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1、The gia nt pandaHello every one, welcome to the Chongqing zoo, I am a gia nt panda announcer XX, next ,I will give you a complete introduction of the giant pandas knowledge, I hope you will happy to see the pandas.As we know, Pan das are one of the most precious ani mals in the world. They are white

2、 and black. They look fat and funny. They eat bamboo. People all over the world like them very much. Panda is not only a symbol of china , but also a symbol of the world .A gia nt panda is Chin as en demic species, only distributed in Sichua n, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces part of the mountain. Giant

3、 pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests with a dense understory of bamboo, at elevations between 5,000 and 10,000 feet. Torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year characterizes these forests, often shrouded in heavy clouds (大熊猫是中国的特有种,仅分布在四川、陕西和甘肃三省的部分山区。 大熊猫生活在阔叶林和针叶林茂密的箭竹,在5000和10

4、000英尺海拔。一年中 的大雨或浓雾的特点,这些森林,往往笼罩在重云)We all know that gia nt pan das are famous for their love of bamboo .pa ndas now eat bamboo because it is a simple thing for the n to get their hands on. They live in the bamboo forest , if i was sitti ng in a forest or an en vir onment which had a read supply of s

5、ome kind of food i would choose to use that too .But do you know how much bamboo a gia nt panda eats a day? 5kg, 8, 10? Actually, for an adult panda, it eats about 17kg of bamboo stems a day or 14kg of bamboo leaves, or about 40kg of bamboo shoots. Thats quite a huge amount, right? So giant pandas a

6、lmost spend 12-16 hours eating bamboo each day.And now you may ask why they need to eat so much bamboo? Thats because bamboo has very little nutritional value, so pandas must eat a lot to meet their energy needs. Besides, to reduce their energy consumption, pandas spend about 10 hours on sleeping ev

7、ery day. Thats why the time left for them to play is very little. (现在你可能会问为什么他们需要吃这么多的竹 子?这是因为竹子的营养价值很小,所以大熊猫必须吃很多,以满足他们的能源 需求,此外,为了减少他们的能源消耗,大熊猫每天睡10个小时左右。这就是 为什么他们玩的时间很少。)Bamboo is their prin ciple food source, but i n the wild, pan das like XX would also forage for grubs and berries. So captive p

8、an das must have their diet suppleme nted .Although they depe nd so much on bamboo and only about 1% of their diet is made up of other foods .But, Giant pan das are members of the bear family; they have the same digestive structure of carni vores. In some ways, they are anomalies of evolution. They

9、are descended from meat-loving carnivores. In other words, their digestive tract is built to break down meat and is inadequate to break down bamboo. So pandas can only get small amount of nutrition from bamboo. Thats another reason why giant pandas have to eat lots of bamboo.(竹子是主要的食物来源,但在野外,像XX也会寻找

10、蛆虫和 浆果。所以,圈养大熊猫必须有他们的饮食补充。虽然他们如此依赖竹子,只有 约1%的饮食是由其他食物。大熊猫是熊家族的成员;他们有食肉动物消化结构 相同。在某些方面,它们是进化的异常。他们都是爱吃肉的食肉动物。换言之, 他们的消化道是建立在分解肉和不足以分解竹子的。因此大熊猫只能从竹子中获 得少量的营养。这也是为什么大熊猫不得不吃大量的竹子的另一个原因。)Mainly in the spring mating, with mating struggle. Pregnancy 3-5 months, each producing 1-2 Aberdeen, Aberdeen occasion

11、al three, newborn pups of about 120 grams, body pink, there are sparse white lanugo. Eye is almost invisible to the bare-faced, more than 40 days. All Mother-feeding until 1 year old to live independently , 5-7-year-old sexually mature, life is about 30 years, while only 2-13 years of breeding age.

12、Almost half of panda pregnancies result twins ,but with milk for only one the weaker is rejected .in the wild , those cubs would die. In captivity , they are rescued and hand-reared.(主要在春季发情交 配,有求偶争斗。孕期3-5个月,每产1-2仔,偶有3仔初生幼仔约120克, 全身粉红色,有稀疏白色胎毛。眼睛几乎看不见,到40多天才睁眼。母亲哺育, 1岁多才独立生活,57岁性成熟,寿命约30年,而繁殖年龄段仅有21

13、3年。 几乎有一半的熊猫怀孕的结果是双胞胎,但因为母乳只够一只熊猫喝,所以比较 弱小的那一只自生自灭。在野外,这些幼崽会死。在圈养中,他们获救出来,并 用人工饲养)The Chongqing zoo has a total of 13 giant pandas, which including a pair of twins baby panda was born September and baby panda was born in July of this year, tourists friends can go to the panda nursery to watch video

14、twins, remove 3 babies, including 3 males, 7 females. (我们重庆动物园一共有13只大熊猫,其中其中包括了今年7月才出生的一对双胞胎大熊猫宝宝和9月出生 的大熊猫宝宝,游客朋友们可以去熊猫育幼室观看双胞胎的监控视频,除去3 只宝宝,其中有3只雄的,7只雌的。)The zoo pandas can live to be more than30 years old, 10 year old giant panda is equivalent to us about forty years old, and 20 year old giant pa

15、nda the human equivalent of about seventy or eighty years. A giant panda at the Chongqing zoo died after 31 years old. The zoo has 2 giant pandas, six adult pandas, two sub adult. The 1982 star is the oldest panda in the zoo. 大熊猫的有关知识:The giant panda is listed as endangered in the World Conservation

16、 Unions (IUCNs) Red List of Threatened Animals. It is one of the most critically endangered species in the world. There are about 1590 left in the wild (2003, by the 3rd cen sus). About 170 pan das live in zoos and breed ing cen ters around the world, mostly in Chi na.大熊猫被列为濒危物种,在世界自然保护联盟(IUCN )红色名录濒危动物。它是世界上最濒危的物种之一。有约1590 在野外(2003,由第三次人口普查)。大约有170只熊猫生活在世界各地的动 物园和育种中心,主要是在中国。Age Phases of pan das: un der one years old; Sub-adults: female aged 3-4.5 years; ma



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