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1、 海量免费资料尽在此Ouln ofusnefuctinal requiremesThi otine summases r unetaning fteban抯 ossile usinessfnctonl rqiremnts。I.Overall applicationsyst achitetureTh sstem ill coverthefollwg:单独标识出客户、帐户、产品、公司客户数据族separatelyietify usoer, Accoun,Prdct an Coat Unit记录和维护客户、帐户和产品关系erd andmaitn Cusomer,cun anrodc relionhi

2、ps。对多分行的支持uibrnch.对多币种的支持mutiurency。apliatioograms interactiv and selfpromptng.econd user authosaionfo seifitransactions evens。在安全日志文件中,保存完整的审计跟踪信息full auit rail normtin in scue journaliescustomer advics podued to lette quali. copes oadvics aneports retai in doument rhves nd etrievble online。II。统一的会

3、计、报表和风险管理Cooldated acountng,repoting nd rik manaent A会计和总帐cning ad Geneal Leer,includig:银行定义的会计表bank-dfnbe CartofAcun。bakdatedan auedated trnsacions。成本中心的会计(首先取决于业务模式)对多币种的支持ost cenre accountig。 Multi urencea LdgerAbility treparent-chil(nested) ationshs beween account.Te systm mst be ablt ccomodatem

4、ultiple layrs frltinships.Al ledgrs shllb tghtly tegre suh tha angtasubledgr auoicly pdates itsparentleger(s)TheL sste must provde aauo-reconiliton untion fr he sbedges rlatd t a parentleder.B.VT and othepiab axaiacvies ,nluding upprt or CRanMIRAScalculaion and repotngruireentsC.Bgeignd nancil rertn

5、g cuds:balance shtprit an ls acontnet interest margin reoroprating exensesand rene aalysesasset/ibili nalsesransatonvolme alseanayesof fees d comissinsbity t repo and allocat /L(rofibit) at atrnsacn, cuter, acou, oany mbination theeof。Abiity toranser charge bac d rofit o any acu a/or cosrofit center

6、rm anyaivty。D。对人行和其他管制机构的报告PBOC another regulator reotingE。Managent rportintoinclude:Asetand iailiy Mngement reporting, such as:-iuidit (p) ris rportinterest rate snsitiit eport-sk sse Ratio (RR) equirementsLg an cedit maagmetreongshow orecastingIIPrdt manamt A.ruct should be:唯一标始uiquely detied由参数和产

7、品组件来定义产品dedy vaiabarter r rductompoens没有程序员和操作介入就能维护产品mainainabl witout programme o oeratontervention;指定产品的起始日、到期日allcte effective staand enddateaccsible lo authisd sr (otherthan enuiry)能够支持大量的记息和收费规则,变量是:客户类型、帐户组安排、工业门类、职业代码、连带关系able tosupport a umbr of diffeent interesan carging rues (ee ctio . be

8、low) deening o custome tpe, cungrouparrangeents, inustry sctor/occupationcode or colrl elaoshis。B。Curent prout portflio incu:curent(chque) accuntsdemand deposit acconts (ith/withot plasic car aces)rus or 慹scrow depoit acountsrevoving crdits an lines of reditfixe and rible em oans (using bsolu or bse

9、 inerestrte)te and oticeeposi accousC.emn Deost Acu (DA) oducts shoul:be nterest bering or nonnteesbearngattac reditntes ndor ebit iteest n qualifyn balcesttrat fes ad/r commissis acorng tulifying crera (.g. baaces, acivitis,or turnver)have endin (oeraft) lims, i applcale1。rrt accounts reDDA prodcts

10、 for which he pricitransatiochnsm is hqueboo, with CtndrMIC O ode ineDTme Dost prodts should be fxed term, variale or callle sc o ntficaion peod。E.Leding roductsholdpecify:ixed erm, ariableor callable subjct to a noficationeiodrepyment is forattahed loans(i.e。interst only, pnipa ndinerest,rincial on

11、y, discone, intres /char aen,leof 78hs)he nre o the repaymet schedule ruirestand ritria freess,deaul and pst-eollaterlsurity rqeencalulin and quoati of APRsIV.Pc-indeenn raeterand rulesA.中心参数和规则表,用以建立产品、客户、帐户信息Centra paramete and ultalesetalshe independenly f prodct, custoernd acou inforaion, suchas

12、:itet rt strctresee and comission structure (charng rul), inclding epatal cargesft msonrulesdat classiicaio parameers (e。g。 idutry clssfications, occupaion codes, crrecies,lo rk or roision gaes,arnin and statuscods)B。Iterst and cargigrulesand vlues, houh find cnralyndalctedas default prduccomponent,



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