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1、Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A I. 单词、词组和句子:1地震_ 2侵袭_ 3省份_ 4失踪的_ 5可移动的_ 6电话_ 7火 _1保护免受的伤害_ 2 丧生_ 3 今天早上_ 4请求帮助 1 一场严重的地震袭击了青海。A _ earthquake _ Qinghai .2 Many buildings _ _ (倒塌).Some people _ (死亡)and many paople are _ (失踪). 3 The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 was _ _ than this one .(更严重)4 The Tangshan earthq

2、uake in 1976 was _ _ _ (最严重)5 _ _(超过) 240 000 people _ _ _ (丧生)in it.II . 重点讲解:1 Many buildings fell down. 很多建筑倒塌了。 fall down 倒塌,跌倒,下落I _ _ and _ my knee. 我摔倒弄伤了膝盖。2 Im sorry to hear that. 听到这(事)我很难过。表达听者难过、同情或抱歉的心情。 Im glad/happy to hear that. 用于表达听到好消息时的高兴的心情。3 And I know that there were_ _ _ _ in

3、 China.我知道在中国发生过另外两次严重的地震。另一个苹果_ _ another+数字+复数名词=数字+more+复数名词另外三个小时_ _ _ = 3 more hours 4 How can we _ _ _ the earthquake?我们怎样在地震中保护自己呢? protect sth./ sb. from sth. 保护某物(人)免于 如:This warm jacket will protect you from the cold. 这件暖和的夹克能帮你抵御寒冷。5 让我们去问问王老师吧。_ _ Miss Wang _ _. ask sb. for help 意为“向某人请求

4、帮助” 如:If you have any trouble, you can ask the police for help.如果你有困难,可以向警察求助。III、选词填空。missing, strike, fall down, mobile phone, fire,1 An earthquake _ Tangshan in 1976.2 Many tall buildings _ in the earthquake.3 My lovely dog is _. Im very sad.4 If you have a _, you can call others at any time.5 If

5、 you see a _, please call 119 at once.IV、单项选择。( ) 1 Janes grandpa died yesterday. _. A. Oh, sorry. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Dont say that. D. I feel sorry for you.( ) 2 Which book is _ of these four books? A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting( ) 3 Can yo

6、u finish the work today? Im afraid I need_. A. another two days B. other two days C. more two days D. two other days( ) 4 Do you know how we can _ ourselves from fire? Sorry, I dont know. Lets find it online. A. come B. protect C. borrow D. hear( ) 5 The question is so difficult that I cant answer i

7、t.Dont worry. Lets ask Mr. Li for _. A. help B. helps C. idea D. hopeSection B I. 单词、词组和句子:1级别_ 2难过的_ 3镇静的_1保持冷静 2听说 3最重要的事 _ 4 2000多人_ _ 5 做其他的任何事_6 记住要做某事_记得做过某事_7 你怎么了?_II . 重点讲解:1 Did you _ _ the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province?你们听说青海省的玉树地震了吗? hear about = hear of 听说 如:I _ _ the good news t

8、wo days ago. hear from 收到的来信 如:I _ _ my friend yesterday.2 It was a _ 7.1 earthquake. 这是一场7.1级的地震。7.1 读作 seven point one。3 I was very sad when I got the news. = When I got the news, I was sad.我一到那里就给你打电话。_ _ _ when I _ _. 4 Do you know _ _ _ yourselves from the earthquake? 你们知道如何在地震中保护自己免受伤害吗?“疑问词+动

9、词不定式”构成特殊的不定式怎样去那里是个问题。_ _ _ _ is a question.(作主语)问题是什么时候出发。 The question is_ _ _ .(作表语)我不知道下一步该怎样做 I dont know_ _ _ next.(作宾语)5 I think we should_ _ _ the door.我认为我们应该跑出门。No, _ _ can be dangerous. 不,向外跑可能很危险。 out of 意为“(从里)出来;没有,缺少”等。 如:Dont _ _ _ the window. 不要向窗外看。 Im running out of ideas. 我快没办法了

10、。运动对我们有好处。_ _ _ good for us. III、选词填空talk about, hear about, run out of, fall down, stay calm ,protect from1 What are you _? The houses in the picture.2 That old house _ yesterday.3 The children _ the classroom as soon as they heard the bell.4 Did you _ Mo Yan? Yes, he is a famous writer in China?5

11、Its important to _ when an accident happens to you.6We wear sunglasses to_ our eyes _ the sun. 根据首字母填单词。1. Many buildings f down in the earthquake.2. When you are in danger, we must s calm.3. Did you h about the typhoon in Hainan?4. R out of the room can be dangerous in the earthquake.IV. 单项选择。( ) 1 What the matter _ you? A. on B. with C. at D. to( ) 2_ under the table or bed is safer when an earthquake happens. A. Stay B. Staying C. To staying D. Stayed( ) 3 I have _ to tell you. A.


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