2020新目标九年级Unit6 When was it invente全单元导学案

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《2020新目标九年级Unit6 When was it invente全单元导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020新目标九年级Unit6 When was it invente全单元导学案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料九年级英语导学案(八中基地) 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit6 When was it invented? Section A 1a2d (听说课) 1b.listen and match the inventions with the years. 1c.practice the conversations between A and B.3. 当堂检测:根据句意写单词 The bus mustnt carry too many . Thats a good idea. I with you. (4)2a.l

2、isten and number the inventions 13in the order you hear them(5)2b.listen again and complete the chart below.(6)2d.Role play the conversation, according to the knowledge points .Then answers the questions. 1. What does the conversation talk about?2. Who invented it?3. When was it invented?(7) 小结:. Po

3、st-class 1能了解部分有用的发明。2熟练运用2d中的句式.3.完成巩固练习。4 收获与反思: 【Blackboard Design】Unit6 When was it invented? Section A 1a2d 1. What does the conversation talk about?2. Who invented it?3. When was it invented?【Study-aims】知识目标: 掌握本课的新单词,短语及常见重点句式。 掌握一般过去时的被动语态的基本构成。 能力目标: 学会运用被动语态谈论发明物的历史,描述物品的用途。情感目标: 通过学习了解人类历

4、史上的部分重要发明,培养爱科学,学科学的思想学习策略: 通过练习对话去掌握重要语言点。文化意识:让学生更多的了解科技带给我们的便利。【Key & difficult points】 介绍某项发明及其优点用途的句式 。【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 写出以下发明物的英文名称 有特殊跟的鞋 有电灯的鞋 靠电能运行的热冰激凌勺 拉链 2. 知识超市: with 带有,具有 with +名词修饰其前的名词,常作定语,此结构可与定语从句who/that has.替换。 My pleasure! 我很荣幸 !常用作别人请你帮忙时你的客气回答 。pleasure n.高

5、兴;愉快 You do seem to have a point .看起来你确实说得有道理。 此交际用语用来赞同别人的观点。 list v.列表,列清单。 n.名单;清单 动词时是及物动词,名词时是可数名词 。II. While-class1. 导入新课 Today, lets learn special inventions that changed our world.2. Learning the new knowledge: 1a.look at the things below and finish it. 九年级英语导学案(八中基地) 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级

6、: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit6 When was it invented? Section A 3a-4c (阅读语法课)II. While-classStep1: Guiding. Do you know who invented tea? Today lets get into the world of tea and learn about the history of tea.Step2: Reading(3a-3b)Read the passage three times:1)Read quickly and match each paragraph with its ma

7、in idea(3a).2) Read and find out language points in the text.3)Read again and answer the questions.(3b)Step3: Practice Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in the box (3c.)Step4:Practice1) Learn the sentences in Grammar Focus.2) Complete 4a and 4b in class.3) Step5:Sum up Blac

8、kboard Design Unit6 When was it invented? New words: Language points: 1) Phrases: 2) 3) . Post-class:1:Read and try to retell the passage of 3a; 2:Finish 4c收获与反思: 【Study-aims】知识目标:1)掌握本课生词、短语及常见重点句式。 2)依据课文内容完成3b,3c相关练习。 3)掌握并灵活运用一般过去式的被动语态。能力目标:训练学生在阅读过程中捕捉相关习题信息的技巧情感目标:通过了解对茶的发明的同时引发学生的民族自豪感。学习策略:

9、快速阅读的同时捕捉每段的中心思想。文化意识:古今中外的大小发明正是广大人民智慧的象征。【Key & difficult points】重点:课文中的新词,短语及重点句型;一般过去式被动语态的运用。难点:使用文中正确信息回答有关问题。【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class 根据汉语提示默写下面单词、短语。1)偶然的 2)几乎,差不多 3)统治者 4)煮沸,烧开 5)气味,发出-气味 6)国家的,民族的 7)贸易,做买卖 8)冰箱 9)翻译 10)锁住 11)钟(声) 12)音乐的 13)仪器,工具 14)偶然,意外地 15)落入 16)突然,猛地 17)发生 18)毫无

10、疑问 2. 知识超市:一般过去式的被动语态:A:当动作发生在过去且主语是动作的 (执行者/承受者)时,用一般过去式被动语态,其构成为:主语+be(was /were)+及物动词的 (过去分词 /现在分词)。B:当主语是第一、三人称单数或不可数名词时,助动词be要用 ;当主语是第二人称或复数时,助动词be要用 。C:其肯定句变否定句时,只需在was或were后加 ;变成一般疑问句时,只需把 或 提到句首。九年级英语导学案(八中基地) 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit6 When was it invented? Section B 1a1e (

11、听说课)II. While-classStep1: Looking and writing. Ss look at the pictures and write the correct words under them to complete 1a, and then write the name of a different food after each word to complete 1b.Step2:Listening (1c1d)Listen to a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun at least two times: 1)Li

12、sten and circle T for true or F for false to complete 1c . 2) Listen again. Complete the sentences in 1d.Step3: Speaking(1e) Pair-work : Role-play a conversation using the information in 1c-1dStep4:Practice 选词填空:1:Mum put lots of salt on the fish . It was really (salt, salty).2:It is said that potato chips were invented (in, by).3:He wanted (drank, to drink) that cup of tea.4:The customer


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