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2、一个对你一生重要的人/对你影响最深刻的人Famous peopleScientist The scientist I admire most is Albert Einstein who is among the most successful scientists in the world.As is known to all, Albert Einsteins theories of relativity had changed the way we understand the universe. His scientific achievement is so great that n

3、o one could be even as famous as he is.Besides his scientific achievements, he was a simple man in life and showed an inner joy when he was playing his violin or talking about his work. Thats why I admire him most.AthleteThe athlete I like most is Liu Xiang who is one of the most famous athletes in

4、China. He not only won Gold medal at the Athens Olympics but also keeps the world record. He sets a good example to indicate that persistence and hard working make perfect. His spirits encourage lots of young people in our country. Furthermore, he is a kind-hearted person as well. He has donated his

5、 precious track shoes to charity foundations. So,because of these contributions and good characters, I regard Liu Xiang as my favorite athlete. Normal peopleMotherMy mother has influenced me greatly in the past years. Since she suffered from an incurable disease more than twenty years ago and was to

6、ld that this disease may cause greater pain than cancer could. But she held a positive attitude towards life and always told me that we should not yield to disasters in life but to strive for hope and spare no effort to realize our dream. Her perseverance and determination have told me what true bra

7、very is and stimulated me to pursue my goal and cherish what we have. Thats why I regard my mother as the most important/influential person in my life.TeacherThe teacher who influences me most is my teacher of Architecture history because she changed my attitude towards designing. She is an excellen

8、t designer with a great passion for architecture and teaching. In addition, she respects our individual understanding of the distinctive styles in history and encourages us to pursue our own way of learning and designing. As my tutor, she gives me advice not only on my design work but also on the di

9、fficulties I meet in school life. Besides, she is an easy-going person so we always have discussions freely. During the years on the campus, I gradually formed my new ideas of design, passion, and independent thinking. Thats why I think she is the best teacher. 性格:你认为作为一个朋友最重要的特点是什么/what qualities s

10、hould a leader have/一个人在团队工作中最重要的quality/好老师的character/一个你敬佩的人的好性格/what do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?The characteristics of friends There are several characteristics that I think a true friend should have. First, a true friend should be sincere. That means he or she becomes

11、my friend just for me, not for my possession, power or other considerations. And a true friend should be candid, which means when Im going to do something wrong, he or she would dissuade me and they would not just flatter me but point out my defects. Second, I believe that a friend in need is a frie

12、nd indeed. When Im in trouble, he or she is here and supports me; when Im depressed, he or she would stay with me and encourage me. In addition, a true friend should be reliable enough so that I can share my secrets and feelings with him or her. Therefore, I think these are the important characteris

13、tics that a true friend should have.The characteristics of a leaderThere are several characteristics that I think a leader should have. First, a good leader should acquire the ability to organize people with different backgrounds. A leader may be patient enough to listen to his underlings and still

14、keep his own mind. As a leader, he or she might encounter disputes among team members in making a decision. In that case, he or she must be careful enough to analyze the proposals and decisive enough to make the final decision. In addition, a good leader should treat team members fairly without bias or discrimination, which would greatly stimulate those diligent members so the efficiency of


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