虚拟机下VMware ThinApp简明教程

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《虚拟机下VMware ThinApp简明教程》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《虚拟机下VMware ThinApp简明教程(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、虚拟机下VMware ThinApp简明教程(图)VMware ThinApp是一款应用程序虚拟化工具,但对于我来说用的更多的是制作单文件 软件和便携软件;VMware ThinApp将程序相关资源如exe、dll、ocx、注册表项等封装到单 一的EXE文件中,程序运行时需要的资源也都从这个单EXE的虚拟环境中,从而实现与 操作系统的隔离。借助VMware ThinApp的封装可以制作比较纯正的单文件软件,而简单设置参数后, VMware ThinApp也能充当制作便携软件的 角色;大部分情况下,VMware ThinApp也确实 能出色的工作;之前一直想做一个简单的ThinApp使用教程,不

2、过总是没坚持下来,这次 借着新版VMware ThinApp的发布就先整理出一个制作思路来吧,希望能与大家共同探讨学 习下。不过现在我还是不太喜欢单文件软件了,尤其是ThinApp封装的,更倾向于绿色软 件和免安装软件。引用1.首先运行程序Setup Capture.exe,ThinApp会以向导模式完成程序打包,点击Next 继续。2.这里简单介绍了注意事项,最主要的就是在一个干净的系统上扫描形成系统快照,好处 就是能得到程序正常运行所需要的最多信息。.VMware ThinApp Setup Capture - Version 4.0.3-3313Please use 曰 Clean PC

3、. Setup Capture will take an initial baseline snapshot of your capture environment including registry, file system and other environmental attributes.What is a Clean PC? A virtual machine with a clean, unaltened Windows operating system installed.Why use a dean PC? Your application installer miglit

4、skip installing files and keys that are already present an your machine. This may create unexpected failures during deployment.Advanced settings.VlP.anqrkcom安全中国VIP会员培训如需要自定义扫描配置,点击Advanced settings.,这里可以设置需要扫描的驱动 器和注册表分支,设定好之后确定返回。f VMware ThinApp Setup Capture - Version 4.0.3-3313Default file syst

5、em isolation mode灯 Merged isolation modeEnables users to create 日nd update files in ncin system directories such as c:usec Desktop,日nd DocumentsRecommended for applications that write to 规日ndard system directories. Examples include Microsoft Office and other Windows Logo Certified applicationsWriteC

6、opy isolation modeRecommend for legacy or untrusted applicationsSandbox all newly created and updated files except changes in Desktop and DocumentsUsers may have difficulty finding files saved to local directories such as c:userVIP.anqrLCom 安全中国VIP会员培训3.点击Next后ThinApp会以扫描当前文件系统和注册表并形成一个快照,ThinApp正 在

7、保存快照:VMware ThinApp Setup Capture - Version 4.0.3-3313| 口 | 回Prescan in progressSetup Capture is taking an initial baseline snapshot of your capture environment including registry, file system and other environmental attributes.Saving snapshotHKEY_L0CAL_MACHINESoftwareClassesCLSID863305F6-ES22-4C08-

8、9BE1-F.AProglDVIP.anc待系统快照完成之后,VMware ThinApp会给出提示,即开始安装并配置好你需要封 装的程序,建议将程序安装到默认位置。一切完成之后点击Next继续:VMware ThinApp 血tup Capture - Version 4.0.3-3313Installatiori and corrfiguration of the applicdtions you wish io capture.Howto Instal上1. Minimize this screen2. Install and canfigune your application3. M

9、aximize this screen, dick NextDDBVlP.anqrkcom安全中国VIP会员培训4. VMware ThinApp进行程序安装后的系统快照扫描:r VMware ThinApp Setup Capture - Version 4.0.3-3313Post scan in progressSetup Capture is taking a second difference snapshot of your capture environment including registry, file system and other environmental att

10、ributes.Saving snapshotH KE Y_L0 CAL_M ACHIN E S of t wareClassesCLS ID 8E 3867A3-85S6-11.订 口朮汩说VlP.anqrkcom安全电国VIP会员培i丿l|扫描完成后将会提示选择程序入口点,即从哪个程序开始启动,一般就是主程序文件,通常ThinApp会自动选择好:点击Next继续。_ VMware ThinApp Setup Capture - Version 4.0.3-3313Select user-accessible 亡ntry points(K) Entry points with this no

11、tation are special. These are links to existing applications on the target system, to be used for debugging and testing only. They are not meant to be used as virtual applications.facemorpher.exe unlnsc.exe陲 F cmd.exeregedit .exe r- MTargetProgramFilesDirFaceMorpherfacemorpher.e:e ProgramFilesDirFac

12、eMorpheruninst.exe SystemSystemVcmd. eweSstemR ootregedit.exeIfacemorpher.exeFaceMorpher 2.51Primary data ucint日in亡Inventory name:VIP.anqrLCom 安全中国VIP会员培训5.进入Sandbox Location设置,Sandbox是Thinapp的沙盘或缓存目录,及程序所作更 改的保存路径,以后再运行封装的程序时会从Sandbox中读取配置信息,如果删除Sandbox的话,程序就会复原为默认状态(即快照时的状态);VMware ThinApp 提供了三种模式

13、:Users profile (%AppData%Thinstal 1目录就是 系统的 Application Data 目录,USB flash / portable mediaJ 就是将Sandbox保存到 exe 文件所在路径,即相当于制作便携软件了、Sandbox路径就跟封装出的程序在同一个目录中。6.点击NextJ进入System Isolation模式设置;所谓的Isolation modesJ就是设置虚拟程 序所做的更改如何影响到实际的计算机环境。Merged isolation modeJ (合并模式)允许虚拟程序在实际的文件系统中保存文件(如 c:user路径,但系统目录除外

14、)、或者说封装后的程序(Thinstalled App)对文件系统的更改 是合并进现有的文件系统的;而选择WriteCopy isolation modeJ模式后,虚拟程序所作的更改只会保存到桌面和 文档目录,而保存到其他目录(如c:user)是不可见的(被重定向并保存到到了 Sandbox中), 或者说封装后的程序对文件系统的更改将不会在时间的文件系统中可见,转而保存到 Sandbox中,如处理后的图片等。这里Merged isolation modeJ用的比较多。7.点击Next继续,这里可以设置Thinapp工程文件的保存路径,还可以设置封装时的压 缩模式(Compression);No

15、 compression即为不压缩,Fast compressionJ为快速压缩模式;建议选择Fast compressionJ,能提供57%的压缩率,而程序启动时间跟No compressionJ相差不多,就 是第一次封装的时候时间较长。点击Next后VMware ThinApp开始保存工程文件:8.保存完之后,你有两个选择:Build Now直接以默认参数生成虚拟化程序,或Browse才 VMware TbinApp Setup Capture - Verion 4.0.3-3313To configure advanced features, click Browse Project to edit project riles. Return to Setup Capture to build.Project返回到工程文件目录自定义更多高级选项。Build now? The Build process creates an .exe or .msi that contains all of the files captured in your project.Build ou



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