a002 《成为简奥斯汀》片花欣赏

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1、走进简奥斯汀的内心世界Jane Austen essentially created the chick lit genre. We all know the formulagirl meets guy, girl falls in love with guy, guy breaks her heart, girl meets nicer, better-looking guy with more money and they live happily ever after. Obstacles abound in Auste ns storieslack of money on the pa

2、rt of the otherwise lovely heroine, meddling family members who pull lovers apart because they disapprove the match but these things are always overcome by the abundant worth of two good people who truly love each other.The love stories in Austens own life echo these themes, but without the “happily

3、 ever after” ending.Janes first love, at twenty, was Tom Lefroy. He was a law student fromIreland, the nephew of her dear friend Annes husband, and Anne may have introduced them. We know little about the relationship, really. Much of what we know of Janes life is from her letters, but her sister Cas

4、sandra burned many and mutilated more before passing them on to nieces and nephews late in her life. Perhaps Cassandra cut out the juiciest bits, or, as Austen expert Deirdre Le Faye suggests, the parts that could have offended one family member or other. Either way, there are gaps.Jane and Tom spen

5、t some time together over the course of a few weeks, over Christmas and New Years. He was fairly serious, quiet and very goodmaybe a balance for Janes energetic humor. They bantered over Henry Fieldings Tom Jones, and after a ball, Jane wrote jokingly to Cassandra of “everything most profligate and

6、shocking in the way of dancing and sitting down together.” She writes about how Tom is given a hard time in the Lefroy household for the attachment, so that when she pays a visit he manages to hide. But he would pay her another visit, as was the custom, to thank her for partnering him at the ball, a

7、nd the only fault she could really find with him was that his morning coat was “a great deal too light.”There is much debate these days about just how in love Jane was with Tom, and how much this relationship influenced her writing. Some say it was just a flirtationclearly, in Janes letters, she is

8、being sarcastic, they say. To me she writes like there is some depth to her feelings, in spite of trying to laugh them off. “I rather expect to receive an offer from my friend in the course of the evening,” she writes of their last meeting. “I shall refuse him, however, unless he promises to give aw

9、ay his white coat.” She sounds a little bit like my friends and I as well, telling stories of a romance that fell into the middle of a life that was largely without romantic interest, making much of a little thing. Yet, its easy to imagine her being teasing and sharp with Tom.Tom was from a good fam

10、ily but not wealthy. His father had been in the army. He was the oldest son, but it was a large family, eleven children with five daughters ahead of him, and he was made to feel that the future of the family was on his shoulders. He was expected to do well, to do much. Though the attachment seems to

11、 have been mutual, Anne and her husband stepped in and quickly sent Tom home. The family history is that Anne Lefroy was forever frustrated with Tom over this, his leading Jane on when he knew there was no chance he could propose.Tom eventually married someone with an appropriately large fortune, ha

12、d seven children, and went on to become Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. He was no Darcynot heir to great estates or wealthbut clearly his family had expectations Jane did not meet. If Jane wrote about family interference, she learned it firsthand. Tom may have adored her and she him but she hadnt eno

13、ugh money to qualify. Most likely Jane never saw him again.When it ended, Jane wrote to Cassandra: “At length the day is come on which I am to flirt my last with Tom Lefroy, & when you receive this it will be over My tears flow as I write, at the melancholy idea.” She was joking, of course. How deep

14、ly she felt the joke we will never really know. But her heart had been engaged for likely the first time.No doubt this relationship and her repartee with Tom fueled her writing. Whether it was her greatest inspiration as the trailers for Becoming Jane claim, well, thats debatable. But Im sure it pro

15、vided as spark.安妮海瑟薇:“公主”蜕变安妮海瑟薇于1982年11月12日出生在纽约布鲁克林,成长在新泽西州。 她和英国大文豪莎士比亚的妻子同名,也拥有的美丽外表。她的父亲杰拉德是律 师,母亲凯特麦高莉(Kate McCauley)是歌手兼演员,还有一个小弟汤姆。安妮海瑟薇是一个素食主义者,从小就有男孩子般的个性,在纽约 Poughkeepsie的Vassar大学主修英文,副修妇女研究。她说如果当不成演员, 她会想当一位文学教授或是心理学家。安妮海瑟薇这辈子最大的愿望就是在百 老汇演出音乐剧。她曾经在新泽西州的 Paper Mill 剧场实习,并在 Rising Star 奖中被提名“最佳高中演员”卓越演出奖。安海瑟薇喜欢演出一些“特别”的角 色,当然她的笑容也特别抢眼。安妮海瑟薇出生在纽约布鲁克林,在新泽西州长大,父亲是位律师,母亲 则是歌手兼演舞台剧演员。她在大学里主修英文,副修妇女研究,她说过,如果 当不成演员,她会想当一位文学家或是心理学家。在公主日记的试镜时,安妮意外地从椅子上摔了下来,结果反而被导演 一眼相中,得到了扮演主角米娅的机会,并一举成名。安妮拥有灿烂明媚的笑容 和高雅端正的气质,还带有一点点的调皮可爱,被誉为“茱莉亚罗伯茨和奥黛



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