仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia简介中英文对照

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1、仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia简介中英文对照十一岁的小男孩杰西艾伦斯一直梦想能成为学校中跑得最快的学生。一个叫莱斯莉伯克的小女孩跑的也很快。沉默寡言的吉斯很快与大方善谈的莱斯莉成了好朋友。之后的一天,莱斯莉和吉斯在森林深处玩耍,他们幻想着有一个叫特雷比西亚的王国,那里没有任何坏人、也没有整日让你学习的老师、更没有令人讨厌的同学一切都十分美好。甚至一切的一切都由自己来作主,想怎样就怎样。The eleven year old boy Jesse Irons has been a dream to become a school students in the fastest.

2、A little girl named Leslie Burke ran very fast. Be scanty of words of Jisi soon and generous good talk Lesley became good friends. The day after, Lesley and Jisi play in the depths of the forest, their fantasy of a named Terabithia Kingdom, there are no bad, no one let you learn more there is no hat

3、e teachers, students. Everything is very good. Even everything by their own, want how how.喜爱幻想和自由的吉斯自然十分向往这个神秘王国。从此,吉斯与莱斯莉时常一起幻想特雷比西亚。在疲惫的时候,两人就会相约徜徉在这美妙的幻想世界中,他们两人也在其中了解着,成长着。Love fantasy and free Jisi yearns for the mysterious kingdom of nature. Since then, Jisi and Lesley often with fantasy Terab

4、ithia. When tired, two people will meet in the beautiful world of fantasy, two of them in the know, growth.直到一天,吉斯的音乐老师请吉斯参观美术馆,而吉斯却没有邀请莱斯利,没有将这与莱斯利分享。当他回家时,一个噩耗传来:莱斯利在要用绳子荡到小河的另一边时,莱斯利不慎落入水中,头撞到岩石,溺水而死。吉斯陷入了极度的悲伤之中。Until one day, Jisi music teacher please Jisi galleries, and Jisi didnt invite Lesli

5、e, did not share this with Leslie. When he returned home, a sad news: Leslie on to the rope swing to the other side of the river, Leslie accidentally fell into the water, his head hit the rocks, drowning. Jisi in extremely sad.最后,通过老师和父亲的细心安慰,走出了悲伤,幷建造了一座通往特雷比西亚的“仙境之桥”,与自己的小妹妹梅贝尔一起重新踏上了特雷比西亚仙境Finally, through the teacher and fathers careful comfort, out of grief, and built a bridge to Terabithia bridge, and his little sister Mabel together again to Terabithia wonderland.这是一个有关于爱与成长的故事This is a story about love and growth.



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