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1、仁爱版精品英语资料(精校版)Review of Units 3-4词句精讲精练词汇精讲 1. speak,say,talk tell(1)speak 既可以作不及物动词也可以作及物动词,它的意思是“说、讲话”,作及物动词的时宾语是某种语言。例如:My father is speaking. 我的爸爸在讲话。(不及物动词)My sister can speak French. 我的姐姐会说法语。(及物动词)(2)say是及物动词,它的意思是“说”,后面要有说的内容。例如:I have to say sorry to the teacher. 我不得不向那位老师道歉。Can you say it

2、in English? 你能用英语说吗?(3)talk意为:“交谈、谈论”,常作不及物动词。后面用介词to/with, 表示“与谈话/交谈”;接介词about 时表示“谈论”;接of时表示“谈到/起”。例如:What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么?Who are you talking with? 你在和谁谈话?(4)tell的意思是“告诉、讲述”,经常用动词短语tell sb. sth. 表示“告诉某人某事”或tell sb. to do sth. 表示“告诉某人做某事”。例如:Please tell your brother not to swim here

3、. 请告诉你弟弟不要在这里游泳。My grandmother often tells me some stories. 我的奶奶经常给我讲故事。2. someany(1)some和any后面可以修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词,意思是“一些”。some一般用在肯定句,疑问句和否定句经常用any。例如:Is there any food on the desk? 桌上有食物吗? There are some birds in the tree. 树上有些鸟。(2)在表示希望对方给予肯定回答的一般疑问句中用some。例如:Can you bring some things to school? 你能

4、把一些东西带到学校吗?(3)any可以用于肯定句中表示“任何”。 例如:He likes any book in his fathers room.他喜欢他爸爸房间里的任何一本书。3. manymuch(1)many 意为“许多,大量”。用来修饰可数名词的复数形式。与some相比较,many的数量更多一些,但是some既可以修饰可数名词的复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。例如: There are some books on the table. 桌子上有一些书。 There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些水。 We have many new books.

5、我们有许多新书。(2)much 也是“许多,大量”的意思,但是只能修饰不可数名词。例如:There is much meat in the fridge. 冰箱里有很多肉。 She makes much noise in the classroom. 她在教室里制造很多噪音。4. few/a few; little/a little(1)few/a few只能用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定,意为“没有,几乎没有”;a few表示肯定,意为“有几个,有一些”。例如:He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞。 There are

6、 a few eggs in the basket. 篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 (2)little/a little只能用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定,意为“没有,几乎没有”;a little 表示肯定,意为“有一点,有一些”。例如:There is little ink in my bottle. Can you give me a little ink? 我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿墨水吗?5. have tomust(1)have to强调客观需要;must强调主观愿望。例如:I must go now. 我现在必须走。I have to finish my homework

7、first. 我不得不先完成我的作业。(2)must只用一般现在时;have to可以用各种时态。例如:My sister had to learn how to make tea. 我姐姐不得不学习如何泡茶。She must work hard. 她必须努力工作。(3)have to 有人称和数的变化,但must 没有。例如:My mother has to look after me when I am ill.当我生病的时候我妈妈不得不照顾我。She must tell him the truth. 她必须告诉他事实的真相。(4)在否定结构中,dont have to 表示“不必”; m

8、ustnt表示“不允许,禁止”。例如:You dont have to tell him the news. 你不一定要把这个消息告诉他。(不必) You mustnt park your car here. 你不能把车停在这里。(禁止,不允许)6. pastpass (1)past 可以作介词,副词和形容词。作形容词时,意为“以前的, 过去的”;作介词时,通常用来表示时间,意为“迟于, 在之后, 晚于”;作副词时,要和动词连用,意为“经过, 过 ,穿过”。例如: These things happened in the past years. 这些事情都发生在过去的年代里。(past作形容词

9、) He gets up at a quarter past six every morning. 他每天早上六点过15分起床。(past作介词) A car ran past at full speed. 一辆汽车以全速驶过。(past作副词) (2)pass 作动词,意为“走过,经过,传递”,作“走过,经过”讲时,可以与“动词+past”互换。 它的过去式是passed,现在分词是passing,三单是passes。例如; When will he pass your house? = When will he run pass your house? 他什么时候从你家经过? Jake p

10、assed the football quickly. 杰克传球迅速。 (3)这两个词都可以作名词,但是意思差别很大。past 意为“过去,往事,过去的事情 ”;pass意为“通行证, 许可证”。例如:The past is past. Let us look ahead. 过去的事已成过去, 让我们向前看吧。Tom gave him a free pass on the railway. 汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券。 7. shopstore store 和 shop 都有商店的意思;但是,shop多用于英国,指规模较小,且买特定东西的店铺。而store多用于美国,指规模较大的百货商店等。

11、例如:butchers shop 肉店 barbers shop 理发店 department store 百货商店 furniture store 家具店8. free (1)free 形容词,意为“免费的”。例如: Here is your free lunch. 这是你的免费午餐。 Your ticket is free. 你的票是免费的。 (2)free 作形容词还可以意为“自由的,有空的”。 Are you free tomorrow? 明天你有空吗? I have some free time on weekends. 在周末我有些空闲的时间。词汇精练I. 英汉互译。1给买 _ 2

12、. no problem _ 3.随便吃 _ 4. 为你点菜_ 5. do my homework_ 6. 空闲时间_7. 去购物_ 8. 书店_ 9. a few _10. have to _II. 根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。 1. Jackie Chan is Michaels f_ actor.2. My father is a d_, he works in a hospital.3. Who are the old man and the old woman in the photo?They are my g_. 4. Tomorrow well have a picnic

13、. Dont f_ to take some drinks with you.5 Can you speak Chinese, Helen?Yes. But a l_ 6. These things happened in the p _ years. 7. What do you usually do in your f_ time?8. Please look a_ your sister at home.9. What time do you get up in the morning?I get up at a q_ past six.10. Im in Grade 7 and my

14、brother is in Grade 8. We are in d_ grades.III. 选词填空。 1. There are _ (many, much) people on the street. 2. She is new here; so she has _ (few, a few) friends here. 3. Can you see _ (some, any) birds in the tree? 4. We should _ (say, tell, speak, talk)English in English class. 5. She usually gets up at half _ (past, passed) six.参考答案I. 英汉互译。1. buy.for 2. 没问题 3. help yourself / yourselves 4. take your order 5. 做我的家庭作业 6. free / spare time 7. go shopp



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