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1、词汇1、单词听写:(请播放同文件夹中的音频文件,根据“中文词义”将英文单词按顺序逐行写在“听写”栏里,并且边听写边跟读。听写完成后,可将“单词”栏字体颜色改为自动,即可显出正确的拼法。)序号听写单词中文词义1aidn. 援助2distancen. 距离3explorev. 探究4informv. 告诉,告知5perfecta. 完美的6recommendv. 推荐,建议7suggestv. 建议8terroristn. 恐怖分子9troublen. 麻烦,困难2、单句听写:(请继续播放同文件夹中的音频文件,并按顺序将听写内容依次写在“听写”栏内。完成之后,可将“原文”的字体颜色改为自动,即可显

2、出正确答案。)听写原文Did you give money to aid the Democratic or the Republican candidate?听写原文The distance from my house to your house is two kilometers.听写原文The spacecraft explored the solar system to search for signs of life.听写原文I informed her about what happened.听写原文Today is a perfect day.听写原文The doctor rec

3、ommended that she should stay in bed for a week.听写原文She suggested doing the job a different way.听写原文The terrorist admitted that he made the bomb.听写原文He always has trouble starting his car.听写原文She made a quick decision.3、词义配对一:(请根据以下右栏中的英文解释,从单词听写中找出相对应的单词,并按顺序填写在下面的“单词”栏中。答案就在第一部分“单词听写”里找。)序号单词英文解释1

4、a person who carries out acts of extreme violence as a protest or a way to influence a government2completely right or good;3that which causes concern, fear, difficulty or problems4the amount of space between two places or objects5to advise someone that they should do something6to give knowledge to7to make a careful search;8to offer or propose something to think about or consider9to support;4、词义配对二:(请根据以下右栏中的解释,从前一篇报道中找出相对应的单词,并按顺序填写在下面的“单词”栏中。)序号单词中文词义1n. 许可2n. 校园3n. 外国人4n. 头痛5n. 引子,序言6v. 居住于7v. 更新,升级答案admission; campus; foreigner; headache; introduction; populate; update1


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