禧桥)Greenwich observatory(格林威治天文台)Canary Wharf(金丝雀码头)Millennium Dome(千年穹顶)St Pauls Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂)London Tower(伦敦塔)Canary Wharf Tower(金丝雀码头塔)One Canada Square第一加拿大广场HSBC Tower汇丰银行塔 8 Canada Square第八加拿大广场Citigroup Centre 花旗集团中心Buckingham

12、Palace(白金汉宫)the residence of the queen(女王住处)7、Different names for Britain and its parts8、Topography(地形) Rising in North-West cause highlands there; Sinking in South-East cause lowlands.9、Filling in the blanks1)The British Isles a geographic term which includes two large islands, Great Britain and Ir

13、eland island, and 5,000 small islands.2)Great Britain prises only England , Scotland and Wales.3)Ireland island includes Northern Ireland and southern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the UK, while southern Ireland became an independent country Republic of Ireland.4)The UK is made up of Great

14、Britain and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.5)Three termsBritish Isles(不列颠群岛):Two large islands and hundreds of small onesBritain:Great Britain and Northern IrelandGreat Britain:England, Wales and Scotland10、Terms & Capitals & FeaturesTermCapitalFeaturesE

15、nglandLondonThe most populous and densely populated area(人口密度最大,人口最多)ScotlandEdinburgh爱丁堡its population density is the lowest(人口密度最小)WalesCardiff加的夫Northern IrelandBelfast贝尔法斯特The least populous(人口最少)11、Rivers & Lakes The longest river: the Severn(塞汶河)The 2nd but most important river: Thames(泰晤士河)The largest lake in the UK: Lough Neagh(伊湖,英国最大的淡水湖)Lough Lomond(洛蒙德湖), on the southwestern edge of the High-lands of Scotland, is the largest on the island of Great Britain.12、Climate & WeatherChangeableMild temperatureAbundant rain fall1. mid-latitude oceanic clima



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