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1、013届高考英语一轮复习章末测试SB3 Module 6 Old and New 1 综合检测题第一部分 基础知识与运用第一节:语法和词汇1. Is there anything else _ you want to get ready for the party this evening?A. whichB. thatC. whoD. what2. I _ see him yesterday. A. really B. do C. didD. does3. _ come again. A. Do B. CanC. May D. Did4. _ be careful when crossing

2、 the street! A. MustB. ShouldC. Ought toD. Do5. It was _ the old worker came that we _ the experiment.A. until; didnt begin B. not until; beganC. until; beganD. not until; didnt begin6. It is I _ singing in the garden.A. who areB. who isC. that amD. that is7. Hardly _ into the country _ it began to

3、rain.A. we had got; when B. we got; thanC. had we got; whenD. did we get; than8. Not a single word _ last night.A. he said B. said heC. did he say D. had he said9. Little _ about what others think.A. he cares B. he doesnt care C. does he careD. doesnt he care10. Seldom _ any mistakes during my past

4、few years of working there.A. would I makeB. have I made C. I did makeD. shall I make11. He is a good student, and works very hard; _.A. so it is with herB. so does sheC. so is she D. neither does she12. Only when it is hungry _ attack a human being.A. a lion will B. did a lionC. will a lionD. do a

5、lion13. Look! _.A. Here your teacher comesB. Comes here your teacherC. Your teacher come hereD. Here comes your teacher14. No sooner _ to shine _ it clouded over again.A. the sun had started; than B. had the sun started; thanC. the sun started; when D. did the sun started; when15. So loudly _ that e

6、ven people in the next room could hear him.A. did he speakB. spoke he C. he spokeD. should he speak第二节:完形填空My senior year , I cant believe its almost over . Now when I 16 , it was stressful , but exciting , the prom , graduation , and then of course , college .I started my college application proces

7、s months before Christmas . My parents told me it would be 17 if I set up interviews and tours . But I was unmotivated . I wanted to go to college , but I didnt want to deal with the 18 .As the days flew by , my applications lay on my desk just as I had 19 them three months before . “You are wasting

8、 20 time,” my parents complained . Sweeping away the gathered 21 on the applications , I worked on them every Sunday 22 I finished . next came writing the essays . I had many ideas , but every school had different 23 .I changed them until I was pleased . 24 , everything was underway .Now I just had

9、to wait . In March , I started receiving letters of rejection (拒绝). I began to think that I had set myself up for 25 . I had a letter from Salem State College stating that they wanted to see my third quarter 26 before they made their decision . Yes ! At least someone wanted to 27 me . The beginning

10、of April , I received a letter from Keens State . I had been rejected . Those 28 words : “We regret to inform you ” made me sit down and cry . I had 29 all hope . Then I heard from Plymouth State . Not my first 30 , but I had been accepted . Maybe if I get my grades 31 , I can transfer to another sc

11、hool.The college application process 32 me deeply . All my friends had dozens of schools to choose from . I guess my parents were 33 . High school grades are extremely important to your 34 . If I could do it all over again , I would take it more 35 .16Ahold back Blook back Ckeep back Dgo back 17Asma

12、rt Bcertain Cconvenient Davailable 18Aloneliness Bsubjects Cstress Dtests 19Afound Bleft Csent Dchosen 20Abusy BspareCchangeable Dvaluable 21Adust BideasCwork Dtroubles 22Abefore BunlessCuntilDwhen 23AdecisionsBstandardsCregulationsDrequirements 24ASuddenly BFinallyCGenerallyDFortunately 25Adisappoi

13、ntmentBachievementsCdiscriminationDpreparations26Apapers BplansCgradesDexams27Aaccept Brespect Cjudge Dconsider 28Aborrowed Bcheering Cheated Dopening 29Aruined Bgained Clost Dseen 30Achance Bchoice Cguess Dsuccess 31Aup Bout Con Dover 32Ahurt Bbeat Cpunished Dfrightened 33Astrict Bright Ckind Dupse

14、t 34Aschool history Bpresent familyCfinal exams Dfuture plans 35Afirmly BreadilyCseriouslyDwillingly 第三部分:阅读理解 A Many instructors believe that an informal, relaxed classroom environment is good for learning and innovation. It is not uncommon for students to have easygoing and friendly relationships with their professors. The casual(随和的) professor is not necessarily a poor one and is still respected by students. Although students may be in a subordinate(从属的) position, some professors treat them as equals. How


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