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1、手术病人交接核对Good morning,sir/madam.Im a nurse in the operation room. My name is xx.whats your name?早上好!先生/夫人。我是手术室的一名护士,我叫XX,您叫什么名字?Can I see your wrist rist strap strp?我能看一下您的手腕带吗?How can I call you?我该怎么称呼您呢? Where are you from?您来自于哪里?Can you speak chinese? 您会说中文吗?I have confidence knfidns in your chin

2、ese ability.我对您说中文的能力很有信心。Do you have feverfi:v /high temperature temprit?您有发烧吗?How much your weight?您体重是多少?Do you know your blood type taip?您知道的您血型吗?Nothing by mouth,yes or no?没有吃饭喝水,是吗?Do you have any teeth or dentures dents activities?有没有假牙或者活动牙齿呢?Do you have wearing wing hair clips,jewelry du:lr

3、i,glasses or invisible invizbl?有没有佩戴发夹、珠宝、隐形眼镜等饰品?Do you have any lipsticklipstik or nail neil polish?有没有涂口红或指甲油? Do you have any allergicl:dik history,past history or family history?有没有过敏史、既往史或家族史?Are you allergic to some food or drug drg? 您有对什么食物或者药物过敏的吗? Do you have any operation in the past?以前有没

4、有做过什么手术啊? Have you ever won any major meid illness?For example,high blood pressure,diabetes ,daibi:ti:z,heart attacktk,asthma sm and so on.有没有得过什么疾病,例如高血压、糖尿病、心脏病、哮喘等。 Do you have any film? For example,x-ray,ultrasonic,ltrsnik exam and so on.有没有拍片,例如X光片,超声检查等。Are you currently krntli in the menstrua

5、lmenstrul cycle?是否在月经期呢?Do you know your diagnosis,daignusis before the operation? 您知道您的术前诊断吗?Do you know who is your doctor?The doctor xx is very good,so,dont worry! 您知道您的手术医生是谁吗?XX医生很好,所以,别担心!If you feel not very well,you can tell me .I will do my job to the best of my ability. 如果您有觉得哪不舒服的,可以告诉我,我

6、会尽我最大的能力帮您。Good morning,sir/madam.Im your charge nurse/instrument instrumnt nurse.我是您的责任(巡回)护士/洗手(器械)护士。Can you move your body to this operation bed?您能自己挪到这张手术床上来吗?This bed is narrownru.You have to be careful of the movement.yes,you are very good.Thank you for your cooperation ku,prein.这张床很窄,请您慢慢移过去

7、,对,就是这样,很好,谢谢您的合作。Now,I will check your blood pressure and you need inhalationinhlein oxygenksidn.现在,我要给您量一下血压并给您吸氧。I need open your vein canal knl,I will as ordered give you normal saline seilain and glucoseglu:kus infusion infju:n.我要给您开放静脉通道,并遵医嘱给您用药。Now,please grasp your fist,I will sterilizester

8、ilaiz /disinfection your skin,if you feel very cool,its normal.现在,请您握紧拳头,我要给您消毒皮肤了,如果您感觉到凉凉的,那是正常的。When I Into the needle ni:dl you may hurts a little, please bear with me.我进针的时候您会感觉有点痛,请您忍耐一下。I will help you to catheterization(导尿)/give you urine jurin catheter kit(尿管)/give you indwelling indweli ur

9、inary jurinri catheter(留置导尿管)我要帮您导个尿.I need you to write the caheferilazation sheet/consent. Here write“agree”,here write your name.我需要您签一个导尿的知情同意书,在这里写上“同意”,这里写上您的名字。Now,we will give you some narcotic n:ktik.现在,我们要给您麻醉药了。( we will give you injection of local anesthesia,nisi:zi )Could you make yours

10、elf supine su:pain position仰卧位/lateral position侧卧位/prone position俯卧位?您能使您自己仰卧/侧卧/俯卧吗?Your legs bent your chest,hands lift up your kness stay posted.您的双腿弯曲膝盖靠近您的胸部,手抱着您的膝盖。The anesthesia doctor will spinal puncture pkt (脊椎穿刺)to you .麻醉医生要给您打腰硬联合麻醉。 I think the best thing you to do now is relax and no

11、t worry about it.because when things look blackest,happiness is often just around the corner.我认为您现在最好是放松并且别担心,因为有个时候事情在您看来最绝望的时候,幸福往往已经不远了。The operation is finish.We will move your body to this operation bed.you may possily feel not comfortable.手术完成了,我们要帮您过床了,您可能会感觉有点不舒服。We will give you good basic

12、nuring and service attitude titju:d.我们会给您做好基础护理,并以好的服务态度对您!I wish that you will be happy every day!祝您天天开心!Good luck!祝您好运!常用麻醉方式局麻local anesthesia臂丛神经麻醉Brachialbreikil plexusplekss anesthesia,nisi:zi 静脉全麻intravenousintrvi:ns anesthesia 腰硬联合Combinedkmbaind spinal-epidural ,epidjurl anesthesia椎管内麻醉Intrathecal,intri:kl anesthesia



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