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1、情态动词用法汇总(一级要求:划句中情态动态二级要求:脑子记住考点分类中文三级:报考点讲句子)一、can1. 有可能 Held inside for too long, regret can affect the immune system.2. 有时会 Babies are lovely, but sometimes they can be tiresome.二、couldnt表否定推测1. It was really annoying; I couldnt get access to the data bank you had recommended.2. George cant too f

2、ar. His coffee is still warm.3. It couldnt be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words.三、cannot but do sth.I cannot do anything else but give up.四、must1. 偏偏,偏要Must you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone? Sorry, sir, but its urgent.2. 肯定推测You

3、 must be Carol. You havent changed a bit after all these years.五、must have done 肯定推测1. The children must have been lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.六、should1. 应该Mom, I could hardly keep my eyes open. But you shouldnt be so sleepyyou didnt get up un

4、til 9 this morning.2. 应该将会I know the furniture is expensive but it will last for years. I should hope so too.3. 竟然I cant understand why he should be so angry. I meant no offence. Its typical of him to be so sensitive.4. 万一I have known Tom Jones for years; naturally, he is nervous in case anything sh

5、ould go wrong.5. 按道理讲When will my picture be developed? It should be finished in two hours.七、should have done1. 本应该做但没做During my first year at university, I was so busy studying and meeting new people that I did not write to my family as often as I should have.2. 过去竟然做过I felt surprised that anyone o

6、f his intelligence should have failed such an easy test.八、shall1. 用于法律条例,表示义务、规定1. Under regulations issued in 2009 and 2011, smoking scenes shall be strictly controlled rather than banned.2. One of our rules is that every studentwear school uniform while at school.2. 一三人称表建议或征求意见一We need a person b

7、adly to think up such an idea. 一Shall the newcomer have a try?3. 表允诺You shall get a gift if you achieve your academic goals.七、would表示愿意、意愿1. Angela reasoned with Simon patiently and tried to persuade him to change his mind, but Simon would not listen to her, insisting on doing that.2. 一Why didnt you

8、 move to another city when you finished your further study abroad?一I wanted to, but she simplylet me go.八、表示过去常常,总是1. 一Carla would go to that historical museum after school when she was a teenager. No wonder she is so familiar with it.2. Ann said whenever her father was unhappy he would go out and b

9、uy something, usually something large and useless.九、would have done1. 虚拟Do you think George has passed the driving test? 一No. If so, he would have driven his car to our college yesterday.十、will/wont表示物体的固有性质和倾向1. There is thick snow on my car and now the engine simply start.2. 一Mum, little Ray broke

10、 his toys again!一It doesnt matter. You see, accidentshappen.表意愿Instead of making choices for their children, liberal parents usually say, “Go where you will. 十一、neednt表不必,不需要1. I love the weekend, because I neednt get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.十二、neednt have done表本不必做,但做了2. We neednt have bo

11、ught so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner. 十三、may表示可能1. You may feel all the training a waste of time, but Im a hundred percent sure later youll begrateful you did it.2. What are you doing this Saturday?一Im not sure, but I may go to the Rolling Stones concert.3. The paintingnot be a masterpiece, but the colors are marvelous.十四、may as wellTo make some kidding among young people clear, you may as well as well ask some seniors for the right direction.


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