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1、金陵中学高三牛津英语模块九单元二练习三I.单项选择1. The little boat is _ safe. Dont you think so, Mike ? No worries! Ive been on this boat dozens of times.A. something but B. nothing but C. anything but D. everything but2. What do you think of Peter? He _ be really difficult to get along with even though hes a nice person

2、in general.A. shall B. should C. must D. can3. However occupied you are with study, try to _ at least 15 minutes each day to have some exercise.A. put out B. put through C. put off D. put aside4. _, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.”

3、A. Looking through the newspaper B. While I was looking through the newspaper C. To look through the newspaper D. I was looking through the newspaper 5. How about your job-hunting? No luckNow,Ive reached the stage _ I dont care what I doA. which B where Cwhen D. that 6. In societies where social rol

4、es are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls _ of their mothers. A. that B. those C. one D. the ones 7. For sustainable development, the government has decided to give _ to thoseenergy-conserving and environment-friendly businesses in many aspects.A. profit B. intere

5、stC. preference D. advantage8. _, I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John. A. As long as I have traveled B. Much as I have traveled C. Now that I have traveled so much D. As I have traveled so much 9. All the citizens here strongly insist those caught _ “harmful” advertisements in the stree

6、ts _ punished strictly.A. putting up; will be B. to put up; should be C. being put up; shall D. putting up; be 10.If I hadnt been caught in the heavy rain, I could have been back by 7 oclock.What a pity!Stella _ here to see you.A. is B. was C. would be D. has been11.They felt _ it was high tax and l

7、ow income _ contributed to the extreme misery of the working people at the bottom of the ladder.A. /;that B. that; which C. that; what D. /; which12. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor, and _ in the dark. A. left, lied, disappeared B. leaving, l

8、ying, disappearedC. leaving, lie, disappeared D. left, lay, disappear13. The manager has come back from his business trip. He is asking you for the report. Oh,my god ! I havent finished it yet. But he _ back at the company tomorrow.A. was expected B. will expect C. expected D. will be expected14. It

9、s a long time _ I saw you last.Yes,and what a pity!It will be a long time _ we see each other again.A. since; before B. when; when C. since; when D. before; since15. Is there anything else to discuss?_. I guess.A. Not at all B. No, thats all C. Yes, Im sure D. Yes, of course21. When armed with _ awa

10、reness of what you truly value, you are in _ excellentposition to pick a career you will find rewarding.A. an; anB. the; an C. an; the D. the; the22. Mr. Brown is an experienced doctor. He is always _ when faced with emergency.A. as poor as a church mouseB. as busy as a beeC. as cool as a cucumberD.

11、 as strong as a horse23. If you do fall out of the boat, your lifejacket will help you to _ until we can fish you out.A. stand up B. keep up C. follow up D. stay up24. The man _ who was not allowed to enter the restaurant turned out to be a millionaire. So we cannot judge a person by his or her appe

12、arance.A. in vainB. in danger C. in ragsD. in debt25. That raised the costs of Medicare, _ represented 15% of the federal funds last year.A. it B. what C. which D. that26. Considering the great urgency, the project is supposed _ as soon as possible.A. being completed B. to complete C. to be completi

13、ng D. to be completed27. Although she _ any name, everyone knew who she _.A. hasnt mentioned; referred to B. didnt mention; had referred toC. hadnt mentioned; is referring to D. didnt mention; was referring to28. He doesnt work effectively, and _ he is innocent of any sense of responsibility. Sooner

14、 or later he will be fired by the employer.A. therefore B. furthermore C. nevertheless D. anyhow29. Youre not _ that job in the right way. Dont worry. I will try to improve it.A. going about B. going for C. going after D. going around30. How _ are you with your work? And how do you cope with the dayto day routineoffice work?


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