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1、运用 CD Boot 正确生成启动盘的方法以及调试案例1. 在xpc Target Explorer的对话框下展开targetPCl的下拉菜单,点击 communication 设置里面的参数,包括目标机的 Ip 地址以及目标机网卡支持 的目标驱动,然后点击Apply按钮。2. 在xpc Target Explorer的对话框下展开targetPCl的下拉菜单,点击 configuration1. insert me amply CD or dvd in tns host PC.2. If the xFC Target Exp I ere r iw noiopEfi, epen it new

2、At Hie MATLAB 匸上iee 已 rd YiJlndorku, tpeKpCBHplr3. In tb= :PC T arost Ebrer xPC Target Hierarchy pane,呂旦 ect a target PC configuration rodm. For e:lectthe configu 匚=匕 iem node farTa 匚勺日七 口 匚1 A TargetPCl C-anfliurstton psti appears in righunost pan. This pstw contains a series oftsts.4. 日Elect the C

3、D B go* tab反 In th? lacsrion paraTOter, enter ai n vtii di you want xPC Target Explorer to the xPC Tsrgel: CCDYD boot ISO imag? Far sample. ent-?r c s rkViuat 1 ah.PortBcm1 CD | DO=-Loaw| Network. Bk*| StrAakor |6. Clicktliu Apply Ixiitun.7. Qickihe C rEate CD 3bot Image bLUC-nTl总offtvary cryatys a

4、CDjDVD imaolilij ronsd cdDoot=isu m ting location.3, Perform one of the Folcviing dependng QnarsQne: Ifyau hsvm MicroECittijVindc 7. MicroECiftijVindc Vista, or Mmroscft V/ ndom JP Set c 总 Pack: 2 or 3 mth hisge Ma Eten ng API w2 U (IMAF2 Uj,:FC T arget E和I曲p-empte /qu to insert a CDVDMfCTfdCDtkxii:

5、仙占|住卩CC-JCb戌诂吐山匕Select ihe appropn 自怡 drlw. Ins&i CD or DVD. men click 0Litn Disk If you da not he Microft Winder 7. MicnnftWindw Vista, or Microscfl: ndo. XP Serce Pad-: 2 orSth hiage 怕亦 ring API 龙 0 IktARkg Q), use your rhi rd-pgny CD cre.lion soflwarA tn 血花 me adbocst.-isa inre护 to the Em阴 匚匸兀理匸)

6、9. Insert ttie bwtli? CCuDVD into your target PC CDfDYD dri惦 and reboot 1hat PC3.运用启动盘启动目标机:将启动盘放入目标机的光驱中,在启动的过程中按 delete按钮进入BIOS设置的界面设置第一启动方式为CD-ROM,按Esc退出 设置的界面,按F10保存设置,按Enter键继续,接着不用做任何操作就会 进入下面的界面,1ILKEl -LTiniH ePC Tsrjrt 5內K l-hfacCgJ1-J96-3#16 1!険In&e tliS feVHl VtiHr iIIP Ml |k 1i-vni t-Tft

7、ra* lstvrt-M-1 i KP-I F 4 4 hvrnv IIV* Aii-iz. Al J. 4.1 Ki Epw :BQ? i 211 399 I 44 313 24 1I IQ394T. FC I - i fcm Jf)? |*i |14. rnn I 鄭If you have a keyboard attatched to the target PC, you can activate that keyboard by typing C, and press the PageUp and the PageDown keys to page up and down the ta

8、rget PC monitor.4.In Ihe MATLAB Curent Folder詢氐t a fnlder outside the MATLAB rwt folder.Note During tb= tuild precess, Simulink Cdt not all fi fes to be 田僧日 Wlhin the MATLAE- tree root IF youcurrert: folder Aithi n the MA.TLAB tre?. tb=xPC Tanpt test procedure fa Ie ihen trying ba build a hrgt appli

9、caban5.In th=CcnrnandWind,MATLAB runs the 谄中!serf pt ftr ihs defadi target PC ind dlspl mt-seages in已忙创 iheor failure ot 自 teEn: Jr-uRS-232 communl L-ation, he n ret teet isskipped.tit苹苹苹#leTC! Target T-ast Euxt* 5. Ho st-Tar get- inte 匚 Fmu 日 is : H 匚 P/IP (Ethernet!T?stT-eatTestTestTestTstT-eatTes

10、t Testlf Ping target-旦 y st-ail using Efyst-pings . OK Ping target ay&t-en u&ing xpet arget pi ng; OE Sorrwar已 ribuct the target EC: 口” . . OK Qu. j. Id and dcwnlo-s d an xPC Target a ppi J. cat loti Check host-targ-et comma ad aoniB unii ors; . BDownload a prA-built. wPC Target appLicatioti:Execute

11、 xPC larg-wt appl 1 cation fotr 0u2&i .-usx ng mo del :xpiZDE=: OKQ.OKasB. Uploaddata and coiripare ith siumla匚icJi resultss a OKSuite successfully finishedkPC Target 可1 Tesi SuiteEiat-Tsrget ini erf ace is T 匚 P/IP (Ethernet)TestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestPing targel F匚TatgetRZlHPins tarset PC 1 T

12、argetPCTSoftware relioot the targetusing systen ping: OK using spclarsetpins: H H H OK FC ?IaretPCl DKBuild and download hl xPC Target applicaiion using model ispcosc t taeget Check ho si-i ar get 口 口伽泄讯! ccaraiuni c at i ons with * TargetPCl/ s CKDoiml口宜己 a pre-built xFC Target applicat ion to target PC ? TargctPC 1;, Esacute 弋1匹 zPC Target applicatian fur LL 2bs Upland logged dat a and conipsre vri-th smulationa OKresults:m 0OKTestIf刖rfThATA Elie(!、.引匚-他厂门n J Id rc山仍门1门刖 闩们atiraTion ro rhA旳戌匚TP匚Gw 睡 c Tine创



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