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1、 2015届本科生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 古希腊罗马神话故事对英国文学的影响 英文题目: The Influence of Greco-Roman Mythology on English Literature 学 生 姓 名: 曾育婷 院 系: 外国语学院英语系 届 别: 2015届 专业、班级 : 英语专业1班 学 号 : 080520110003 指 导 教 师: 常文彩 完 成 日 期: 2015年6月5日 二 0 一 五 年 六 月AcknowledgementsIn the course of writing this thesis, I received a lot of he

2、lp and support from my teachers and friends, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all who have helped me.First and foremost, I want to give my profound thanks to my supervisor, Chang Wencai, for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, great care and preciou

3、s advice and suggestions. With her help, this thesis appears in the present form. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their support and helped me work out the problems I encountered when writing the thesis.Thank you very much.摘要古希腊罗马神话作为西方文明的源头之一,对西方文化产

4、生了深远的影响。英国文学是继古希腊罗马文化之后的又一颗璀璨的明珠。许多英国文豪都在神话中寻觅着灵感。细心品味,我们不难发现在各种类型的英国文学作品中散落着的美丽而神秘的古希腊罗马神话故事。作为一名英语学习者,如果我们没有足够的希腊罗马神话知识,它们将成为我们欣赏作品的障碍。因此,一定程度地掌握古希腊罗马神话对了解和赏析经典文学作品,提高审美能力和想象力是非常有必要的。关键词:古希腊罗马神话;英国文学;诗歌;想象力;iiAbstractGreek and Roman mythology is one of the origins of the western civilization, whic

5、h has a far-reaching influence on the western culture. English literature is another crystal of human beings wisdom after the Greco-Roman mythology. Many famous writers continuously sought inspiration in the myths. It is easy for us to find that there are so many works closely related to the Greco-R

6、oman mythology. The influence of Greco-Roman mythology upon English literature is beyond description. As an English learner, if we dont have enough knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology, it is hard for us to understand and appreciate many classical works. Therefore, it is necessary for us to know m

7、ore about the Greco-Roman mythology, which can help us to understand the classic literary works and improve an appreciation of aesthetics and imagination. Key Words: Greco-Roman mythology; English literature; poem; imaginationiiiContentsAcknowledgementsAbstract (Chinese)iiAbstract (English)iiiIntrod

8、uction1Chapter One Historical Origin and Influence of Greco-Roman Mythology21.1 Origin and Combination of Greek and Roman Mythology21.2 Impact of Greco-Roman Mythology on Western Culture3Chapter Two The Influence of Greco-Roman Mythology on English Literature52.1 The Mythological Theme of English Po

9、etry and Drama in the Period of Renaissance52.2 On the Use of Greek and Roman Myths in British Romantic Poetry72.3 The Mythological Complex of English Novelists and Dramatists in the Period of Realism9Chapter Three Realistic Significance of Studying Greek and Roman Myths113.1 Stimulate Modern People

10、s Imagination113.2 Practical Significance for English Learners11Conclusion13Bibliography14IntroductionEach nation has its own beautiful myths and legends. Greco-Roman mythology is one of the origins of the western civilization, which is the beautiful sediment of the splendid civilization of human be

11、ings. Also, it contains a rich and precious literary heritage, which is left by ancient Greek and Roman people. Karl Marx once said: “Greek mythology and epic is the perfect product of human childhood development, with permanent charm.” Because of this kind of enduring charm, it stimulates millions

12、of peoples interest in reading and slowly tasting the beautiful and touching legends of Greco-Roman mythological stories. Moreover, English literature is another crystal of mankinds wisdom after the Creco-Roman culture, enduring and enriching generations. If you patiently read and taste carefully, i

13、t is not hard for you to find that there are so many works are closely related to the ancient myths. And as an English learner, if we have little about Greco-Roman mythology, these stories will become the barriers in reading such kind of English literary works. While if we know some about it, it wil

14、l be the key for us to understand and appreciate the works more completely. So the Greco-Roman myths in the western world is very important, people often judge ones education level from his understanding of the Greek and Roman myths. As Bulfinch said, “without a knowledge of mythology, much of the e

15、legant literature of our own language cannot be understood” (Bulfinch, 2000:2). Obviously, Greco-Roman mythology plays an integral part in the western culture. As a student of English major, it is necessary for us to know more about the Greco-Roman mythology, which is good for us to shape western culture and the way of western people think. In my opinion, Greco-Roman myths are not only the products of the imagination, but also a


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