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1、 摘 要社会公益类科研机构改革研究李新根摘 要社会公益类科研机构是国家重要的科学资源,在国家科技创新体系中发挥的是基础性和支撑性不可替代的作用。公益类科研机构承担的科研和科技基础性工作,主要服务于社会效益显著而经济效益较底的行业或事业。通过此类机构的工作,形成全社会共享的技术基础设施和资源体系,这些设施和体系是经济发展和科技进步的重要基础,是国家实现可持续发展的重要保障。然而,在长期计划经济体制的束缚下,这类科研机构自身存在诸多问题,已经难以适应市场经济体制的发展需要。社会公益类科研机构改革是整个体制改革中难度最大、最关键的组成部分,其改革的成败和发展快慢将直接影响国家社会公益事业的发展。因此


3、;改革目标Study on the Reform of Social Public Welfare Scientific Research Organizations in ChinaAbstractSocial public welfare scientific research organizations are very important science resource in a country, in the national innovation system of science and technology, what develop is basal and the rol

4、e that supports to cannot replace. Through the work of these kind of organizations, form the technical infrastructure and resource system that whole society shares, these facility and system are the important foundation of economic development and the advance of science and technology, are the impor

5、tant guarantee that national realization can develop continuously. However, plan economic system for a long period tie, this kind of research organizations self of our country have many problems, the development that is hard to meet market economic system needs. The social public welfare scientific

6、research organizations are the biggest difficulty,most pivotal composition of our country in the entire system reform of science and technology, development and the success or failure of its reform speed will directly affect the development of the national social cause of public welfare, therefore,

7、the social public welfare scientific research organizations are a research program that has significant theoretical meaning and realistic meaning.On the deeply analyzing and investigating the present situation and major problems of social public welfare scientific research organizations, the transfo

8、rmation goals of these organizations, establishing non-profit research organization, have been pointed out in this article, and designed mutuality system. Because there have not carried out clear limit for non-profit research organization, have not also enact one, for non-profit research organizatio

9、n accredited method, to reduce reform implement cost, author discussing and studying further to non-profit research organization accredited method. Study finally according to the problem that the social public welfare scientific research organizations has and have made a series of reform step and th

10、e countermeasure that should be adopted.For guiding and pushing the present social public welfare scientific research organizations reform, the new questions, new thoughts, and new measures the paper advances for social public welfare scientific research organizations reform have some theoretical an

11、d practical meanings.Keyword: The social kind of public welfare; Non-profit research organization; Accredited method; Reform goal; Countermeasures study 目 录目 录声 明I摘 要IIAbstractIII目 录IV绪 论第一章 社会公益类科研机构改革相关理论分析41.1 社会公益类科研机构的含义及其改革进程41.1.1社会公益类科研机构的含义41.1.2科技体制改革进程回顾41.2社会公益类科研机构改革理论61.2.1改革成本理论61.2.2

12、改革过程理论71.2.3改革方式理论8第二章 社会公益类科研机构存在的问题102.1 组织结构不合理102.2经费投入不足102.2.1我国科技投入绝对总量不足112.2.2我国科技投入相对比值偏低112.3运行机制僵化112.4基础设施陈旧落后122.5商业化对公益性目标的侵蚀12第三章 社会公益类科研机构改革的目标153.1公益类科研机构改革的目标定位153.1.1扩大公共科研成果的外部性163.1.2打破公益性科研成果的机构垄断163.2公益类科研机构改革的目标模式非营利科研机构173.2.1健全的法人制度173.2.2多元化的投资与经营补偿制度183.2.3科学民主的领导制度193.2

13、.4健全完善的人事管理制度203.2.5全面的财务管理制度213.2.6多元化的监督管理制度213.2.7严格的注册登记制度22第四章 非营利科研机构认定方法研究234.1非营利科研机构的概念234.2认定方法研究所参照的依据244.3认定指标254.3.1机构的性质254.3.2在职编制人员状况254.3.3收入状况264.3.4选择上述三个指标的原因274.4认定的数学模型284.5认定结论2894.6举例分析289第五章 社会公益类科研机构改革对策研究345.1加大人事制度改革力度345.1.1建立以能力为本的管理模式345.1.2全面推行聘任制355.2建立新型的科研管理制度355.2

14、.1实行课题全成本核算355.2.2加强项目管理365.2.3推行课题制365.3深化收入分配制度改革375.3.1由按劳动者潜在劳动分配逐步转变为按劳动者实现的物化劳动分配375.3.2由单一的按劳分配逐步转变为以按劳分配为主、按技术分配为辅的两要素分配395.3.3由单一按现在分配逐步转变为按现在分配和向未来分配并存的分配模式405.4结语41参考文献42致 谢45东北大学硕士学位论文 绪 论绪 论一、研究的意义改革开放的实践,把中国带入了有史以来最为深刻也最为广泛的变革时期。经过20多年的探索和实践,中国的经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成就;政治领域确立了发展社会主义民主和依法治国的改革方向,



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