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1、年 级五年级学 科英语版 本人教新课标版课程标题五年级英语人教新课标版下学期期末复习编稿老师李俊玲一校张琦锋二校林卉审核刘停停一、学习目标: 1. 能够把46单元所学语言融会贯通,并能在交际中运用。 2. 复习46单元的有关学校活动、商品购物,以及日常小病涉及的单词和短语。 3. 复习并能运用46单元的重点句子。二、重点、难点:46单元的四会单词和句子三、知能提升(一)重点单词汇总练习单词汇总 1. 单词回顾:(a)看图连线 basketball rugby football volleyball forest tree hockey toothbrush comb toothpaste ra

2、dio tape recorder shorts sandals grapefruit cherry strawberry paper(b)看汉语找单词然后连线。研究,学习 plant 社会的 social 植物;种植 printing 五十五 fifty-five印刷 on 发烧 headache操练,练习 study 胃疼 fever在上面 exercise 头疼 stomachache 问题 concert 牙疼 cough音乐会 problem 咳嗽 toothache移动 move 2. 单词书写看图写出相关单词 (二)重点短语汇总练习短语汇总 1. field trip 野外考察

3、2. have a look at 看一看 3. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 4. worry about 担心(强调动作)be worried about 担心(强调状态) 5. pass sb. sth. 递给某人(=pass sth. to sb.)考题链接1)science field trip _野外考察2)social studies field trip _野外考察 3)Can I (看一看)this cat? Yes, (给你).4)They want to help her her lessons. 他

4、们想帮她补习功课。They want to help her (学)English. 5)I am about(担心)my lessons.Dont about(担心)your lessons. 6)请把那本书递给我。 me the book, please.=the book me, please.(三)重点句型汇总练习句型汇总补全对话1)(有) a mini-library in your classroom?Yes, (有).What do you do in your mini-library?We often(读) books there.2)(有)any books for boy

5、s?Yes, there .3)Saleswoman: Good morning. Can I help you?Mary: Yes, I want that beautiful comb, can I (看一看)at it?Saleswoman: OK, you are.(给你)Mary: How(多少钱)is it?Saleswoman: Six yuan.Mary: Here is the money.Saleswoman: Thank you. Do you want else?Mary: No, (谢谢). Goodbye!Saleswoman: Bye!4)Doctor: May

6、I have your name? Jim: Jim.Doctor: Whats wrong you? (你怎么了?) Jim: Ia fever(发烧)and I have a(头痛).Doctor: (张开)your mouth, say “Ah”Jim: AhDoctor: You have a bad(感冒). You have to stay in bed for a few days and take some medicine. Remember to drink more water and a good rest(休息). I hope you will get well s

7、oon.Jim: Thank you, doctor.5)打电话的日常用语 (1) I speak to Tom? 请找Tom接电话好吗? is Tom speaking. 我是汤姆。Who is(你是谁?)(2)May I to Mary ? 请找玛丽接电话好吗?Mary. 我是玛丽。is that?(你是谁?)(答题时间:45分钟)一、英汉互译 1. there_ 2. 这里;在这里_ 3. sixty_ 4. 七十_ 5. eighty_ 6. 九十_ 7. hundred_ 8.大量的_ 9. speak_ 10. 任何的_ 11. game_ 12. 有趣的_ 13. thank_

8、14. 买_ 15. art field trip_野外考察二、选择填空 1. Can you pass the yellow comb me, please?A. for B. with C. to 2. Can you pass the book, please?A. I B. me C. she 3. I often help my brother English.A. study B. studies C. studying D. for study 4. Its late. He is _about his daughter.A. worry B. worries C. worrie

9、d D. worrying 5. What is wrong with you?My leg_.A. hurts B. hurt C. hurting 6. _is this T-shirt?A. How many B. How old C. How much 7. What can I _ for you?A. did B. does C. do 三、填空,补全对话Doctor: May I _your name?Lucy: Lucy.Doctor: What is wrong with you?Lucy: I have a _and I have a headache.Doctor: Op

10、en your _and say “Ah”Lucy: AhDoctor: You have a bad cold. You have to stay in bed and _some medicine. Remember to drink more water.Lucy: Thank you, doctor.四、阅读理解 Im Jim. I come from Canada. Our school is in a big city in Canada. I like my school because our lessons are very interesting, and our teac

11、hers are friendly.My name is Betty. I come from Canada, too. I like my school and I like my studies. We have many projects to do. We often go on field trips. We go to the forests or farms. We study real things on the field trips.根据短文判断正(T)误(F)( )1. Jim is from Canada.( )2. Betty comes from America.(

12、 )3. Jims school is in a small city in Canada.( )4. Betty likes her studies because they have many projects to do.( )5. Jim likes his school because their lessons are very interesting and their teachers are friendly.一、1. 那里,在那里2. here3. 六十4. seventy5. 八十6. ninety7. 百8. much9. 说 10. any 11. 游戏12. interesting 13. 谢谢 14. buy 15. 艺术二、CBACA CC三、have; cold; mouth; take四、TFFTT第6页 版权所有 不得复制


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