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1、Module 6 The Tang Poems固考基知识梳理I细短语句型(对应学生用书第236页)单词拼写应用I.考纲单词一一会拼写要识记1. partv. 分手;分离2. sharev. 分享,共享3. provev. 证明是;被发现是4. reflectv. 反映,显示;表达5. acquaintancen. 相识的人;泛泛之交6. tolerantadj.宽容的;容忍的7. shadown. 影子,阴影8. advaneen. 进步;进展9. mentaladj.内心的;精神上的10. glaneev. 一瞥;迅速看一眼11. expensen. 费用12. barriern. 关卡13

2、. departuren. 启程;上路14. anniversaryn. 周年纪念日15. updatev. 更新;刷新n.派生单词一一能辨别1. expand v . 扩大,扩张,膨胀宀 expansion n . 扩张2. fail vi.失败;不及格t failure n .失败者3. suffer vt. &vi.遭受t suffering n .(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难4. appeal n .魅力,吸引力v.恳求,呼吁;吸引t appealing adj.有吸引力的,有趣的5. approve v .赞成;同意t approval n .赞同6. caution v.警告;劝小

3、心t cautious adj.小心谨慎的t cautiously adv.小心7. don ate v .提供;捐do nation n .捐赠物8. decorate v. 装点; 美化decoration n. 装饰;装饰物decorative adj.装饰的9. independence n .独立dependence n .依靠;依赖10. imagine vt.想象imagination n. 想象;空想imaginativeadj.富有想象力的timaginaryadj.想象的,虚构的川.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1. He is a cautious man and i

4、s always doing things with caution . You should get on with him cautiously . (caution)2. All the readers cant imagine how he can be so imaginative and write so manyimaginary stories.We are all amazed about his rich imagination . (imagine)3. The studentsusually decorate their classroom with paper flo

5、wers andballoons.Butthis year they intend to buy some decorative lights and specialdecorations . (decorate)4. He failed again , but his repeated failure never discouraged him.He neveradmitted he was a failure. (fail)5. It is an appealing painting which has appealed to many people.(appeal)拓展联想由expand

6、想到的 exte nd enl arge broade n延伸;扩大扩大;扩展扩大,变宽 spread stretch传播;伸展;伸展张开短语多维应用I .短语回顾一一会默写1. think of .as.把看作2. take hold of抓住3. in return作为回报4. all at once突然5. on second thoughts经重新考虑之后6. deal with处理,对付7. approve of赞成,同意;满意8. take on呈现出9. correspond with与通信;和相一致10. cater for满足的要求11. glanee at瞥见,迅速看一眼1

7、2. learn.by heart记住n.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空 )1. Ted has made up his mind to give it up, but on second thoughts he determined to try a third time.2. I used to correspond with him regularly for three years, but later I losttouch with him.3. There will be many challe nges ahead, but I have con fide nee that

8、 ni take on the burden.4. He glanced at the clock and found it was time to pick up his son from school.5. People who approved of the reform urged that education resources should be distributed among the members of society equally.拓展联想“ v. + as”短语相聚 view .as .把看作 refer to .as .称为 con sider/regard/th

9、ink of/look on/see.as .把当作/看作 describe .as .把扌田述为句式结构仿写教材原句一一会背诵句式仿写一一能应用1.not so/as +形容词/副词原级+ asAs he was not so successful as some of the1.西方的圣诞节和中国的春节一样是一other young men of his time in the Civil个很重要的节日。ServiceExam in atio ntobecome aChristmas in the west is as importantgovernment official, he be

10、gan a life ofa festival as the Spring Festival intravel and poetry, writing more than aChi na.thousa nd poems.2.while 引导的省略句2.我们在看电视的时候,听到门铃响。It is said that he drow ned whe n he fellWhile watching television, we heardinto a river while trying to take hold of the reflect ion of the Moon.the doorbell

11、 ring.3.看看我面临的麻烦。要是我听了你的建3.if only引导虚拟语气议就好了。If onlypeople could see me in sideLook at the trouble I am in.lf only 1had followed your advice.析考点重难突破I(对应学生用书第 237页)精讲3个考纲单词 prove v.证明是;被发现是,证实link -v.证明是;结果是高考佳句Riis believed that poverty caused crime,and he used photos to helphim prove his point.(陕西高

12、考)理斯认为贫穷导致犯罪,并且借助照片证明自己的观点。(1)prove sth.to sb.向某人证明某事prove sb./sth.(to be)+ adj. / n.证明某人/物是Its proved that.据证明;据证实(2)prove (to be)+ n./ adj.证明是;结果是(3)proof n .证明;证据Just give me a chanee and rIIprove the theory to you.只要给我一个机会,我就会证明给你看。 The task proved (to be) more difficult(difficult) than wed thou

13、ght.这项任务证明比我们预想的难得多。 What he had said mademevery madand determined to prove him wrong(wrongly).他 所说的话使我非常恼火,下定决心要证明他是错误的。名师点津prove表示“证明是,结果是”时是系动词,无被动语态,用主动形式表示被 动意义。链接写作【导学号:44040106】已被证明使用手机对我们的健康有害。形式prove link - v.) It has bee n proved that using mobile phones does harm to our health.(主语) Using

14、mobile pho nes proves (to be) harmful to our health.(approve v .赞成;同意,核准;证实经典佳句 You made a wise decision, and I thoroughly approved of it.你作出了一个明智的决定,我完全赞同。(1)approve of (do ing) sth.赞成/同意某事approve sth.批准某事(2)approval n .赞成,同意;批准,认可meet with sb.s approval得到某人的批准with/without approval of经/未经的批准The government approved the plan of buildinga park in the suburb of the city.政府批准了在城市的郊区建一个公园的计划。 I approve of your trying(try) to make money, but please dont neglect yourstudies.( 牛津



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