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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!一社会1、 Immediate, Existing Social ProblemsNowadays, society is undergoing many social problems; they affect person or many members directly or indirectly, mainly related to our living conditions and moral values. On the one hand, the rapid increasing in human population rec

2、ently has raised public concerns that we are overpopulate the Earth, because such large numbers of human beings has exceeded the carrying capacity of the Earth. Our population expansion and increasing usage of resources poses great threatens to the ecosystem. On the other hand, there are certain rac

3、ial groups denied rights or benefits; they are constantly suffering from racial discrimination. In a survey from MIT, researchers found that when an applicants name seems to sound as “Black”, he is probably rejected from getting the job. Not only does the discrimination exist, it also causes social

4、instability for there are countless demonstrations every year around the world. Other social problems like sexism, suicide, ageism, crime and health care, are also urgent problems which need to be solved.2、 Animal ProtectionFor their fur and feathers, for food and innards, human have killed a number

5、 of animals, nowadays, thousands of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Human have long ignored the crucial notion that animals are not the resources of us, but a significant part to balance the ecosystem. Fortunately, we have had already taken efforts to save these animals on the verge

6、 of extinction. Some people established communities, and government enacted laws to protect animals.3、 Sweden WelfareWelfare is related to national economic, political policies and the general condition of its society. Sweden is a permanent neutral country, thus need not much money to improve its mi

7、litary force. The people there live a stable life.4、 Abortion 堕胎(法律、伦理)England has enacted laws to prohibit abortion since 1967, however, some doctors claimed that these laws would do harm to women who have birth incidentally. Then, the law has changed slightly, allowing doctors who were permitted t

8、o do that.5、 Egypt Upheaval 埃及动乱(社会问题)A recent insurgence in Egypt exhibits the consequence of the government setting peoples concerns aside. Most Egyptians can merely make the ends meet according to the statistics from the United Nations; their salaries per capita are only 50 dollars per month in 2

9、010. However, the Egyptian government and president Mubarak still gives a large amount of its money to the arts, which is characterized by the recent construction of art museums and the restoration of the Egypt Museum. As a result, the poor went to the Egypt Museum furiously destroyed precious art w

10、orks dating from the times of Pharaohs. Had the Egyptian government showed generosity and consideration for the need of its people, there would not necessarily have been any social turmoil.6、 Murthy 穆尔蒂(领导者的原则)Murthy was the founder of Infosys Company, which is the most significant IT Company of Ind

11、ia. Gandhi has greatly influenced him when he was young, and then he formed his own moral standard and value system. During his management of Infosys Company, he stuck to his principles all the time, such as no bribing, honesty, generosity, making the best out of his employees and so on. It is his h

12、igh quality of moralities that make him successful in his career.7、 Van Gogh 梵高(坚持的精神、依靠兴趣坚持下去、后人的评价才客观)Van Gogh, Dutch painting, whose still life paintings are marked an unprecedented price for 50 million, sold only one of his paintings during his entire life. Van Gogh was not accepted by the peopl

13、e of world in his time and his work was considered no artistic value until hundreds of years after he had died. Van Gogh is a Dutch postimpressionist painter whose early works, such as The Potato Eaters (1885), portray peasant life in somber, dark colors. His later works, including numerous self-por

14、traits, a series of sunflower paintings (1888), and 传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!Starry Night (1889), are characterized by bold, rhythmic brush strokes and vivid colors. His long struggle with depression ended in suicide.8、 Copernicus 哥白尼(后人的评价才客观)Copernicuss heliocentric theory was not accepted until

15、 hundreds of years after he had been persecuted by government to death.9、 Bernard Madoff 伯纳德麦道夫(领导不好,对社会无益)United States Wall Street legend, NASDAQ Stock Markets former chairman, Bernard Madoff is rich and successful. However, he cheated investors rather than made a contribution to society, resultin

16、g in being arrested by police. He conducted the greatest hoax.10、 Max Schuschny 舒施尼(争议的发明,意外发明)Schuschny invented plastic bag in 1902 which brought much convenience to people at that time and even awarded Nobel Prize. But later on, “white pollution” has caused widely concerns, and his invention was regarded as the most notorious one.11、 Genus Achatinella 夏威夷蜗牛(动物自然灭绝)Genus Achatinella is one of the world twelve endangered animals,


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