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1、非谓语动词和从句的转换Wayne Lee ok一. 不定式(短语)与从句的关系1. 不定式(短语)再句中作主语,其功能相当于一个主语从句,因此二者之间可以转换。(1) .To be able to help you is really an honor.(二That Im able to help you)(2) .He seemed to know the way.(=It seemed that he knew the way.)(3) .Bush is said to have decided to attack North Korea.(= It is said that Bush h

2、as decided to attack North Korea.)2. 不定式(短语)再句中作宾语或宾补,相当于一个宾语从句(1) .We still dont know when and where to build a school.(宾语)(=when and where we should build a school)&(2) .I advised him to go and see the doctor.(宾补)(二that he should go and see)(3) .He thought it a great pity not to have invited her.宾

3、语)(二That he hadn t invited her.)3不定式(短语)再句中作表语. ,相当于一个表语从句(1) .My suggestion is for them to leave as soon as possible.(二that they should leave)(2) .My chief purpose has been for them to get a good understanding.(=that they can get a good understanding)4. 不定式(短语)再句中作定语.,相当于一个定语从句(1) .The question wil

4、l be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Beijing. (=that is shortly to open in Beijing)(2) .All dead, I was the only one to grow up.(二that grew up)5. 不定式(短语)再句中作目的结果状语.,相当于一个目的结果状语从句(1) .He came to the area in order/so as to study the folk music there.(=in order/so that)(2) .The lady was

5、so exci ted as not to say a word.(=so exci ted that she couldn t)7.不定式(短语)再句中作原因状语.,相当于一个原因状语从句(1) I trembled to think of being punished by the boss.(二because I though of being punished by the boss)(2) .We were disappointed to have lost the game.(二that we have lost the game)二. 动名词(短语)与从句的关系1. 动名词(短语

6、)再句中作主语,相当于一个主语从句(1) .Your going away (=That you went away) made the professor angry.(2) .Marys not being made monitor (=That Mary was not made monitor ) made us sad. 被动的动名词在句中作主语时一般不能省(3) .Being called a fool(二That he was called a fool) hurt Bob badly.2. 动名词(短语)再句中作宾语或宾补语,相当于一个宾语从句(1) .I remember b

7、eing taken to Beijing(二that I was taken to Beijing) when I was five.(2) .He admitted having married Mary to a soldier(二that he had married Mary to a soldier).3. 动名词(短语)在句中作表语.,相当于一个表语从句(1) .My duty is serving the people hear t and soul (that Ill serve the people hea rt and soul).(2) .The problem is

8、his not having prepared his lessons for the exam (=that he hasnt prepared his lessons for the exam)(3) .The difficulty is Marys being caught between the two trees(=that Mary is caught between the two trees).4. 介词动名词(短语),相当于一个从句(1) He was afraid of being scolded by his mistake.(=that he was)(2) .He w

9、as astonished at her knowing you.(=that she knew you)(3) .We heard the news of our team having won.(=that our team had won)三. 分词(短语)与从句的关系1. 分词(短语)作定语,相当于一个定语从句(1) The hospital was an old building built in 1931(=that was built in 1931).(2) .Do you know the girl standing over there(=who is standing o

10、ver there)(3) .The man speaking to us the other day(= who spoke to us the other day) has gone to Japan.2. 分词独立结构,相当于一个状语从句,其中伴随状语多与并列句转换(1) Weather permitting(=If weather permits), well have the match tomorrow.(2) .The dark clouds having disappeared(=When the dark clouds had disappeared), the sun sh

11、one again.(3) .The monitor being ill (=As the monitor was ill) wed better put the meting off.(4) .0t her things being equal (=If other things are equal), Id buy the black dress.(5) .Given more time(=If we were given more time), we could have done it better.(6) .He came back, his hands tied to his ba

12、ck(=his hands were tied to his back).3. 分词短语,相当于一个状语从句(1) On arriving(=As soon as I arrive) there, Ill telephone you.(时间)(2) .(While)waiting(=While I was waiting )for the bus, I caught sight of her.(时间)(3) .Educated(=As he was educated ) by the party, he became a great fighter.(原因)(4) .Not having re

13、ceived (=Because I hadnt received an answer, I wrote to him again.(原因)(5) .(If) given(=If we had been given )enough ti me, e could have done it bett er.(条件)(6) .(Though) having made(=Though he had made) great achievements, he didnt pride.(让步)4 .分词短语作状语,可表伴随,结果,相当于and的并列句,也可和with转换(1) He died, leavin

14、g his daughter much money. () (=with),(=and left)(2) .The teacher entered the lab, followed by our students.(=and he was followed by our students =with us following him=and we followedhim)5. 分词短语在句中作宾语或宾语补足语,相当于一个宾语从句(1) He found the windows broken.(=He found that the windows were broken.)|(2) .1 fe

15、lt my heart beating fast at the news of bomb explosion.(=I felt that my heart was besting fast at the news of bomb explosion)四特殊转换1. 动名词复合结构相当于从句(1) Sophias having seen them(=That Sophia had seen them) didnt surprised us.(2) .I can t bear his (him) staving up so late(=that he stays up so late).(3) .

16、We encourage students living in the school (=that students live in the school).(4) .What was disappointing was our not being able to go for a picnic (that we were not able to go for a picnic).2. there +being+其他成分(1) There being nothing to do. we played games.(=Because there was nothing to do) (原因)(2) .T


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