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1、中国银行2023年笔试试题时间:180分钟 001. Dr. Hooper at Michigan United Hospital is the worlds _ authority on knee replacement surgeries. (a) led(b) leader(c) leading(d) leaders002. With ski season fast _, investors are wondering whether the ski lodge will be completed by the first snow fall. (a) selling(b) snowin

2、g(c) completing(d) approaching103. Althea Corporation _ by many analysts to be the most innovative software company in the industry. (a) considerably(b) consideration(c) is considered(d) was considering004. It is still unclear _ the Mayor will accept the recommendations of the City Council. (a) yet(

3、b) about(c) before(d) whether005. Salpert Corporations stock _ by 8% during the first quarter of the year. (a) rose(b) rise(c) risen(d) rising006. A generation ago, no one could have predicted that computers and the Internet would be as _ as they are today. (a) recent(b) continual(c) prevalent(d) co

4、mmunicated007. Albertson and Kelman have decided to open a separate _ for research and development. (a) office(b) officer(c) official(d) officially008. Home sizes at Timberland Ranch _ from 1,200 to 8,000 square feet. (a) cost(b) count(c) range(d) weigh009. An overpass on Interstate 38 in Lakeview C

5、ounty _ yesterday, due to high flood waters. (a) collapse(b) collapsed(c) collapses(d) collapsing010. We anticipate _ the first phase of the project will take approximately two weeks to complete. (a) that(b) which(c) there(d) those011. The total cost to renovate the building was $13.75 million, _ do

6、uble the original estimate. (a) almost(b) mostly(c) the most(d) most all012. We would like to thank the Elog Foundation for their generous _ to our charity fundraiser. (a) donor(b) donate(c) donated(d) donation013. The retail industry spends _ $28 billion on IT and related systems annually. (a) near

7、ly(b) yearly(c) monthly(d) continually014. My _ with Mr. Frantz was mostly focused on issues related to integrating the staff after the proposed merger. (a) discuss(b) discussed(c) discusses(d) discussion015. The schedule, which you will find attached, _ the specific delivery dates we require. (a) s

8、hips(b) places(c) details(d) succeeds016. Senior analyst John Pierpoint expects SunDigit to post _ of $4 billion for the year. (a) a profit(b) to profit(c) profitable(d) profitably017. _ the highway was built, the only practical way to brings goods into the town of Tilman was by rail. (a) Then(b) Wi

9、th(c) Since(d) Until018. Brantel, Inc. has reportedly _ a 500-acre property in Berlin, Florida, where it plans to build a manufacturing plan. (a) purchase(b) purchased(c) purchases(d) purchasing019. Director Gary Robertsons latest film, “Frontiers,” centers on the _ of a young man who traveled to th

10、e American West in the 1850s, seeking fortune and fame. (a) book(b) novel(c) movie(d) story020. The bird feeder _ to keep squirrels from getting to the birdseed. (a) has design(b) is designed(c) was a designer(d) has been designing021. _ the Radio Communications Directory, there are 16,376 licensed

11、radio stations currently broadcasting. (a) Due to(b) Taken by(c) Required by(d) According to022. On April 3rd, we will hold a meeting with the _ of our business units. (a) manage(b) managed(c) managers(d) managing023. The average _ for a 2-bedroom apartment in Boulder, Colorado is $900 a month. (a)

12、pay(b) size(c) rent(d) floor024. Dr. Corley holds a Ph.D. in anthropology, and _ a book about the Nile delta last October. (a) publish(b) published(c) publisher(d) publishing025. The Metro Tech program offers a 6-month course leading to an ACAM _ in Basic Automobile Maintenance upon successful compl

13、etion. (a) teacher(b) training(c) classroom(d) certificate026. The European Commerce Authority is seeking _ imports of foreign-made textiles and garments. (a) limits(b) limiting(c) to limit(d) limitation027. Be sure to use the Standard Operations checklist _ time you prepare boxes for shipment. (a)

14、few(b) each(c) many(d) none 028. The Museum of Natural History and Industry in Tanner, OH receives more than 40,000 _ each month. (a) visit(b) visited(c) visitors(d) visitingD.“视察”与“考察”的区分113、许多貌似过时的史学争辩所代表的其实是一种力求接触人类最大多数的努力。想想有多少人已经消逝在过去,他们在人数上远比如今生存在地球上的后代更多。最令人激烈、最有创意的历史探讨应当挖掘出事务背后那些人们所经验和体验过的人类生存状态。这类探讨有过不同的名字心态史、社会思想史、历史人类学或文化史,不管什么标签,目的只有一个,即理解生活的意义:不是去徒劳地找寻对这一宏大哲学之谜的终极答案,而是_。填入划横线部分最恰当的一句是( )。A.将探讨聚集于下层百姓的日常生活及其意义世界B.要到前人的日常生活与思想观念中去探



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