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1、。 论嘉莉妹妹的美国梦学院、专业研 究 方 向学 生 姓 名学 号指导教师姓名指导教师职称AbstractSister Carrie is the first novel of Theodore Dreiser, the outstanding novelist in American literature. The novel received wide controversy since its publication, and the main character Carrie is also a controversial person. The thesis tries to ana

2、lyze Carries American Dream and the causes of her disillusioned dream.Besides an introduction and a conclusion, the thesis is divided into three parts. In the introduction, the author introduces the plot of Sister Carrie and former studies on Sister Carrie briefly. And the author also tells the purp

3、ose of the thesis. In the first chapter, the author introduces Dreiser and his works first, and then describes American social environment in the 1900s. In the second chapter, the author briefly introduces American Dream and analyzes what Carries American Dream is. In the third chapter, the author t

4、ries to explain how Carries American Dream disillusioned, and then gives two causes of Carries disillusion with the American Dream: one is her greed, another is her way of pursuing happiness. At last, the author draws the conclusion: Carrie is the representative of most Americans in the early 20th c

5、entury, her way of pursuing happiness is influenced by the social environment. And we should draw a lesson from her. Key words: Carrie; American Dream; desire; disillusion摘要嘉莉妹妹是美国文学中著名的小说家西奥多德莱赛的处女作。小说自发表以来受到广泛争议,小说的主角嘉莉妹妹也是一个争议性人物。本文试图分析嘉莉的美国梦以及她梦想破灭的原因。 除了引言和结尾部分,本文被分为三个章节。在引言部分,作者简要介绍了嘉莉妹妹的故事情节以

6、及前人对嘉莉妹妹的研究并提出了本文的研究目的。第一章主要介绍了西奥多德莱赛的生平以及作品,然后作者描述了二十世纪初美国的社会环境。第二章简要分析了美国梦,然后又描述了嘉莉妹妹的美国梦的内涵。第三章作者试图解释嘉莉妹妹的美国梦是如何幻灭的,并且给出了两点导致梦想破灭的原因:其一,嘉莉的贪婪;其二,嘉莉追求幸福的方式。最后,作者得出结论:嘉莉是20世纪初期大多数美国人的代表,她追求幸福的方式是受到美国当时社会环境影响的。关键词:嘉莉;美国梦;欲望;幻灭 -可编辑修改-ContentsAbstractIChapter One Introduction1Chapter Two Social and L

7、iterary Background4I. The Writer and His Works4II. American Social Environment in the 1900s6Chapter Three Sister Carries American Dream8I. A Brief Introduction to American Dream8II. Sister Carries American Dream10Chapter Four The Disillusion of Carries American Dream and the causes13I. The Disillusi

8、on of Carries American Dream13II. Causes of Carries Disillusion with the American Dream14Chapter Five Conclusion15Works Cited16-可编辑修改-Chapter One IntroductionTheodore Dreiser (1871-1945) is regarded as an outstanding American naturalism writer and one of American foremost novelists. In 1900, Dreiser

9、s first novel, Sister Carrie published in America, became a classic in American literature. And the novel had a great impact on many writers writing. Sister Carrie focuses on a country girl who has hopeless dreams. Sister Carrie came to Chicago alone, hoping that she could live a better life through

10、 her own efforts and hard work. But the actual situation was not always satisfactory. She tried her best to find herself a job, but she got just repeated setbacks. Sister Carrie lost in hunger, sickness and despair of unemployment. At this time, she met the salesman Drouet by accident. He showed the

11、 olive branch to her. Forced by the reality, Carrie became Drouets mistress. Then the bar manager Hurstwood who got to know Sister Carrie through Drouet fell in love with Carrie at first sight. Finally Hurstwood lied to Carrie and absconded with the money, and they settled in New York. In the center

12、 of the city buried Hurstwood. Because of the bankruptcy of his business and the long-term unemployment, he eventually committed suicide. However, Carrie showed her acting talent in New York and eventually became a widely-known star. Carrie eventually left Hurstwood because of the income gap and lar

13、ge capacity .The novel came to an end with Carries glorious achievements and Hurstwoods death. At the very beginning of Sister Carrie, it has aroused much controversy from critics. The novel received mixed criticism. H.L.Mencken (1880-1956), the representative of the critics, thinks that it stands f

14、or the idea of freedom and is of high artistic value. Another school of critics, which is represented by The Business and The Life Newspaper, strongly criticized Sister Carrie, arguing that it ignores the traditional moral standards and the moral restraints, which may lead to suspicion, and even the

15、 societys moral decay. “Indeed, though turn-of the-century readers found Dreisers point of view crude and immoral, his influence on the fiction of the first quarter of the century is perhaps greater than any other writers(吴伟仁 134). Although it was under great controversy at the beginning of publishing, in a very long period of time, Sister Carrie has been proved to be a classic. Since its release, the study of Sister Carrie has not been interrupted. There are many books studying on Dreiser and Sister Carrie, one of those books is The Distinguished Theodore Dreiser (1955). It was



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