四川省成都地区八年级上学期期末英语试卷精选汇编:首字母填空(含答案)(DOC 4页)

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《四川省成都地区八年级上学期期末英语试卷精选汇编:首字母填空(含答案)(DOC 4页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省成都地区八年级上学期期末英语试卷精选汇编:首字母填空(含答案)(DOC 4页)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、首字母填空金牛区一.根据首字母及句意补全单词,并将单词完整地写在答题卡上。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)1. My sister Linda has many h_. such as coking, dancing and singing2. lily, soap operas are m_ and we can learn nothing from it.3. Cities will be more polluted and the e_ will be in great danger. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.4.

2、Our basketball team won the first prize. We were so happy that we had a party to c_ our success. .5.- Susan, please dont sing so _ Im studying for my English exam. -Im sorry. I will sing outside.一、首字母填空。根据句意及首字母提示完成句中所缺单词。(共5小题, 每小题1分;计5分)1.hobbies 2.meaningless 3.environment 4.celebrate 5.loudly武侯区

3、西蜀实验学校一、根据首字母及句意补全单词。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)1. The story is long and boring. I d_ it.2. You have to drink l_ coffee in the evening if you want to have a good sleep.3. The students are having a d_ about how to learn English well. They are talking happily. 4. The word has two very different m_ in English.5.

4、“Dont be afraid of making m_. You can learn much from them,” the teacher said.一、1. dislike 2. less 3. discussion 4. meanings 5. mistakes成都外国语学校Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the context, first letter given. (30 scores) (86 to 110 are based on the texts youve learned)Different peop

5、le have different lifestyles and people sometimes change their lifestyles. Harley Smith worked for a b_86_ in London after he finished school at 17. Now hes got a small hotel on a beautiful i_87_ in Thailand. In the past, he did well and m_88_ a lot of money, but he worked long hours and he was not

6、happy. Now as the o_89_ of the hotel, he has to do everything all by himself. He is still busy, but he feels r_90_, because its s_91_ and q_92_ than big cities. He m_93_ London which is his hometown, but he likes his life now. Will he change his lifestyle again?Nobody knows.The 15-year-old girl Clai

7、r Williams has got an u_94_ hobby. She likes keeping bees in her f_95_ time. On a t_96_ Sunday, she gets up early and puts on her s_97_ clothes. Then she goes to f_98_ the bees with water and sugar. She loves her bees, but her friends dont want to get c_99_ to the beehives. Clair talks to her family

8、 a_100_ bees even when they are having lunch. In the afternoon, she reads books or surfs the i_101_ to find information about bees. Those bees work really hard. They fly a long way to p_102_ a little honey. Clair sells the honey but she doesnt spend the money. Instead she keeps it to buy more beehiv

9、es.Erin Brockovich is a famous lady and is the hero of many people. She did something great. She worked for a law c_103_ in the past and there she o_104_ papers. Once She r_105_ that a lot of papers were about some very s_106_ people from the same place near a big factory. Then she started to help t

10、hose people. She worked very hard for five years and d_107_ that they became ill because of a chemical in the l_108_ water. Erin and her boss started a law case a_109_ the factory and they won the case. The factory had to pay those people $333million in t_110_.Lily wants to become a doctor when she

11、grows up to s_111_ peoples lives. People usually build memorials or monuments to r_112_ their heroes.More and more Chinese young men work as v_113_ in some charity organizations without payment to help people in need.Pip is a c_114_ girl and shes always full of new ideas. I often forget to take some

12、thing or lose things. How f_115_ I am! 86.bank 87.island 88.made 89.owner 90.relaxed 91.safer 92.quieter 93.misses 94.unusual 95.free96.typical 97.special 98.feed 99.close 100.about101.internet 102.produce pany 104.organised/organized 105.realised/realized 106.sick 107.discovered 108.local 109.again

13、st 110.total 111.save 112.remember 113. volunteers 114.creative/clever115.forgetful/foolish金牛区2017-2018学年一、根据句意和所给首字母填空,完成单词。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)1. Lisa is busy preparing for the exam, So she r _all the invitations.2. Toms dream is to be a p_. He thinks driving the plane sounds cool.3. The teacher said

14、every student should take their mistakes more s_.4. Dont worry, it is n_ to meet problems when we learn a new language.5. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your h_.1.refuses 2.pilot 3.seriously 4.normal 5.heart 成都市石室联中一、首字母填空(每小题1分,共5分)1. If you want to be healthy, you should eat l_ ju

15、nk food and more vegetables and fruit.2. Of all the p_, Jane sang the most beautifully, so she got a very goodprize.3. He played an important role in s_ this problem. He gave us some good ideas.4. I feel sorry that Mrs. Green is not a_. She has to turn down the invitation.5. Dont worry, its normal to make some m


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